Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute, established in 1989, provides the best UPSC Coaching in Delhi for UPSC/CCE preparation. Known for its comprehensive and structured approach, the institute offers coaching for both Prelims and Mains, focusing on General Studies, Optional subjects, and Personality Test preparation. It provides experienced faculty, well-structured study materials, regular test series, and a free IAS Mock Interview program, ensuring thorough syllabus coverage. With a legacy of producing top UPSC rankers, Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute has earned a reputation for its high-quality teaching, personalized mentorship, and consistent success in the UPSC exams.
New Delhi, India
Founded in 1989
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Educational institution
1 Headquarter
Number of services
1 Service
Specialised areas
ias coaching in Delhi, UPSC coaching classes
Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute offers a wide range of products and services
IAS Mock Interview
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Upsc Coaching in Delhi
education, upsc
Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute, established in 1989, provides the best UPSC Coaching in Delhi for UPSC/CCE preparation. Known for its comprehensive and structured approach, the institute offers coaching for both Prelims and Mains, focusing on General Studies, Optional subjects, and Personality Test preparation. It provides experienced faculty, well-structured study materials, regular test series, and a free IAS Mock Interview program, ensuring thorough syllabus coverage. With a legacy of producing top UPSC rankers, Vajirao & Reddy IAS Institute has earned a reputation for its high-quality teaching, personalized mentorship, and consistent success in the UPSC exams.
Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute
New Delhi
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute
Where is Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute located?
The company headquarter of Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute is located in New Delhi, Delhi, India. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute approximately have?
As of the latest available information Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute founded?
Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute was founded in 1989
In which industries does Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute mainly work?
The company Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute has it's main focus in the industries of Education
What is the current company status of Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Vajirao and Reddy IAS Institute seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change