The Fresh Fruit Shop Logo

The Fresh Fruit Shop

Fresh Fruit and Veg - Fresh, Local Fruits & Vegetables Everyday

Who is The Fresh Fruit Shop?

We are dedicated to curating a tantalising selection of fresh fruits and veggies that will make your taste buds dance with joy. Our goal is to be the go-to ally for families seeking health and happiness, offering a delightful array of farm-fresh produce delivered right to your doorstep. We are delighted that we reached out and spoke to you. Nature’s Bounty Delivered Fresh by Fresh Fruit & Veg. At Fresh Fruit & Veg, we are passionate about supporting local producers and promoting sustainable agriculture. We ensure that every item in your delivery is sourced with utmost care and attention.At Fresh Fruit & Veg, we are passionate about supporting local producers and promoting sustainable agriculture. We ensure that every item in your delivery is sourced with utmost care and attention. Our passion for improvement fuels us to reach new heights and deliver an unrivaled customer experience.

This company is:

Service provider

Uddingston, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2019

Products & services of The Fresh Fruit Shop

Product Fruit Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg image


Fruit Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg

Whether you are looking to promote a healthy eating lifestyle in your household or find subscription boxes a convenient way to keep away from snack-filled supermarkets, we have a box for you.

Product Fruit & Veg Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg image


Fruit & Veg Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg

Whether you are looking to promote a healthy eating lifestyle in your household or find subscription boxes a convenient way to keep away from snack-filled supermarkets, we have a box for you.

Product Fruit & Veg Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg image


Fruit & Veg Box - Fresh Fruit and Veg

Whether you are looking to promote a healthy eating lifestyle in your household or find subscription boxes a convenient way to keep away from snack-filled supermarkets, we have a box for you.

View all products


office delivery
fruit for the office
milk delivery
staff wellness
mental health
staff mental health
Food & Beverages


Food and Beverage

Contact of The Fresh Fruit Shop

City: Uddingston

State: Scotland

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about The Fresh Fruit Shop

The company The Fresh Fruit Shop is located in Uddingston, Scotland, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information The Fresh Fruit Shop has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The Fresh Fruit Shop was founded in 2019

The company The Fresh Fruit Shop has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage