United Electronic Recycling LLC Logo

United Electronic Recycling LLC

Company - United Electronic Recycling

Who is United Electronic Recycling LLC?

Today, our services include electronic recycling, hard drive shredding and data security services, IT asset disposition (ITAD), liquidation as well as paper destruction services. United Electronic Recycling was founded in 2011 to fill the electronic recycling needs of North Texas. With over a decade of recycling experience supporting 5000+ events, UER is a top, trusted Electronic Waste Service Provider across the country. Our team of experts has 100+ years of collective industry experience supporting the responsible recycling of electronics. United Electronic Recycling continues to expand and grow market share and as such, we are seeking Recycling Sales & Account Representatives in all cities in the U.S. Additionally, UER provides rotated sales leads from our web inquiries and marketing efforts. Our straight commission plan lets you work at your pace, whether you want some income on the side, seek full-time work, or simply want a fulfilling and rewarding career. Discuss your electronic recycling project with our team of experts.

This company is:

Service provider

Coppell, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2011

Products & services of United Electronic Recycling LLC

Product Services - United Electronic Recycling image


Services - United Electronic Recycling

Our electronics recycling services range are available in Dallas and Fort Worth. These range from data destruction to computer recycling.

Product Added Value Services - United Electronic Recycling image


Added Value Services - United Electronic Recycling

Increase your processes effectiveness and lower your costs by working with UER’s added value service in Texas! Call us now for more details!

Product Shredding Services - United Electronic Recycling image


Shredding Services - United Electronic Recycling

UER helps to deal office and home clutter the smart way with state-of-the-art paper and document shredding services! Call us to learn more!

View all products


Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing
Decommission and Liquidation
Electronic Recycling
Consumer Electronics
Data Security
Secure Document Destruction
IT Asset Disposition
Municipal Recycling
Commodity Pricing
Data Destruction
Paper Shredding
Corporate Recycling
Hard Drive Shredding


Electronics and Electrical engineering

Contact of United Electronic Recycling LLC

City: Coppell

State: Texas

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about United Electronic Recycling LLC

The company United Electronic Recycling LLC is located in Coppell, Texas, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information United Electronic Recycling LLC has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

United Electronic Recycling LLC was founded in 2011

The company United Electronic Recycling LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company United Electronic Recycling LLC seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of United Electronic Recycling LLC

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