Yoga Studio Store Logo

Yoga Studio Store

Who We Are | About Us –Yoga Studio Store

Who is Yoga Studio Store?

Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Poole, Dorset, is one of the first specialized multi-branded online yoga retailers, offering a broad range of yoga brands and yoga-inspired products to all levels of yogis.

Bear Cross, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2001

Products & services of Yoga Studio Store

Product Wai Lana Little Yogis Daydream DVD –Yoga Studio Store image


Wai Lana Little Yogis Daydream DVD –Yoga Studio Store

Kids fall in love with the adorable characters in Wai Lana's charming nap time cartoon. Drawing from an ancient yoga relaxation technique called Yoga Nidra, Daydream guides kids through a playful head-to-toe meditation, entertaining them as they settle down. Filled with secret waterfalls, hot air balloon rides, pink el

Product Feuerhand Holder For Hurricane 276 Lantern –Yoga Studio Store image


Feuerhand Holder For Hurricane 276 Lantern –Yoga Studio Store

Why the Feuerhand Lantern Holder is the custom-fit hanger for far-reaching light: Features Elegant design extra eye-catching in the garden. Ideal height for distributing lantern light in the garden or on the terrace. Plain finish and colour and thus perfectly combinable with all lantern colours. Durable material in pow

Product Yoga Studio The Grip Mini Mandala Knee Mat Pad –Yoga Studio Store image


Yoga Studio The Grip Mini Mandala Knee Mat Pad –Yoga Studio Store

Yoga Studio The Grip Knee Mat Pad with Mandala design provides flexible freedom as a versatile multi purpose yoga aid. Premium Grip Yoga Pad in a compact, convenient size. Features- Perfect for Traveling, handstands or when you simply need extra support in your practice. Lightweight and small size. Supports Your Knees.

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Health, Wellness & Fitness



Contact of Yoga Studio Store

City: Bear Cross

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Yoga Studio Store

The company Yoga Studio Store is located in Bear Cross, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Yoga Studio Store has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Yoga Studio Store was founded in 2001

The company Yoga Studio Store has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare