Venture Motorworks Logo

Venture Motorworks

Calgary's Honest Auto Mechanic - Venture Motorworks

Who is Venture Motorworks?

Ensure upkeep with our services, which include – oil changes, air filter changes, brake services, fuel injector services, & tire rotations so your car runs smoothly & efficiently. To provide our clients with an alternative to a traditional dealership at a fair price and to build strong relationships as a reliable and professional service provider. A car genius with 17 years of experience in the auto industry, Vic Nguyen is our head journeyman technician. Shawn has 12 years of experience with global firms advising small and medium businesses across various industries and most recently working as the CFO of a large private company. From an oil change to a wheel alignment and more, we provide proper maintenance and repairs for all vehicle makes and models by utilizing only high-quality parts. We believe in taking the time to do things right, we can save you from paying more in repair costs than the value of your car by getting to the bottom of your car problems and fixing them properly. As a locally-owned small business, our client relationships are founded on our personable and honest approach to our services. Unlike any auto mechanic in NE Calgary, we also offer a daily shuttle service to and from downtown Calgary and provide 12-month roadside assistance with every service.

This company is:

Service provider

Calgary, Canada

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2021

Products & services of Venture Motorworks

Product Services - Venture Motorworks image


Services - Venture Motorworks

We use genuine OEM filters and Motul Synthetic Oil that meet the specifications for your vehicle to maximize its longevity.

Product Request Estimate - Venture Motorworks image


Request Estimate - Venture Motorworks

Request an estimate and book an appointment for your vehicle today. Give us a call, send us a text, visit us in store or request an estimate online.

View all products


Auto repair
Oil Changes
Wheel Alignment



Contact of Venture Motorworks

City: Calgary

State: Alberta

Country: Canada

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Venture Motorworks

The company Venture Motorworks is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Venture Motorworks has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Venture Motorworks was founded in 2021

The company Venture Motorworks has it's main focus in the industries of Automotive

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Venture Motorworks seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Venture Motorworks

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