Pixel Photonics is a pioneering deep-tech start-up that was founded in 2021 as a spin-off of the University of Münster and is based in Münster, Germany. Through their unique innovative approach of integrating superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) with nanophotonic waveguides on a single chip, Pixel Photonics has achieved a breakthrough in the field of photon detection. Pixel Photonics' detectors have versatile applications in fields such as quantum computing, secure quantum communication, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), microscopy and laser communication.
Münster, Germany
Founded in 2021
11-50 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
1 Headquarter
Number of products
1 Product
Specialised areas
snspd, single photon detector, photon detector, light detector, waveguide integration, enabling technology, scalable photon detection, superconducting detector
www.pixelphotonics.com offers a wide range of products and services
DENA single photon detector
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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www.pixelphotonics.com operates in 1 country around the world
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North Rhine-Westphalia
Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.pixelphotonics.com
Where is www.pixelphotonics.com located?
The company headquarter of www.pixelphotonics.com is located in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does www.pixelphotonics.com approximately have?
As of the latest available information www.pixelphotonics.com has around 11-50 employees worldwide.
When was www.pixelphotonics.com founded?
www.pixelphotonics.com was founded in 2021
In which industries does www.pixelphotonics.com mainly work?
The company www.pixelphotonics.com has it's main focus in the industries of Nanotechnology
What is the current company status of www.pixelphotonics.com?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company www.pixelphotonics.com seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.pixelphotonics.com
Milan, Italy
1-10 Employees
We are a unique combination of photonics and electronics engineers, physics and management engineers working every day to pursue our mission of enlightening the world by spreading knowledge. Our mission is to become a cornerstone in the integrated photonics industry by verticalizing our solutions in rapidly growing markets. We are committed to unlocking the untapped potential of light to create smarter, more efficient systems based on integrated photonics through our unique technology suite.We are a fast-growing company, backed by a robust consortium of investors and industrial partners who share our vision and continuously support our scaling efforts. We are proud to have PhotonPath's CEO, Douglas Aguiar and CTO, Emanuele Guglielmi co-authoring a new Nature Communications paper preseting the advances in Polarization-independent Silicon Photonics for Reconfigurable Add&Drop in DWDM networks. Founded in 2019 the company is now headquartered in Milan and Trento, Italy, where our offices, R&D lab, and manufacturing facilities are located. We believe in the transformative power of light to make this vision a reality. Our fully programmable Integrated Photonics Chipset are used to deliver products for all-optical data acquisition, transmission and processing at the speed of light! We use our proprietary algorithms to operate and control our chips and make products truly reconfigurable.
Polariton Technologies
Zurich, Switzerland
1-10 Employees
We provide the world’s fastest, smallest and most energy-efficient photonic integrated circuits (PICs) to leaders in academia and industry. Do you feel committed to this challenge too? With 20 years of R&D in our genes, Polariton is a spin-off of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), and is the first company in the world commercializing plasmonics and other slot-based technologies for the next generation of fast, very fast photonic switches. Up to 256 GBd PAM Transmission Using Plasmonic Ring Resonator Modulator (ECOC, 2023).
SiPhotonIC Technologies
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
1-10 Employees
SiPhotonIC was launched in 2018 based to spin-out the silicon photonics technology developed by the Department of Photonics Engineering (prev. The company was founded by the senior researcher Dr. Yunhong Ding, to cover the needs for rapid prototyping of affordable and fully-customized silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The company has a strong track record in manufacturing high-performance & complex silicon PICs both for classical and quantum photonic applications with many of them published in world-class journals i.e. The SiPhotonIC team comprises highly-skilled members that can always facilitate you to bring your idea from sketch to a PIC prototype.
IDM solid laser GmbH
Eching, Germany
1-10 Employees
Two decades later, we deliver on that vision as a leading vertically integrated supplier of high-power semiconductor lasers and fiber lasers for industrial, microfabrication, and aerospace and defense applications. Established in 2005 by Ingolf Dueckminor who accumulated more than 40 years of experience in the laser sector in Europe. Was founded more than 20 years ago on the vision that technical innovation in semiconductor lasers would enable laser applications not possible at that time. Designs and manufactures lasers, laser modules and subsystems for instrumentation predominantly in biotechnology, as well as inspection, imaging and other major industries. PIC offers CW and modulated solid-state lasers with patented WhisperIT® technology covering from UV, visible to IR wavelength ranges. Specialized in delivery of photons the way customers need them. Design, market, manufacture and sell semi-custom and private label products based on our Photonic Chip™ integration platform and discrete optics, by establishing and growing partner relationships in strategic markets. This Data Protection Declaration explains which data we collect as well as the purposes we use this data for.
Analog Photonics
Boston, United States
11-50 Employees
We are a team of highly motivated and intelligent individuals with a dedication to disruptive innovation. We are always welcoming talented, hardworking, and dynamic engineers, scientists, and business developers. We specialize in the development of photonic circuits for customers worldwide in growing markets such as automotive, industrial, consumer, medical and defense, among others. AP delivers first fully operational Solid State LiDAR Prototype to Tier 1s. We focus on productivity for growth and profitability, and respect for its partners. Analog Photonics is developing disruptive LiDAR and Optical Communications technology built on our proprietary silicon photonics platform to enable a future where people and devices are highly connected, and autonomy is ubiquitous. Data communication – Our optical transceiver engines offer the highest bandwidth density and energy efficiency, addressing the needs in the datacenter and high-performance computing interconnects at an aggregate data rate of 400G-to-3.2Tbps.
ICON Photonics
Champs-sur-Marne, France
1-10 Employees
ICON Photonics proposes innovative high-performance optical coupling and packaging solutions for several applications : ultra-fast optical communications, quantum photonics, free-space communications, PIC, beam shaping… The company was founded in 2018 after more than 6 years of technology development on the optical coupling domain, which led to breakthrough solutions. Professor at ESIEE Paris, 20 years of experience in Photonics and microwaves. Dominique Dufour is a proven senior management executive with over 30 years’ experience in worldwide companies (J&J, Bayer Pharma, Nutricia Danone, DELL, Carestream Dental and Danaher Group). ICON Photonics is a spin-off of CNRS (National Research Center) & ESIEE Paris. The company has access to state-of-the-art cleanrooms, foundries and specific laboratories that host characterization platforms and equipments. ICON Photonics is a member of the European Photonics Industry Cluster EPIC, the Deep Tech Paris Region cluster SYSTEMATIC, OPTICA and Photonics France. ICON Photonics is a member of the European Photonics Industry Cluster EPIC and the Deep Tech Paris Region cluster SYSTEMATIC. Easy fiber assembly using a mechanical fixture to provide fiber array self alignment in multiple fiber to chip configurations.