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www.primusbuilders.com Logo


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Primus Builders is a recognized innovative automated system provider. The dedicated team, passion, methods, and technology are tailored for insulated wall panels for cold storage facilities and other warehousing operations.The company’s perfection in automation solutions ensures maximized efficiency and sustainability that uncover your business's values and success opportunities.

Quick overview

United States

Founded in 2000

51-100 Employees


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Working industry

Food and Beverage, Construction

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

insulated wall panels for cold storage facilities

Products & services of www.primusbuilders.com

www.primusbuilders.com offers a wide range of products and services

Product: warehousing storage solutions


warehousing storage solutions

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of www.primusbuilders.com

Get insights into the use cases of www.primusbuilders.com

UseCase: Primus Leads the Way in Temperature Control with Insulation Techniques

Use case

Primus Leads the Way in Temperature Control with Insulation Techniques

warehouse automated solutions

From initial design to final automation, Primus simplifies the whole process. The company’s primary goal is to make systems efficient, reliable, and adaptable enough to handle difficult situations. With a focus on making businesses efficient enough to achieve their goals, Primus provides warehouse automated solutions that deliver the desired results.

Headquarter of www.primusbuilders.com

www.primusbuilders.com operates in 1 country around the world

City: -

State: North Carolina

Country: United States

Locations of www.primusbuilders.com

Get an overview of the locations of www.primusbuilders.com






United States

North Carolina


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about www.primusbuilders.com

Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.primusbuilders.com

The company headquarter of www.primusbuilders.com is located in North Carolina, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information www.primusbuilders.com has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

www.primusbuilders.com was founded in 2000

The company www.primusbuilders.com has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage, Construction

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company www.primusbuilders.com seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of www.primusbuilders.com

Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.primusbuilders.com

Weal Builders Inc.'s Logo

Weal Builders Inc.

Antipolo, Philippines

51-100 Employees


It is the first company in the Philippines to construct roofs using PU Insulated Panel, which saves costs on steelworks and roofs, and requires less construction time. We specialize in cold storage, racking system, dry warehouse, and food plant designing and building.



Quakertown, United States

251-500 Employees


Founded in 1991, our mission is to drive the productivity revolution in construction. We are transforming the way conventional construction is done by offering precision designed, engineered, and fabricated exterior and interior load and non-load bearing panelized wall systems manufactured in a controlled environment. We seamlessly integrate Building Information Models (BIM) with our advanced manufacturing equipment to create high-quality prefabricated wall assemblies with minimum waste and maximum efficiency. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility helps keep your project on schedule while reducing onsite risks. We’re also a commercial carpentry company offering panel installation, interior wall framing, and drywall services. Our field carpentry service is a tightly organized and planned operation.

Pendergast Sales Limited's Logo

Pendergast Sales Limited

Mississauga, Canada

11-50 Employees


We provide Insulated Metal Panel solutions for both interiors and exteriors. Since 1962, Pendergast has used the same philosophy to become a leader in the cold storage industry. At Pendergast, we have always understood that we are in the business of managing our customers’ expectations. We believe in doing things right – from the beginning. If you’re looking for a supplier who will offer the cheapest price, we’re probably not for you. We focus on ensuring a crystal clear understanding of what your company actually needs before we make any recommendation.



St Albans, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Why pain yourself trying to hire dozens of companies to make your vision come to life? As one of the country’s leading fully-integrated consulting, design, construction, & development companies, we know the only way to create a structure that will be both functional and aesthetically pleasing is by spending plenty of time at the drawing board. While there are a number of firms that specialize in architectural design or construction, very few offer these services together. Primus Companies has built relationships with countless lenders and financial services professionals across the country to offer one-of-a-kind construction and development solutions for our clients. As one of the country’s leading design & construction companies, we know the only way to create a structure that will be both functional and aesthetically pleasing is by spending plenty of time at the drawing board. While there are a number of firms that specialize in architectural design or construction. Whether your project is light industrial, mixed use, office, or retail, the experts at Primus Companies are ready to serve you in all aspects of the project from start to finish. Not only do we work with banks and other financial services providers on behalf of our clients, we also design & build, or remodel them, managing every aspect of the project from start to finish.

Thermal Panel Solutions's Logo

Thermal Panel Solutions

Sydney, Australia

11-50 Employees


We provide insulated panels and leading services to the food, pharmaceutical and construction industries. Christine strongly focuses on compliance and accuracy to provide management with quality metrics for strategic management. Roger brings deep product knowledge, technical expertise across multiple applications, and substantial estimating experience. We're a solutions provider, and our team works with you from the initial enquiry to ongoing service calls. In that case, we have the experience and passion to provide you with a solution. We want to become a key partner in helping you meet your goals by understanding your individual needs and designing, manufacturing and installing a high-performance, cost-effective solution every time. Our long-standing reputation has made us a trusted supplier to significant builders, manufacturers and retailers, who depend on us to deliver on time, on budget and to the highest industry standards. Welcome to Thermal Panel Solutions - Sydney's Leading Insulated Panel Provider!

Preston Structural Insulation's Logo

Preston Structural Insulation

Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Australia

1-10 Employees


Preston Structural Insulation is a building services company specialising in insulated panel structures. Proudly Western Australian owned and operated, PSI offers flexible options for the supply and installation of a range of quality structures.