
Top Citalopram Suppliers

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44 suppliers for Citalopram

axapharm ag's Logo

axapharm ag

Baar, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


Seit der Gründung von axapharm haben sich über 700 Schweizer Apotheker und Drogisten als Aktionäre und Medikamenten-Fachhändler dem rein schweizerischen Unternehmen angeschlossen.


Citalopram axapharm

... Citalopram axapharm - axpharm ...

EliteSynth Laboratories's Logo

EliteSynth Laboratories

Navi Mumbai, India

11-50 Employees


Elitesynth is a custom synthesis and analytical laboratory. Established in 2019 and we are based in India. To be a leading service provider in India and a significant global player by providing innovative and affordable solutions. To provide quality and affordable services to the pharmaceutical industry under one roof and ensure total customer satisfaction.


Citalopram HBr

... Citalopram HBr | EliteSynth ...

VIVAN Life Sciences Pvt. Limited's Logo

VIVAN Life Sciences Pvt. Limited

Thane, India

51-100 Employees


We are a Research driven, innovative high-end chemical synthesis & product development Company. We are a unique partner to our Clientele, in providing best possible high-end synthesis products & service requirements, in their critical functions and transformational projects. Our Offerings would enhance the capability and productivity performances of our Clients around the globe, in functions critical to their success, which involves greater degree of competency and technological prowess. Quality Deliverance at par with Global Standards, enabled us to provide, exceptional value to our Clients from various Business verticals, there by deriving 'Superior Client Satisfaction'.


Ibuprofen Impurity-M, Formula C13H18O3, CAS Number 1262894-13-2, Vivan Life Science

... , S-Pantoprazole sodium, S-Duloxetine, Levosimendan, S-citalopram ...

dabeipackzettel's Logo


Hallstadt, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir glauben, dass frei zugängliche und vertrauenswürdige Informationen dabei helfen Therapien besser durchzuführen, schneller gesund zu werden oder zu bleiben. Dafür kombinieren wir Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, wie Medikamentendatenbanken oder direkt von den Herstellern.


Citalopram Vitabalans 20mg

... | Citalopram Vitabalans ...

Bristol Laboratories's Logo

Bristol Laboratories

Kingsbrook, United Kingdom

251-500 Employees


We are delighted to inform you all that Bristol Laboratories Ltd has WON the Hertfordshire Business Awards 2015 for the Large Business of the Year! A Hertfordshire-based pharmaceutical company with a manufacturing capacity to produce up to nine billion tablets and capsules a year has hailed a good year as revenues passed the £90m mark. Bristol Laboratories, established in 1997 and based in Berkhamsted, specialises in the development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of generic medicines in the UK and. Our state-of-the-art facilities are capable of producing up to 9 billion tablets and capsules per year.



... Bristol Laboratories | Citalopram ...

Proquinorte's Logo


Zamudio, Spain

51-100 Employees





FB Pharmtech's Logo

FB Pharmtech

City of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We deliver cost effective, innovative custom synthesis and chemical sourcing services to companies and institutions across the pharmaceutical, life science and specialty chemical industries. FB Pharmtech provide custom synthesis and chemical sourcing services to support pharmaceutical and life science research, development and manufacturing. FB Pharmtech is a UK company with expertise in custom synthesis and chemical sourcing.


Citalopram Impurity A

... Citalopram ...

Pill Digital Pharmacy's Logo

Pill Digital Pharmacy

São Paulo, Brazil

1-10 Employees


A Pill é o melhor lugar para o paciente crônico ter sucesso em seu tratamento. A Pill é uma farmácia digital 100% comprometida em simplificar a sua vida. Aqui na Pill sempre tem preço justo e atendimento rápido e fácil. Saúde Digital #EP.143 - Startup Pill: conheça o modelo Dark Pharmacy. Aqui você pode comprar os seus medicamentos e produtos farmacêuticos sem precisar enfrentar filas como nas farmácias tradicionais! Tudo que você precisa fazer é navegar pelos produtos e clicar no botão \"Adicionar ao Carrinho\" nos produtos desejados. Você vai precisar completar algumas informções de cadastro (para que a Pill possa entregar o seu medicamento no endereço que você desejar), de pagamento e pronto!


