vorausrobotik.com Logo


Actively managed by company

We empower companies to achieve autonomous automation by breaking down dependencies and facilitating the seamless integration of new technologies. Our agnostic middleware software quickly combines robots, sensors, and AI-driven software to improve efficiency, all within an open, vendor-neutral framework. Software-driven automation!

Quick overview

Hanover, Germany

Founded in 2022

11-50 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer


1 Headquarter

Number of products

2 Products

Specialised areas

Automation Software, Robotics, Continuous Integration, IT of OT, Hardware Independent, Fast Integration, High Level Programming for Automation

Products & services of vorausrobotik.com

vorausrobotik.com offers a wide range of products and services

Product: voraus.core



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Product: voraus pioneer


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Headquarter of vorausrobotik.com

vorausrobotik.com operates in 1 country around the world

City: Hanover

State: Lower Saxony

Country: Germany

Locations of vorausrobotik.com

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Lower Saxony


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about vorausrobotik.com

Some frequent questions that have been asked about vorausrobotik.com

The company headquarter of vorausrobotik.com is located in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information vorausrobotik.com has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

vorausrobotik.com was founded in 2022

The company vorausrobotik.com has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company vorausrobotik.com seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of vorausrobotik.com

Check out some interesting alternative companies to vorausrobotik.com

Euclid Labs's Logo

Euclid Labs


11-50 Employees


We are fully committed to growing our partners’ network and improving our support and innovation contribution. Founded in 2005, our goal has always been to increase the profitability of automation by reducing programming time and adding adaptive skills. We develop software to make production flexible and efficient. Our mission is to extract automatically information from point clouds, CAD files, and user interaction through VR devices or digitizers to generate programs for robots and machines. With 3D vision tools and simulation systems, we reduce the risks and costs of commissioning, create machines that can deal with unstructured environments, and give easy ways to handle mass customization. Our software solutions are designed to improve productivity, efficiency, and safety of the workplace. No code robotics, digital twins, and smart manufacturing are different ways to look at what we call software-enhanced manufacturing.

Samsys GmbH's Logo

Samsys GmbH

Alzey, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir führen ein breites Sortiment an kollaborativen Robotern, Greifern, Peripheriegeräten und Softwarelösungen der Hersteller Universal Robots, OnRobot, Nachi uvm…. Fort- und Weiterbildung – gezielt auf Bedienung, Effizienz und Rentabilität unserer Produkte ausgerichtet. Dank fortschrittlicher Robotertechnologie und intelligenten Steuerungssystemen können unsere Automatisierer repetitive Aufgaben übernehmen, die Produktivität steigern und die Durchlaufzeiten verkürzen. Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die auf Ihre Branche, Ihren Produktionsprozess und Ihre betrieblichen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Durch die Reduzierung von Arbeitskosten, die Minimierung von Fehlern und die Steigerung der Produktqualität tragen unsere Automatisierungslösungen zur Optimierung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse bei.

RobPathRec's Logo



1-10 Employees


We are experienced and skilled engineers for industrial robot automatization.We know the pain points of the industry, and we deliver answers for these challenges.We don’t want you offer any DIY no code solution because we think, it is rather a limitation. The longest part of the robot / cobot programming is the path creation with the quality, you can process further. Any kind of complex and irregular surface can be mapped with the innovative trace device. After a dry run you can ramp up your production line with maximum speed.

ECOSPHERE Intralogistics GmbH's Logo

ECOSPHERE Intralogistics GmbH

Fichtenau, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die exakt auf deine Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Automatisierung der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt ist. Wir sind OnRobot Preferred Partner 🥳Danke Enrico Krog Iversen für Deinen Besuch und den interessanten Austausch. NEWS: Wir sind nun Mitglied im Packaging Valley Germany e. Unsere Experten im Sondermaschinenbau stehen dir mit ihrem umfangreichen Know-how zur Seite. Als zertifizierter Integrator von Universal Robots mit UR+ Solutions bieten wir dir Zugang zu einer breiten Palette von erstklassigen Robotiklösungen. Unsere lange Erfahrung im Maschinenbau ermöglicht es uns, dir innovative und zuverlässige Produkte anzubieten, die auch in der Praxis funktionieren und nahtlos in deine Arbeitsumgebung integriert werden können. Durch den Einsatz von Robotertechnologien kannst du deine Produktivität steigern, Kosten senken und die Qualität deiner Produkte verbessern.

Inrovo's Logo


Singapore, Singapore

- Employees


We are a start-up with expertise in large-scale systems integration for robotics and automation systems. Founded in 2017, Inrovo builds customised software and hardware solutions for enterprise businesses in the manufacturing, precision engineering, logistics, food & beverage sectors. Inrovo's strength lies in the understanding and development of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) end-to-end solutions. OUR VISION is to become a leading provider of disruptive technologies. OUR MISSION is to work with within the eco-system with institutions, research agencies, industry partners, suppliers and other SIs to increase the use robotics and automation solutions. We provide software and hardware solutions to enable enterprises to leverage on industrial level robots and tools to enhance productivity and reduce cost. We developed a robotics and AI learning platform to support the learning of practical robotics skills to equip trainees with the experience start using industrial robots. We provide platform solutions for Smart City management, data management, security monitoring and IoT interfaces.

benjamin GmbH's Logo

benjamin GmbH

Roßdorf, Germany

11-50 Employees


We are constantly looking for strategic and financial partners and for fellow pioneers to join our goal of developing the new and exciting market of automated intralogistics. As the pace increases, so do the demands on warehousing, material flow and production processes. Today, with our pre-market product, we are a technical revolutionary and pioneer in one. Member of the BoardMore than 20 years of experience in software engineering. Head of OperationsMore than 10 years of experience in project management.

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