Wine Corner Ltd Logo

Wine Corner Ltd

Temperature-controlled Wine Storage Solutions- Cellars & Cabinets

Who is Wine Corner Ltd?

We like to be different and we like to offer innovative solutions. Not only does Wine Corner offer the widest range of wine storage solutions in the UK, we’re here to help you every step of the way from design and installation, to long-term care and maintenance. Wine Corner is the only company in the UK that have in-house engineers specializing in wine storage. As a family business, we’re large enough to be resilient and small enough to offer a very personal service to help you store and protect your wine with complete confidence. This is where you can start to live the reality of your vision. Whether your Wine Room is ‘walk-in’ or ‘reach-in’, is a feature of your restaurant, entrance or entertainment space, fully-glazed customised wine rooms with premium temperature control equipment, is yours for the choosing.

This company is:

Service provider

Doncaster, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2004

Products & services of Wine Corner Ltd

Product DUST FILTER C18/C18S/C25/C25S from Wine Corner image


DUST FILTER C18/C18S/C25/C25S from Wine Corner

This replacement filter is for C18/C18S/C25/C25S for Wine Cellar Conditioning Units to ensure your conditioning unit performs efficiently.

Product Dust Filter for WineMaster WineArm15 - Wine Corner image


Dust Filter for WineMaster WineArm15 - Wine Corner

Replacement dust filter for the Winemaster WINEARM15 unit. Order online today or contact us on 01302 744916

Product Counter top sub-zero fridge - K2 GHIBLI image


Counter top sub-zero fridge - K2 GHIBLI

For the restaurant that's prepared to cater for every occasion. A Blast Chiller is a must-have for those spontaneous celebrations!

View all products


Wine Cellar Design
Wine Cellar Conditioning Units
Wine Cellar Build
Wine Cabinets
Wine Racking
Wine Dispensing Systems
Wine Wall
Wine Cellar Temperature Monitors
Wine Dispensing
Refrigerated BIB Dispensers
Wine Preservation
Wine Roooms



Use Cases of Wine Corner Ltd


Underground Wine Cellar design and build project successsfully completed

All wine cellar projects are unique and as such Wine Corner tailors the design and build to each client’s requirements. Read more about this project.

Contact of Wine Corner Ltd

City: Doncaster

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Wine Corner Ltd

The company Wine Corner Ltd is located in Doncaster, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Wine Corner Ltd has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Wine Corner Ltd was founded in 2004

The company Wine Corner Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare