Welker Engineered Products Logo

Welker Engineered Products

Home: Welker Engineered Products

Who is Welker Engineered Products?

We are dedicated to deliver to our customers defect-free, reliable and durable products, on time and every time. Sales representation was established in much of the US, Canada and Mexico. Long recognized for expertise in self-lubricating plane bearing technologies, Welker has developed many maintenance free solutions for today's flexible manufacturing environment. The modular nature of Welker products enables the adaptation of Welker components to a wide range of applications. Welker Engineered Products is the industry leader in robust and durable automation components. Commitment to quality, continuous improvement and on-time delivery are the foundations of our success. To develop the most innovative, cost-effective, durable and environmental-friendly products that will serve in a variety of industries across the globe! As a leader in automation solutions, Welker embraces the ISO Standards as a business model for quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

This company is:


Troy, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1930


Manufacturer of Automation Components & Plane Bearings
Industrial Automation



Contact of Welker Engineered Products

City: Troy

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Welker Engineered Products

The company Welker Engineered Products is located in Troy, Michigan, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Welker Engineered Products has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Welker Engineered Products was founded in 1930

The company Welker Engineered Products has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Welker Engineered Products seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Welker Engineered Products

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Welker Spintech GmbH


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WEL Engineering Ltd


1-10 Employees


Werco Manufacturing Logo

Werco Manufacturing

United States

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Westermeyer Industries Logo

Westermeyer Industries

United States


Anfield Sensors Inc. Logo

Anfield Sensors Inc.


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China Shaanxi Welong Machinery Co. Ltd. Logo

China Shaanxi Welong Machinery Co. Ltd.


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