Trek Equipment Corporation Logo

Trek Equipment Corporation

Company - Trek Equipment

Who is Trek Equipment Corporation?

Trek Equipment Corporation provides test and measurement equipment to customers who want to optimize the management of their test equipment inventory. Founded in 1982 as a full-service technology leasing company, Trek Financial, Inc. In 1996, Trek expanded its equipment financing capabilities to focus on test and measurement equipment through a new business unit, Trek Equipment Corporation. NF Corporation offers a full array of test and measurement equipment including BiPolar Amplifiers, High Speed BiPolar Amplifiers, Current Amplifiers, Wave Form Generators, Frequency Response Analyzers and other products. Micronix supplies Electronic Anechoic Shield boxes and electromagnetic wave emission measurement systems, signal generators and other products. Trek Equipment is a major distributor for NF Corporation of Japan. NF Corporation is one of Japan’s leading manufacturers of electronic test and measurement equipment and has been rapidly growing in the United States because of its high quality, unique capabilities and competitive procing. Trek is the exclusive North American distributor for Micronix of Japan, marketing the Micronix Anechoic Shield Boxes and Electromagnetic Test System.

This company is:


Sausalito, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 1982

Products & services of Trek Equipment Corporation

Product ME8669 - Trek Equipment image


ME8669 - Trek Equipment

Electromagnetic anechoic box (Anechoic chamber) /Shield box Special Type ME8669 download Available for measurement at low frequency with ferrite absorber. Optimum for wireless system test for technical standard, receiving sensitivity […]

Product NF ZM2376 1mHz to 5.5MHz LCR Meter - Trek Equipment image


NF ZM2376 1mHz to 5.5MHz LCR Meter - Trek Equipment

NF ZM2376 1mHz to 5.5MHz LCR Meter

Product High Speed Bipolar Amplifier - HSA42011 - Trek Equipment image


High Speed Bipolar Amplifier - HSA42011 - Trek Equipment

Frequency range : DC to 1 MHz Output Voltage : 150 Vp-p Output Current : 3 Ap-p Slew rate : 475 V/μs Four-quadrant operation Low output impedance Gain setting, Output polarity switching, Output DC offset voltage adjustment, Output DC bias voltage setting, Protection function

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Real Estate


Electronics and Electrical engineering

Contact of Trek Equipment Corporation

City: Sausalito

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Trek Equipment Corporation

The company Trek Equipment Corporation is located in Sausalito, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Trek Equipment Corporation has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Trek Equipment Corporation was founded in 1982

The company Trek Equipment Corporation has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering