Check out some interesting alternative companies to
Old Toronto, Canada
1-10 Employees
Don't have data to train and test your AI? Generate a custom dataset of any size in minutes. Use one of supported by us AI model with your own settings in our cloud.[ Coming soon ]. Control your training and testing process with our intuitive visual representation.[ Coming soon ]. Learn about features that fit your case the most.
United States
1-10 Employees
To successfully deploy AI solutions, you need the right training data, and a lot of it. Your algorithms need human interaction if you want them to provide human-like results. Our artificial intelligence training data service focuses on machine vision and conversational AI. Our experts provide our clients with ways to improve customer experiences in a number of areas based on AI. Partner with us to access the crowd, platform, and expertise needed to generate world-class, reliable training data at scale.
United States
251-500 Employees
We provide high quality AI training data to power your AI and machine learning initiatives.
Snorkel AI
Palo Alto, United States
51-100 Employees
Trusted, high quality AI that is purpose-built with your data & expertise and less expensive to train and operate. Deploy innovative and mission-critical AI applications that you can trust.
Dusseldorf, Germany
1-10 Employees
Power exceptional customer experiences with our industry-leading products, depth of expertise and unmatched global team of AI Training Specialists. We’re your trusted data partner, enabling the most innovative companies to execute world-class AI initiatives. 80% of your AI efforts will be spent managing data. Teleminer supports data sourcing, data preparation, and real-world model-evaluation needs, enabling you to launch with confidence and saving you time to focus on your top priorities. Pre-Labeled Datasets: We offer immediate access to 250+ pre-labeled datasets allowing you to jump-start and accelerate your AI projects.
Aarau, Switzerland
1-10 Employees
Current state-of-the-art neural networks employed in image recognition and decision making software require enormous, highly specialized datasets for their training. The result is a rigid AI that is only capable of fulfilling a single, well defined task. What we seek is a general artificial intelligence which is capable of the same autonomous solution-finding that humans are capable of since their infancy. We think that the best role model for a training method is the real world and the circumstances which lead to our species' own intellect.