
Top Ibuprofen Suppliers

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1129 suppliers for Ibuprofen

Epichem, Inc.'s Logo

Epichem, Inc.

Perth, Australia

11-50 Employees


Epichem consists of agile and flexible thinkers that allow us to work within different scientific disciplines to tackle complex projects that are tailored to our client's needs. What we like about Epichem: One-on-one conversations about strategies and results. The ability to utilise Epichem staff in discussions with IP attorneys. Based in Perth, Western Australia, Epichem was established in 2003 and was driven by a desire to solve difficult synthetic chemistry problems and to provide jobs for home grown PhD organic chemists. Fast forward 20 years, we’ve moved and grown into a new, state-of-the-art facility in Technology Park, Bentley, arguably the best equipped private laboratory in the southern hemisphere for small molecule synthesis. Along with their knowledge, dedication and diverse skill set, we believe this gives us a competitive edge over other organisations.



...  EPL-AA74 Chemical Name:  ibuprofen API Category:  Carbocisteine EP/BP ...

Antonius-Apotheke in Tönisberg's Logo

Antonius-Apotheke in Tönisberg

Kempen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Doc Ibuprofen Schmerzgel

... Doc Ibuprofen Schmerzgel | Shop | Antonius-Apotheke in 47906 ...

Adler-Apotheke 30890 Barsinghausen's Logo

Adler-Apotheke 30890 Barsinghausen

Barsinghausen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen Sophien 400

... Ibuprofen Sophien 400 | Shop | Adler-Apotheke in 30890 ...

Buchholzer Hof Apotheke's Logo

Buchholzer Hof Apotheke

Buchholz in der Nordheide, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Doc Ibuprofen Schmerzgel

... Doc Ibuprofen Schmerzgel | Shop | Buchholzer Hof Apotheke in 21244 ...

Greifenberg-Apotheke's Logo


Hamburg, Germany

11-50 Employees


ApothekenApp gratis installieren, PLZ "22147" eingeben und „Greifenberg-Apotheke“ auswählen. Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen 400mg IPA

... Ibuprofen 400mg IPA | Shop | Greifenberg-Apotheke in 22147 ...

dabeipackzettel's Logo


Hallstadt, Germany

1-10 Employees


Wir glauben, dass frei zugängliche und vertrauenswürdige Informationen dabei helfen Therapien besser durchzuführen, schneller gesund zu werden oder zu bleiben. Dafür kombinieren wir Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, wie Medikamentendatenbanken oder direkt von den Herstellern.


Ibuprofen Atid 600mg

... | Ibuprofen Atid ...

Richard Wagner Apotheke's Logo

Richard Wagner Apotheke

Essen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen Sophien 400

... Ibuprofen Sophien 400 | Shop | Richard-Wagner-Apotheke in 45128 ...

Vogelheimer Apotheke's Logo

Vogelheimer Apotheke

Essen, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen Sophien 400

... Ibuprofen Sophien 400 | Shop | Vogelheimer Apotheke in 45329 ...

Alte Apotheke Meine's Logo

Alte Apotheke Meine

Meine, Germany

1-10 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen Sophien 400

... Ibuprofen Sophien 400 | Shop | Alte Apotheke Meine in 38527 ...

Hirsch Apotheke in 42369 Wuppertal's Logo

Hirsch Apotheke in 42369 Wuppertal

Wuppertal, Germany

11-50 Employees


Einige Services verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten in den USA. So besteht etwa das Risiko, dass US-Behörden personenbezogene Daten in Überwachungsprogrammen verarbeiten, ohne bestehende Klagemöglichkeit für Europäer.


Ibuprofen 400 Schmerztabletten

... Ibuprofen 400 Schmerztabletten | Shop | Hirsch Apotheke in 42369 ...

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Insights about the Ibuprofen results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Ibuprofen

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers959
Amount of suitable service providers1876
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1968
Youngest suiting company2013

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Ibuprofen

What is Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely recognized for its effectiveness in reducing inflammation, pain, and fever. Chemically, it functions by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, substances in the body responsible for inflammation, pain, and fever. Ibuprofen operates by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which is essential for prostaglandin synthesis. This action not only reduces inflammation but also effectively alleviates pain and lowers fever, making it a versatile medication in treating various conditions such as headaches, menstrual cramps, toothaches, and arthritis. Since its discovery in the 1960s and subsequent introduction to the market, ibuprofen has become one of the most commonly used pain relievers globally. Its impact within the medical field is significant, offering a non-prescription solution for mild to moderate pain management, thereby enhancing the quality of life for many individuals. Furthermore, its availability in several forms, including tablets, capsules, and suspensions, allows for flexible dosing tailored to individual needs and preferences. However, despite its widespread use and benefits, ibuprofen must be consumed with caution to avoid potential side effects, especially in individuals with certain pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications.

Advantages of Ibuprofen

1. Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Side Effects
Ibuprofen, when used appropriately, has a lower risk of causing cardiovascular side effects compared to other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac. This makes it a safer option for individuals with heart conditions or those at risk of cardiovascular events, providing effective pain relief without significantly increasing heart-related risks.

