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www.quantarock.in Logo


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QuantaRock Systems is a forward-thinking technology company specializing in comprehensive digital solutions that drive innovation and growth across industries. From AI-powered analytics and cybersecurity to cloud infrastructure and digital transformation, QuantaRock empowers businesses with cutting-edge technology tailored to meet today’s complex challenges. With a commitment to excellence and collaboration, QuantaRock Systems partners with clients to unlock potential and create a smarter, more connected future.

Quick overview

Indore, India

Founded in 2023

11-50 Employees


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Working industry

Automation, Business Supplies and Equipment, Computer Hardware, Cyber Security, Consulting, IT, Software and Services, Import and Export, Telecommunications, Wholesale

Type of company

Distributor, Service provider


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

IT hardware, cloud, hosting, datacenters, computer, technology, India, Ai, GPU, server

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of www.quantarock.in

www.quantarock.in operates in 1 country around the world

City: Indore

State: Madhya Pradesh

Country: India

Locations of www.quantarock.in

Get an overview of the locations of www.quantarock.in







Madhya Pradesh


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about www.quantarock.in

Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.quantarock.in

The company headquarter of www.quantarock.in is located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information www.quantarock.in has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

www.quantarock.in was founded in 2023

The company www.quantarock.in has it's main focus in the industries of Automation, Business Supplies and Equipment, Computer Hardware, Cyber Security, Consulting, IT, Software and Services, Import and Export, Telecommunications, Wholesale

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company www.quantarock.in seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of www.quantarock.in

Check out some interesting alternative companies to www.quantarock.in

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quantumrock is an AssetTech company differentiating through a patent-pending Artificial Intelligence Platform tapping unique alpha sources to create the highest quality, institutional-grade investment solutions in equities, volatility, fixed income, hard assets, factor investing and roboadvisory. quantumrock is an AssetTech company developing advanced tech solutions for asset management as well as client-specific investment products from unique alpha sources. The Platform is at the core of various tech concepts such as ChatAM – the first generative AI-powered chatbot for asset management – and an advanced Portfolio Builder as well as the company’s unique approach to factor investing. quantumrock’s client base and partners are spread across the globe and range from large multinational banks to local family offices and technology companies. Quantumrock GmbH is a tied agent of Quantumrock Capital GmbH.

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Alexandria, United States

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Emek Hefer Regional Council, Israel

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Practical Cloud Automation Solutions for the Quantum Age. We’re Quantuum Logix, and we’re disrupting the industry with our groundbreaking solutions and business ideas. Our technology has already been recognized by market leaders and our scalable business model is setting the trend for industry standards. Quantuum Logix is a leading provider of Quantum Computing technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Founded by a group of friends who started by scribbling their ideas on a piece of paper, today we offer smart, innovative services to dozens of clients worldwide.

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Irving, United States

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We are committed for providing management, consulting and systems integration that will bring our clients to the forefront of the business evolution. Our mission is to create long-term partnerships with our customers by consistently solving challenges with creative, cutting-edge technology solutions that improve and empower our customers’ businesses and provide them the highest quality solutions that preciously meet their requirements, in the shortest amount of time. We are at the forefront of innovation to address the vast number of client issues. A leading solution provider for rapid development and deployment of software solutions and various IT applications. Quant Systems is a leading solution provider for rapid development and deployment of software solutions and various IT applications. Combining proven expertise and strong understanding of emerging technologies, we deliver end-to-end solutions that solve your technology needs. Our focus is to enable companies of all sizes to have state-of-the-art technology solutions which were once accessible to big companies only. To combine products, solutions, expert consulting & advisory, implementation services, operations, customer support, and the futuristic innovation to our enterprise customers in a uniform manner.

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Basta Tahta, Lebanon

11-50 Employees


Quantum is the partner of choice for several businesses, enterprises, foundations and NGOs, covering a wide spectrum of services. Over 31 years in the IT industry, Quantum offers technological equipment and IT solutions. Turn to our experts to perform comprehensive, multi-stage testing and auditing of your software. Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.