Citalopram 20mg c/ 30 Comprimidos

... Aviso Geral, Citalopram, Controlados344, Eurofarma, gs_vermelha, ...

Cabinet Health's Logo

Cabinet Health

Town of Pound Ridge, United States

1-10 Employees


As a B-Corp we are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. Cabinet is a certified B-Corp company improving the environmental impact of healthcare and quality of medicine. Our first mission is to eliminate single-use plastic in medicine. Founded on a vision of sustainability in healthcare. In the 1960’s our CEO’s grandfather—or Kalyandada as we call him in Gujarati—built one of the first acetaminophen factories in a small town in India. They formed a team of mission driven experts to harness the pharmaceutical industry as a force to combat plastic waste and broader climate change. Sustainable healthcare is a massive undertaking, one that we can’t take on alone. Eliminating single-use plastic in medicine is mission number one and we’re not stopping there.We invite customers, Big Pharma, medical and sustainability professionals alike to join us in our mission of making every aspect of healthcare more sustainable.


Citalopram (generic for Celexa®)

... Citalopram (generic for Celexa®)FDA ...

Analytical Standard Solutions - A2S's Logo

Analytical Standard Solutions - A2S

Saint-Jean-d'Illac, France

11-50 Employees


N’TOX, pioneer in specialized ISO 17034 toxins: innovative solutions for control and research in the food industry, pushing back the limits of toxin detection. PHARM’A2S, a leader in the production of high quality standards of drug derivatives, dyes, natural products and food & cosmetics.


Citalopram D61190003-26-9A2S Reference : C749

... Citalopram D61190003-26-9A2S Reference : C749 – Analytical Standard ...

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Insights about the Citalopram results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Citalopram

Country with most fitting companiesNetherlands
Amount of fitting manufacturers489
Amount of suitable service providers699
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1990
Youngest suiting company2017

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Citalopram

What is Citalopram?

Citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is designed to mitigate symptoms of depression by enhancing the levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a pivotal role in mood regulation, and its imbalance is often linked to depressive states. By preventing the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin into neurons, citalopram allows for more serotonin to be available in the brain, which contributes to improving mood and alleviating depressive symptoms. As a result, citalopram has become a fundamental component in the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) and is also prescribed for conditions such as anxiety disorders. Its efficacy, combined with a generally well-tolerated side effect profile when compared to older antidepressants, has made it a widely accepted option in the pharmacological management of depression. Nevertheless, it's important for users to be aware of potential side effects, which may include nausea, drowsiness, and dry mouth, among others. Moreover, its interaction with other medications and substances necessitates careful medical oversight. The introduction of citalopram has significantly impacted the field of psychiatry, offering a viable treatment path for millions globally suffering from depression, thereby improving quality of life and mental health outcomes.

Advantages of Citalopram

1. Improved Tolerability
Citalopram is known for its improved tolerability compared to other antidepressants. Patients often experience fewer side effects, making it a preferred option for long-term use. This aspect is particularly beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to the adverse effects commonly associated with other medications.

2. Flexibility in Dosage
The flexibility in dosing with citalopram is a significant advantage. It can be started at a low dose and adjusted according to the patient's response and tolerance. This adaptability helps in minimizing side effects while optimizing the therapeutic benefits, providing a tailored treatment approach for each patient.

3. Effectiveness in Treating a Wide Range of Disorders
Citalopram is not only effective for major depressive disorder but also shows efficacy in treating various other conditions such as anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This wide range of applicability makes it a versatile tool in the arsenal against mental health conditions.

4. Minimal Drug Interactions
Compared to other antidepressants, citalopram has a lower potential for drug-drug interactions. This quality makes it safer for use in patients who are on multiple medications, reducing the risk of adverse effects resulting from drug interactions.

How to select right Citalopram supplier?

1. Regulatory Compliance
Ensure the supplier adheres to international and local regulatory standards, such as the FDA or EMA, for pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution. This guarantees the citalopram supplied is safe and of high quality.

2. Manufacturing Practices
The supplier should follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure the citalopram is produced consistently and in compliance with quality standards. This includes proper handling, storage, and quality control tests.