2. Availability and Affordability
One of the significant advantages of ibuprofen is its wide availability as an over-the-counter medication, making it easily accessible without the need for a prescription. This convenience is coupled with its affordability, offering a cost-effective solution for managing pain, inflammation, and fever for a broad segment of the population.

3. Versatility in Use
Ibuprofen boasts a broad range of applications, effectively alleviating various types of pain, including headaches, dental pain, menstrual cramps, and muscle aches. Additionally, it's beneficial in reducing fever and managing minor injuries. This versatility makes it a go-to medication for both acute and chronic conditions, enhancing its utility in household medicine cabinets.

4. Gastrointestinal Safety
Compared to other NSAIDs, ibuprofen is generally gentler on the stomach, presenting a reduced risk of gastrointestinal bleeding when taken at recommended dosages. This aspect is particularly beneficial for individuals requiring regular, long-term pain management, making ibuprofen a preferable choice for those concerned about digestive health complications.

How to select right Ibuprofen supplier?

1. Regulatory Compliance
Ensure the supplier adheres to international and local regulations for pharmaceutical products. This includes FDA approvals and GMP certifications, which are critical for ensuring the ibuprofen meets safety and quality standards.

2. Purity and Quality of Ingredients
The quality of ibuprofen depends significantly on the purity of its ingredients. Request documentation or lab results confirming the purity levels to avoid contaminants that could affect efficacy and safety.

3. Supply Chain Reliability
Evaluate the supplier's ability to deliver consistent quantities without significant delays. A reliable supply chain is crucial to avoid stockouts, especially for high-demand pharmaceuticals.

4. Cost-Effectiveness
While quality should never be compromised for cost, competitive pricing is essential. Compare suppliers based on the cost per dose, taking into account purity, potency, and supply reliability.

5. Environmental and Ethical Standards
Consider suppliers that demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical manufacturing practices. This includes waste reduction, energy efficiency, and fair labor practices.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen, a widely recognized nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), finds its application across multiple B2B sectors, showcasing its versatility beyond just pharmaceutical retail. In the healthcare industry, it's procured in bulk by hospitals and clinics as a fundamental component of pain management and fever reduction protocols. This procurement ensures that healthcare facilities maintain a ready supply to address patient needs effectively, highlighting its critical role in therapeutic treatments. In the manufacturing sector, companies specializing in the production of generic medications often purchase ibuprofen in large quantities. This practice allows them to produce affordable, over-the-counter ibuprofen products, catering to a broad consumer base seeking pain relief solutions. The accessibility of these generic options plays a significant part in public health by providing cost-effective alternatives to brand-name drugs. Additionally, ibuprofen is sought after in the veterinary medicine industry. It's used with caution, under veterinary supervision, to manage pain and inflammation in animals. This application underscores the compound's utility in not just human healthcare but also in ensuring the welfare of animals in veterinary practices and animal husbandry, thereby broadening its market demand across different sectors. Each of these use cases demonstrates ibuprofen's integral role in both human and animal health, underscoring its importance across various B2B channels.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen, a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), stands at the highest Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9. This classification signifies that ibuprofen is fully matured from a technological standpoint and has been successfully and extensively applied in real-world settings. The journey to this TRL involved comprehensive clinical trials and extensive research to validate its efficacy and safety for managing pain, inflammation, and fever across diverse populations. Its formulation has been optimized over the years, with various forms such as tablets, capsules, and suspensions, making it adaptable to different patient needs and preferences. The solid regulatory approval it has received across the globe further cements its status at TRL 9. Ibuprofen's widespread manufacturing and distribution networks highlight its scalability and the robustness of its supply chain, ensuring its availability to consumers worldwide. This level of readiness is underpinned by decades of pharmacological research, real-world efficacy, and a well-established safety profile, making it a staple in both over-the-counter and prescription medicine.

What is the Technology Forecast of Ibuprofen?

In the Short-Term, advancements in ibuprofen technology are poised to enhance its bioavailability. Scientists are developing micronized versions of ibuprofen that dissolve more quickly in the body, promising faster relief from pain and inflammation. This innovation aims to reduce the dosage required, minimizing potential side effects associated with long-term usage. These developments are expected to hit the market within the next few years, offering patients more efficient pain management solutions. Looking at the Mid-Term horizon, the focus shifts towards personalized medicine. Research is underway to develop ibuprofen formulations that are tailored to individual genetic profiles. This approach will optimize dosing strategies, maximizing therapeutic effects while minimizing risks. By leveraging advancements in genomics and pharmacology, these personalized ibuprofen treatments are anticipated to become available within the next five to ten years, marking a significant step forward in personalized pain management. In the Long-Term future, the integration of nanotechnology is set to revolutionize ibuprofen delivery systems. Scientists are working on creating nano-carriers for ibuprofen, targeting the drug directly to the site of pain or inflammation. This targeted delivery system promises to dramatically increase the efficacy of ibuprofen, reducing the overall drug load and associated side effects. Expected to mature over a decade or more, this innovation could redefine pain management, offering highly effective and localized treatment options.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ibuprofen Suppliers

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Ibuprofen

Based on our calculations related technologies to Ibuprofen are Aromatics, Desiccants, Refrigerants, Resins, Green Chemistry

The most represented industries which are working in Ibuprofen are Other, Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Healthcare, Medical

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