We develop and supply proven solutions for conveying, screening, drying and cooling of bulk materials such as plastic pellets, potato chips, jelly bears, milk powder, coffee, sugar, salt and many other customer products. It was established in 1991 with a view to increasing the company’s manufacturing capacity. As an internationally leading mechanical engineering company in the field of vibration and fluid bed technology, we have been a competent partner of the chemical and food industries for over 70 years. Our production facility in Utzberg / Weimar is located directly on the B7 federal highway between Weimar and Erfurt – right in the very center of Germany. We also operate a modern trial center, which is at the heart of all our product development processes. Our company was founded in 1948 by Ing. Even then, machines for screening and compacting were manufactured. Internationally leading VIBRAtion and fluid-bed technologyfor the chemical and food industries.
Offenbach am Main, Germany
Founded in 1948
101-250 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
1 Headquarter
Specialised areas
Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing, Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering, Conveyors and conveying equipment, Refrigeration and heating equipment Engineering services, Construction machinery, Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing, Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing, Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services
An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co.
Offenbach am Main
Some frequent questions that have been asked about VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co.
The company headquarter of VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. is located in Offenbach am Main, Hesse, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. approximately have?
As of the latest available information VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. has around 101-250 employees worldwide.
In which industries does VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. mainly work?
The company VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing
What is the current company status of VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co.?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co.
Köllemann GmbH
Adenau, Germany
51-100 Employees
We are proud that our machines are in operation worldwide in the sections of raw materials, chemical and cement industries as well as the energy and power plant technology, environmental and recycling sectors. We are moving forward by planning and implementing sustainable plants and realizing improvements in the production process. We are walking the extra mile in terms of sustainability. We are a world market and technology leader in manufacturing and selling machines for conveying, heating, cooling and dosing of bulk materials and shutting off process rooms. As a world market and technology leader, we produce machines for conveying, heat treatment, cooling and dosing of bulk materials as well as for shutting off process areas. Due to our extremely high level of vertical manufacturing and quality management as well as our conservative design our machines stand out with a long service life. We ensure with our full service offers the maintenance of the plants and guarantee the delivery of spare parts even after years. Due to the excellent reparability of our machines, we avoid a resource-intensive new production of the entire machine.
Rüter Maschinenbau GmbH & Co KG
Hille, Germany
- Employees
The combination of qualified staff and an innovative development team has made the company, founded in 1988, a leading manufacturer of economical machines for the milling and industry. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Produktion von hocheffizienten und kompakten Plansichtern in Einkasten- und Kreuzjoch-Bauweise.
VTA Verfahrenstechnische Anlagen GmbH & Co. KG
- Employees
We are a leading provider of thin film technology for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, as well as many others. We are an innovative subsidiary of the Streicher Group which makes us a strong and reliable long-term partner. We are your partner for demanding process solutions of high-end thermal separation tasks and supply small, standardized laboratory units up to tailor-made, skid-mounted industrial size facilities. With our products and services, we are guaranteeing successful production in various industrial sectors. Our goal is to understand the task and to develop the right product. It’s our mission to serve your needs perfectly with solutions as individual as your requirements are. Based in Niederwinkling (Germany), 150 employees have committed themselves on working on the best possible solution: we engineer, manufacture and install equipment and complete systems for distillation, reaction and drying, according to the demands of our customers. As a service we offer contract distillation and pastillation on site.
Anlagenbau Stampfer GmbH
Haan, Germany
51-100 Employees
We have been dedicated to demanding bulk solids and liquids for decades as a medium-sized company. Always with the bulk material as the starting point for the logistics, design, production and assembly of the plants or individual components.
S&F GmbH - Siebmaschinen und Fördertechnik
11-50 Employees
Ever since the company was founded in June 1990 as “Franz Amann Siebmaschinen & Fördertechnik,” customers from various manufacturing industries, such as brickyards and saw mills, have been working successfully with our screening machines, conveyors and recycling machines. At the same time, we expanded our product line with disc screening machines and star screening machines for waste wood, bark, topsoil, firewood, etc. All of the screening machines and conveyor belts we manufacture are low-maintenance. Our specialist area is the planning and production of machines for material separation. As a screening machine manufacturer, we boast long-standing experience in the field of sorting and screening technology. A screening machine is used to achieve a defined top-quality end product. We offer a suitable screening solution for various applications in the field of screening and bulk goods preparation (protective screening, classification, de-dusting). S&F oscillating screens offer a high level of screening capacity for the wide-ranging fields of application in the wood preparation industry.
SIMAG Service GmbH
Waghäusel, Germany
1-10 Employees
Gegründet im Jahr 2004 als Hersteller von kundenspezifischen Sieb- und Separationsanlagen, wurden wir schnell als Problemlöser für die Kunden aus der Chemiebranche europaweit bekannt. Wir bearbeiten und überarbeiten chemische und technische Erzeugnisse mittels mahlen, sieben, trocknen, mischen, granulieren und kompaktieren. In unserem Labor haben wir ein Analyseverfahren und eine Kontrolltechnik aufgebaut, mit denen wir die hohen Produktqualitäten und Anforderungen kontinuierlich sicherstellen. In unseren für Ihre Zwecke optimal ausgestatteten Produktionshallen nutzen wir verschiedene Universal-, Stift- sowie Turbomühlen für die Zerkleinerung. Je nach Anforderungen an das fertige Produkt können die Anlagen mit verschiedenen Mahlwerkzeugen bestückt werden, die eine exakte Anpassung der Korngröße ermöglichen. Das so gewonnene Granulat kann wieder für die Tabs-Produktion wiederverwertet werden. Gerade für Kunststoffhersteller, die viel Ausschussware produzieren und diese regenerieren bzw. Mit unserem Fuhrpark holen wir Ihre Produktionsabfälle; ob Randstreifen, Angüsse, verblocktes Material oder Fehlchargen ab.