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Uratech USA Inc Logo

Uratech USA Inc

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Uratech USA Inc. designs and manufactures CNC tool storage products. Uratech is sincerely committed to providing customers with leading-edge technology.Our primary objective is to meet or exceed the requirements of our customers. We have achieved this with excellence through efficient and effective performance, quality workmanship, professionalism, competitive pricing, and on-time delivery.

Quick overview

New York, United States

Founded in 2002

51-100 Employees


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Working industry

Manufacturing, Business Services

Type of company

Manufacturer, Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

CAT 30 CAT 40 CAT 50 BT 30 BT 40 BT 50 HSK 40, cnc cabinets, cnc tool holder, cnc workstation

Products & services of Uratech USA Inc

Uratech USA Inc offers a wide range of products and services

Product: CNC Cabinets


CNC Cabinets

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Uratech USA Inc

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UseCase: CNC Tool Holder Cabinets

Use case

CNC Tool Holder Cabinets

business, manufacturing

Uratech USA Inc - A Legacy of Excellence Uratech USA Inc. has been operating since 2002, evolving from a small machine shop to a renowned provider of leading-edge technology. The company's commitment to exceeding customer expectations has been pivotal in its growth and success. Meticulous Design - CNC Tool Holder cabinets for all types of CNC Holders. "Discover Uratech's meticulously designed CNC cabinets, crafted to accommodate all types of CNC Tool holders. Ensure protection, save time, and enhance your organization’s efficiency with our innovative solutions."

Headquarter of Uratech USA Inc

Uratech USA Inc operates in 1 country around the world

City: New York

State: New York

Country: United States

Locations of Uratech USA Inc

Get an overview of the locations of Uratech USA Inc






United States

New York

New York

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Uratech USA Inc

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Uratech USA Inc

The company headquarter of Uratech USA Inc is located in New York, New York, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Uratech USA Inc has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Uratech USA Inc was founded in 2002

The company Uratech USA Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing, Business Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Uratech USA Inc seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Uratech USA Inc

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Uratech USA Inc

U-Tech's Logo


Brooksville, United States

11-50 Employees


It is our goal to ensure that our customers always have access to the most advanced metalworking technology and experienced applications engineering – giving our customers the best possible competitive advantage. U-Tech is your local multi-line CNC distributor, bringing a strong and committed team with decades of experience in the machine tool industry. U-Tech CNC partners with machine builders that provide the most innovative and advanced technology, for the common goal of increasing your production and profit. We pledge to keep customers informed of any schedule or part delivery changes. Our team and facility have the capacity to develop and prove out turnkey manufacturing systems.

Uniontech Precision Ltd's Logo

Uniontech Precision Ltd

Vaughan, Canada

1-10 Employees


We are a full service shop, specializing in custom "one off's", mid and high run production machining, which is accompanied by a Quality Control program that promotes the highest quality standards. The design and manufacture of large and medium capacity CNC machine tools are also an important part of Union Tech Precision's production. The execution of an "in line process" inspection routine at every stage of the manufacturing cycle assures that superior quality shipments are guaranteed.Union Tech Precision's management team has determined that our company will continue to be on the leading edge of technology. Union Tech Precision has built an enviable reputation as being able to meet the expectations of the most demanding client. We offer a cost effective solution to the many manufacturing challenges that face all competitive enterprises today.

UltraTech Aerospace Inc.'s Logo

UltraTech Aerospace Inc.

Almena, United States

11-50 Employees


UltraTech Aerospace is a leader in providing OEM aerospace products and services to the commercial and defense industries. We invest in continuous training for our highly skilled workforce so that we can deliver parts of the absolute highest quality for commercial, military, rotor, and business jet applications. The Ultra-Tech mission is to create highly personalized partnerships with every customer we work with. By using the latest technologies, well-trained staff, and continuous improvement processes, we deliver cost-effective solutions every day for our customers. Innovation is a part of our culture—focusing on product excellence, on-time delivery, precise quality standards, and continuous improvement. UltraTech Aerospace is a market leader in providing manufacturing and distribution services to the commercial and defense aerospace industries. The team at UltraTech is dedicated to delivering you high precision products exactly when you need them. UltraTech is fully committed to investing in the latest technology and manufacturing to meet your demands.

URtech Manufacturing's Logo

URtech Manufacturing

Burlington, Canada

51-100 Employees


At URtech we provide a comprehensive suite of EMS services to leading OEM companies. Our services extend from product concept to commercialization, supporting the entire product life cycle. We are based on large company principles, within a smaller user-friendly footprint. Our manufacturing sites are located in Toronto, Canada, Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Guadalajara Mexico (1Q2021), with a global supply chain team located in Shenzhen, China managing our mechanicals, PCB and custom component supplier community. URtech manufactures and integrates electronics for a diverse range of end markets, with each industry having specific quality and traceability requirements. At the core of URtech we provide manufacturing processes and quality systems that support industry compliance with a strong foundation of high quality and repeatable manufacturing and test. URtech Manufacturing is a North American provider of end-to-end Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) to OEMs, since 2010. The company was founded from decades of EMS and OEM manufacturing experience.

Ultra-technology AS's Logo

Ultra-technology AS

Klepp stasjon, Norway

11-50 Employees


Ultra Technology AS was established in September 2004 by Stig Seglem & Atle W. In total, Ultratech currently has 13 employees, including two apprentices and one part-time employee. We focus on high precision, finish and delivery on time.

USAR-Tech SAS's Logo


Paris, France

1-10 Employees


Here at USAR-Tech Ltd, we're proud to be able to supply the very best products available. USAR-Tech Ltd was born out of a desire to use our 30+ years experience to provide you with a solid foundation for sourcing, purchasing and training on the best products on the market. USAR-Tech Ltd work in exclusive contracted partnerships with some of the world’s leading manufacturers to bring you a quality range of cutting edge products. Here at USAR-Tech Ltd we're proud to be able to supply the very best products available. We understand your need to have the right products and equipment to meet the demands of the job while keeping you safe. We have extensive knowledge of the products available, and their use in emergency and tactical scenarios and we work in exclusive contracted partnerships with manufacturers. We stay focussed on bringing cutting edge products to you, to help you stay ahead of the game with safety, security and performance. We understand your life can be busy and that searching for the right product is time-consuming.