3. Supply Chain Reliability
Evaluate the supplier's ability to provide a stable supply of citalopram without unexpected shortages. Reliable supply chains minimize the risk of disruptions in the availability of the medication.

4. Cost-effectiveness
While quality should not be compromised, compare the costs among suppliers to ensure you are getting competitive pricing for citalopram. This helps in managing healthcare costs effectively.

5. Technical Support
The supplier should offer comprehensive technical support, including detailed product documentation and customer service for any inquiries or issues that may arise with the product.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Citalopram?

Citalopram, primarily recognized for its application in treating mental health conditions, finds its place in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors as a critical ingredient for producing antidepressants. Companies specializing in the manufacture of psychiatric medication leverage Citalopram due to its effectiveness in managing symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. This reliance underscores the drug's significance in creating formulations that aid in improving mental health outcomes, making it a staple in the inventory of pharmaceutical manufacturers. Another notable application of Citalopram extends into the research and development domain within biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Organizations engaged in studying the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of antidepressants often utilize Citalopram as a reference compound. Its well-documented efficacy and safety profile make it an ideal candidate for clinical trials aimed at developing new therapeutic agents. This research-centric use case highlights the drug's role in pioneering advancements in mental health treatments. Moreover, Citalopram's utility is observed in the corporate wellness programs of various industries aiming to support employee mental well-being. Through partnerships with healthcare providers, companies integrate Citalopram into comprehensive mental health plans. This initiative demonstrates an understanding of the importance of mental health in the workplace and showcases the drug's broader application in promoting a healthy work environment. Collectively, Citalopram's presence across these B2B use cases underscores its multifaceted utility, ranging from pharmaceutical production and research to supporting corporate wellness initiatives, illustrating its wide-reaching impact in promoting mental health.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Citalopram

Citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) widely used in the treatment of depression, has achieved a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) that can be considered at the pinnacle, TRL 9, indicating its full commercial deployment and proven efficacy through extensive clinical use. This status is attributed to its comprehensive journey from discovery and rigorous pre-clinical testing through to multiple phases of clinical trials that have rigorously evaluated its safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and therapeutic efficacy. Over the years, citalopram has been subject to numerous studies and real-world usage that have firmly established its profile in terms of effectiveness in treating depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and other conditions. Its widespread acceptance in the medical community is supported by a robust foundation of evidence highlighting its relatively favorable side effect profile compared to other antidepressants, making it a preferred choice for many healthcare providers. Additionally, its mechanism of action, involving the selective inhibition of the serotonin transporter leading to increased serotonin levels in the synaptic cleft, has been well-characterized, further reinforcing its position at this advanced TRL by demonstrating a clear understanding of how it achieves its therapeutic effects.

What is the Technology Forecast of Citalopram?

In the short term, advancements in the formulation of Citalopram are expected to enhance its efficacy and reduce side effects. Researchers are focusing on developing more refined versions of the drug that can be absorbed more efficiently by the body, potentially leading to lower required dosages and minimizing common side effects like nausea and sleep disturbances. This phase is likely to see an increase in personalized medicine approaches, tailoring treatments to individual genetic profiles to maximize therapeutic outcomes. The mid-term forecast sees the integration of digital health technologies with Citalopram treatment protocols. Wearable devices that monitor physiological responses in real-time could allow for dynamic dosing strategies, adjusting medication levels based on stress, activity, or sleep patterns. This period may also witness the emergence of AI-driven platforms that predict patient responses to the drug more accurately, facilitating a more responsive and customized treatment plan. Looking into the long term, the focus will shift towards entirely novel mechanisms of action inspired by the foundational structure of Citalopram. Breakthroughs in neuropharmacology and a deeper understanding of the brain's biochemistry could lead to the development of drugs that target previously unidentified pathways involved in depression and anxiety disorders. These advancements promise treatments with unprecedented specificity and minimal side effects, potentially revolutionizing the approach to mental health medication.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Citalopram Suppliers

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Based on our calculations related technologies to Citalopram are Aromatics, Desiccants, Refrigerants, Resins, Green Chemistry

The most represented industries which are working in Citalopram are Healthcare, IT, Software and Services, Other, Medical, Pharmaceuticals

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