Westway Park Logo

Westway Park

Canmoor – Westway – Industrial / Warehouse Opportunities

Who is Westway Park?

Clyde Training Solutions (CTS), one of the largest providers of Marine, Offshore and Renewables safety training in the United Kingdom…. The main entrance is situated on Porterfield Road just off the A741 which is the main arterial route from the M8. The new entrance via Barnwell Street provides direct access to the airport, the J28 of the M8 and Glasgow Airport Investment Area in just 2 minutes.

Renfrew, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees



Financial Services


Finance and Insurance

Contact of Westway Park

City: Renfrew

State: Scotland

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Westway Park

The company Westway Park is located in Renfrew, Scotland, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Westway Park has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Westway Park has it's main focus in the industries of Finance and Insurance