WeldBot Logo


Who is WeldBot?

WeldBot focuses on the most challenging application in Robotics, Arc-Welding. With this focus we are better able to meet the challenges associated with welding more so than any other FANUC Integrator. WeldBot custom engineers and manufactures robotic weld cells to the customers application and requirements. WeldBot provides all required services for FANUC robots, from new cells to preventative maintenance and even updating existing robotic cells. WeldBot has the tools needed to work with you and provide the desired solution. WeldBot can customize a training solution that fits your exact cell on-site. WeldBot strives to have the highest focus on the smallest details, we are the craftsmen of Industrial Welding Robots and it shows in our work. FANUC is the most sold robot in the world, welding holds our world together, WeldBot knows both better than anybody else.

This company is:

Service provider

Stow, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2017


FANUC Programming
FANUC Training
FANUC Service and Repair
Pro Engineer
Robotic Welding
Welding Robots
Offline Programming
Mechanical Design
Industrial Automation



Contact of WeldBot

City: Stow

State: Ohio

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WeldBot

The company WeldBot is located in Stow, Ohio, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information WeldBot has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

WeldBot was founded in 2017

The company WeldBot has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Competitors of WeldBot

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