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www.tresmo.de Logo


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Digitally fit for the future: With connected and smart products. We have been developing digitally successful products and flexibly adaptable IoT solutions for device and machine manufacturers for over 12 years. Right in the heart of Augsburg. Our mission: to help German SMEs save or earn money with our own smart product platform for the IoT. With our comprehensive cloud-based white-label solution IoT Cockpit, we are revolutionizing our customers' after sales. Our smart product platform enables forward-looking business and service models such as condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, pay-per-use, as-a-service, remote management and data analytics. Our customers include large companies such as Boehringer Ingelheim, VELUX, Viessmann and Vorwerk, as well as medium-sized companies such as Home Power Solutions and Witty.

Quick overview

Augsburg, Germany

Founded in 2012

11-50 Employees

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Working industry

IT, Software and Services, Computer Hardware

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of products

1 Product

Specialised areas

IoT, Internet of Things, IoT Platform, Smart Product Platform, Smart Products, Connectivity, Smart Service, Self Service

Products & services of www.tresmo.de

www.tresmo.de offers a wide range of products and services

Product: IoT Cockpit


IoT Cockpit

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



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Use Cases of www.tresmo.de

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UseCase: Smart control systems in agriculture

Use case

Smart control systems in agriculture


The IoT Cockpit serves as the basis for a customer-centric platform for controlling greenhouses and stables. Lock uses our Smart Product Platform - the "IoT Cockpit" - as the basis for the "myLock" customer platform. This allows data from the field to be displayed in helpful dashboards and functions to be offered as subscriptions. Lock GmbH specializes in drive systems for natural ventilation and shading in greenhouse and barn construction. As a driver of innovation, Lock is committed to using digital solutions to automate the entire work processes in both areas and to control and monitor them regardless of location. On the one hand, the "Lock SBE" enables the control of drives in the greenhouse or barn. On the other hand, it allows the data evaluation of individually installed sensors and drives. In addition to controlling the "Lock SBE" via a mobile app, a solution was sought to give customers a simultaneous overview of multiple devices from any location. Users should also be able to analyze the data collected and use other Lock services via a customer platform. At the same time, Lock needed a way to manage various customer accounts with "Lock SBE" installed and to offer users a digital service in the form of subscriptions for function packages. In a requirements workshop, the customer-specific requirements were compared with the functions of the "IoT Cockpit" and the basic customizing requirements were determined. The "IoT Cockpit" and its basic functions form the basis for the "myLock" customer platform. After individual integration of the "Lock SBE" devices, a large number of units in the field can be monitored simultaneously. With the help of customized dashboards, the data received can be evaluated and analysed according to the essential use cases. Lock customers can activate additional functions via the "IoT Cockpit". By using the basic functions of the "IoT Cockpit", the time-to-market of "myLock" has been reduced to a minimum. Lock can thus quickly offer an initial version of a fully-fledged customer platform based around the "Lock SBE" and expand customer added value. Subscription plans can also be used to monetize functions and their added value. Through customizations and new functions of the "IoT Cockpit", "myLock" can iteratively evolve to meet the needs of users and the requirements of Lock itself.

Headquarter of www.tresmo.de

www.tresmo.de operates in 1 country around the world

City: Augsburg

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Locations of www.tresmo.de

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about www.tresmo.de

Some frequent questions that have been asked about www.tresmo.de

The company headquarter of www.tresmo.de is located in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information www.tresmo.de has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

www.tresmo.de was founded in 2012

The company www.tresmo.de has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services, Computer Hardware

Competitors of www.tresmo.de

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Schwerte, Germany

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Wir sind mittendrin in unser eigenen - ganz persönlichen - digitalen Transformation. Das funktionierende Geschäftsmodell weiterführen und gleichzeitig neue Märkte mit Innovation zu erschließen, ist ein Spagat. Aber wir haben einen Plan, wie wir Deinen Plan gemeinsam erarbeiten, umsetzen und zum Erfolg bringen. Und wir sprechen hier nicht von Videotutorials oder Onlinekursen – wir sprechen über integrale Produktverbesserungen, über eigenständige digitale Leistungen mit Bezug zu einem bestehenden Produkt, aber auch über digitale Innovation bis hin zu Komplementärleistungen. Was diese Leistungen alle eint, der Erfolg von digitalen Produkten ist von der User Experience, vom Nutzenversprechen und von der Vermarktung abhängig – und genau hier sind wir Spezialisten. Und seien wir mal ehrlich: ist der Prozess analog schon schlecht – macht es die Digitalisierung auch nicht besser. Unsere Produktpalette wächst – natürlich um digitale Produkte. Es gibt uns den Rahmen, um Produktivität zu steigern und Selbstorganisation und Verantwortungsübernahme zu leben.

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Telgte, Germany

1-10 Employees


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Klaus Hufnagel Digital Transformation Consulting

Heidelberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen insbesondere, aber nicht nur, rund um das Thema digitale Geschäftsmodelle an, wie z.B. Ebenso bieten wir auch ein neuartiges, flexibles Abo-Modell an, bei dem wir Ihnen x Tage Unterstützung im Monat anbieten, zu frei wählbaren Terminen und Themen.

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Frankfurt, Germany

11-50 Employees


Mit welchen digitalen Angeboten lassen sich Kunden überzeugen und dauerhaft binden? Die Herausforderung, erfolgreiche digitale Produkte und Services zu entwickeln, echte Mehrwerte und begeisternde Erlebnisse zu schaffen wird jedes Jahr größer.

ABOmodell's Logo


Stuttgart, Germany

11-50 Employees


Wir sind froh, dass uns OMM Solutions bei dieser Aufgabe zur Seite steht.". Kunden entscheiden sich für die besten Produkte zur Erledigung von Aufgaben. Unternehmen entwickeln gute Produkte, damit Kunden diese Aufgabe erledigen können und verkaufen diese einmalig. Unternehmen entwickeln positive Erfahrungen, liefern dafür die Voraussetzungen und binden ihre Kunden damit dauerhaft über “Subscription“-basierte Geschäftsmodelle. Produktunternehmen, befähigen ihre Kunden, Leistung über die Produkte zu erbringen. Strategische Flexibilität durch einfache Erprobung und Validierung von neuen Angeboten & Funktionen. Maximal positive Erfahrung durch radikal vereinfachte Nutzung der Angebote (Services und/oder Produkte). Insbesondere die Aspekte (organisational, technisch etc.), welche bei der nachhaltigen Umsetzung von Abo-Modellen zu berücksichtigen sind, ist augenöffend für uns.