enclaive GmbH, an award-winning start-up based in Berlin, Germany, helps businesses protect their sensitive data and applications in untrusted cloud environments through Confidential Computing. By utilizing Confidential Computing, enclaive makes it easy to ensure data security without the need to make any changes to code, tools, or processes. Its comprehensive, multi-cloud operating system allows for Zero Trust security by encrypting data in use and shielding applications from both the infrastructure and solution providers. With enclaive, businesses can confidently build, test, and deploy applications, all while maintaining complete control over their confidential information. enclaive’s goal is to provide a universal, cloud-independent technology for enclaving sophisticated multi-cloud applications, that can be deployed with confidence and ease. Target clients encompass service providers, ISVs as well as enterprises and public entities seeking to leverage shared infrastructure supporting the digital transformation of their business. The enclaive offering comes in three forms: as a license, an OEM product, or as a managed, consumable utility service through the ECMP marketplace. The enclaive confidential compute products and platform allows clients to securely transition to a hybrid multi-cloud environment, without the need to change their existing tools, applications, or processes. The modular approach enables users to begin by taking control of their keys (vHSM) across any infrastructure landscape, and gradually move towards full 3D encryption workloads using the NITRIDE WIAM.
Berlin, Germany
Founded in 2022
11-50 Employees
Working industry
Cyber Security, IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Service provider
1 Headquarter
Number of products
1 Product
Number of services
1 Service
Specialised areas
vHSM, Confidential Computing, Encryption, Keymanagement
www.enclaive.io offers a wide range of products and services
enclaive vHSM
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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www.enclaive.io operates in 1 country around the world
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Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.enclaive.io
Where is www.enclaive.io located?
The company headquarter of www.enclaive.io is located in Berlin, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does www.enclaive.io approximately have?
As of the latest available information www.enclaive.io has around 11-50 employees worldwide.
When was www.enclaive.io founded?
www.enclaive.io was founded in 2022
In which industries does www.enclaive.io mainly work?
The company www.enclaive.io has it's main focus in the industries of Cyber Security, IT, Software and Services
What is the current company status of www.enclaive.io?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company www.enclaive.io seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.enclaive.io
Berlin, Germany
1-10 Employees
Sebastian is CTO of enclaive and professor for IT security at Flensburg University. Enclaive is proud to be a member of Confidential Compute Consortium. Enclaive is proud to be a member of BITKom. Enclaive is proud to be a member of European Champions Alliance. Enclaive is proud to be a member of ECO Verband. Enclaive stands tall as a recipient of the French-German Tech Lab Award in the startup realm. Enclaive has proudly secured the UP23@it-sa for its groundbreaking cybersecurity solutions. Enclaive offers Europe's most fortified cloud ecosystem, providing unmatched security and confidentiality for your applications and data.
Enclave Networks
Newport, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
Enclave’s intuitive visual policy engine is delivered in a non-technical, cloud-based management platform which makes it simple to arrange private access, and easy to reason about the state of the network. Building one-to-one connections, Enclave cloaks your applications with invisible network access gates which only materialise when certain trust standards are met to protect against discovery, targeting and attack. Enclave can help to transform your security landscape, enabling you to safely connect specific staff, contractors, partners, supply chains and production systems together without needing to think about firewalls, subnets, VPNs or ACLs. Enclave’s easy to deploy and use solution makes the journey to zero trust a whole lot easier for our clients. Unlike traditional VPN servers, Enclave cuts out the middle-man by directly connecting workloads and devices together for the most efficient use of networks and bandwidth to deliver a better user experience. Deploying Enclave and Zero Trust Network Access to replace traditional VPN servers can help your customers succeed in a variety of scenarios. By deploying Enclave, organisations can improve the speed and efficiency of private access while removing the need to directly expose workloads and applications to the Internet. Integrating Enclave with IdP vendors such as Azure allows organisations to take advantage of technologies like Conditional Access and Privileged access manager (PIM) to enforce a single, consistent set of access controls across the business, making Enclave a great way to replace legacy VPN servers with modern, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution.
London, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
Our vision is a world where value creation is driven by data deployment without risk. Encloud founders are united in their passion to deploy nascent technology to challenge convention. Encloud outputs from optimized open-source LLM are more accurate compared to closed-source alternatives. The future offers new proprietary insights and business optimization to create value for all. The biggest problem we faced was trust and we built encloud to solve this problem. Our culture is one that encourages challenge, where thinking outside the box is a necessity, and where diversity of opinion is valued. Now you can unlock 70% productivity gains with minimal risk like the law firms using our technology for secure and accurate contract analysis. Ease of Use to capture 70% gain in user productivity.
Stockholm, Sweden
1-10 Employees
We provide Businesses and Public Authorities with end-to-end data protection and governance solutions, enabling compliance with data protection regulations. We use Confidential ComputingConfidential Computing is a new hardware-platform security mechanism to protect data in-use. Trusted Execution Environments have been around for a while now and keep evolving. Want to know more about our products & services, pricing or our partnership programme?We will be happy to answer all your questions.
Onclave Networks
McLean, United States
11-50 Employees
Intelligence Community (IC), Onclave’s mission is to provide the fastest path to a more secure, simplified and scalable solution – making it easier and cost-effective for enterprises to manage and continuously monitor. At Onclave, we believe that businesses, organizations, and government agencies need to adopt an “assumed breach” mindset or “Zero Trust” mentality to better protect our critical data. The Onclave TrustedPlatform™ is a Zero Trust-based network overlay that protects networks by cryptographically securing vulnerable OT and IoT workloads. Come and see why key manufacturers, integrators, and enterprises are choosing our solution to improve security, simplified management, and lower costs. Why Microsegmentation is Essential for Building a Secure and Trusted Network. Axis’ goal is to improve our solutions management, reduce costs, reduce/mitigate risks and provide a user-friendly end product. Onclave delivers a security solution that all of our Channel Partners and the end customers will benefit from. Onclave delivers national security grade protection for legacy and new operational technologies and reduces costs.
Enclave Technologies USA
Cypress, United States
1-10 Employees
We Provide Tailor Software Development / Web & Cloud Apps Virtualization / IT Management Services. Enclave Technologies USA is a leading provider technology group adding value for the Commercial, retail e-commerce, infrastructure, Security and industrial Sectors. With over 15 years of experience and the expertise of more than 10 professionals, Enclave provides reliable solutions to USA, Canada, Central and South American customers while maintaining focus on safety and standard of quality. Enclave Technologies is a leading provider of Business Intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for:.