
Top Satellite Imaging Companies

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40 companies for Satellite Imaging



Bellevue, United States

11-50 Employees


In 2015, when we founded the company as DimensionalMechanics, our sole mission was to create something groundbreaking – a technology that could become the foundation of the AI revolution. Five years after our founding, we changed our name to AI Dynamics and DimensionalMechanics is no more. I am a physicist by training and the words “dimensional” and “mechanics” are near and dear to anyone who dares deal with the arcane rules of the universe such as four-dimensional space-time or classical mechanics. DimensionalMechanics was about engineering and research and, while AI Dynamics will preserve the DNA of the original company in its ability to innovate, the company is about turning us into a standard through accelerated commercialization and growth of a vibrant developer community. AI Dynamics is about spreading the wings of our company into the dawn of the AI revolution that will add about $15 trillion to the world’s economy by 2030.


Satellite Imaging

... Satellite Imaging | AI Dynamics Inc. ...



Bad Honnef, Germany

1-10 Employees


Core business


... with a focus on satellite imaging technologies. The service, ...

Blackcat Informatics Inc.'s Logo

Blackcat Informatics Inc.

Vancouver, Canada

1-10 Employees


We’re committed to having a significant, positive impact in both our local and global communities.

Core business

Blackcat Informatics<sup>®</sup> Inc.

... , machine learning, satellite imaging, geomatics, cryptology and a ...

Choros Cognition AB's Logo

Choros Cognition AB

Hägersten, Sweden

- Employees


Integrating advanced scientific research on farming practices with proprietary quantification models, CarbonAct offer stakeholders on the voluntary carbon market and GHG accounting industry an unprecedented opportunity to reliably verify changes in soil carbon uptake on farms, at a fraction of current costs - unlocking a new supply chain of high-quality removal credits.

Core business

... , fast and easy to use satellite imaging software. Choros Cognition ...



Baku, Azerbaijan

11-50 Employees


AVICOM has implemented a number of large-scale projects using modern information technologies in both private and public organizations. Since its inception, AVICOM has been offering its customers a high level of service and modern solutions in Information Security, IT Infrastructure, Systems Integration, IT Consulting and Project Management. Specializing in the field of information technology, “AVICOM” LLC is one of the leading companies in the ICT market, providing the most modern services and solutions. Founded in 2012, the company changed its logo and slogan in 2018 to rebrand in order to increase brand recognition. Currently, the company is an official partner of a number of well-known IT manufacturers such as Cisco, Check Point, HP, HUAWEI, DELL, Microsoft, Hikvision, Dahua. It offers your business complex solutions such as building and developing information systems as identifiers, adaptation to new requirements, maintenance of servers and network equipment, ensuring their security, expanding the functionality of the software part, supporting infrastructure, as well as integration with external systems.

Core business

Satellite imaging - NDVI

... Satellite imaging - ...

ExoLabs's Logo


Zurich, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


ExoLabs provides tailored software solutions, data products and scientific know-how based on geospatial and remote sensing data to support the private and public sector in gaining insights and efficiency at reduced costs. At ExoLabs we developed and are still actively improving a pipeline from satellite imagery to three main characteristics of snow:. ExoLabs is a Swiss company located in Zurich, founded in 2017 as a spin-off of the University of Zurich. Snow density combined with snow depth provides the critical information of how much water would be within a cube of snow, if melted. In addition, annual re-analysis data on forest height and disturbances is provided for economic and political interpretation. Originated as tailored solution for an industry partner, AutoMap is the general use-case adaption for the bulk-processing of earth observation satellite data. It enables users to harness the freely available satellite data provided by NASA and ESA, without dealing with clouds, in the sky or the web, process optimisations or storage limitations.

Core business

ExoLabs | Earth Observation Solutions | Switzerland

... on information from satellites and airborne imaging systems. We ...

Geoinfo Services Sdn Bhd's Logo

Geoinfo Services Sdn Bhd


11-50 Employees


Yuneec H520 is a professional hexacopter drone features stable airframe, multiple payloads and advanced DataPilot™ mission planning software. ZWCAD is a powerful, reliable and DWG compatible CAD solution for worldwide users. It provides innovative, collaborative and customizable features to designers and engineers in various industries such as AEC and MFG. Ruptela is a GPS tracking and monitoring software and hardware that helps you stay on top of the well-being of your fleet. Esri builds the leading mapping and spatial analytics software for desktop, software as a service (SaaS), and enterprise applications. Esri ArcGIS products are designed to deliver location intelligence and meet digital transformation needs for organizations of all sizes.​.




digitallyINFORMED's Logo


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We have a solid track record of delivering success. BuildCandid advice on tech and approach founded on 20+ years of development experience. An initial meeting to understand your business and the scope of what we’ll deliver so that we can share transparent pricing.

Core business

Meet Andrew – digitallyINFORMED © 2023

... from AI and Blockchain through to satellites and X-ray imaging &#8211… ...

Fluid Codes's Logo

Fluid Codes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

11-50 Employees


Fluid Codes Ltd was founded in 1997 is the authorized channel partner of ANSYS software and is able to offer powerful modeling solutions in combination with truly customer-oriented support services. Fluid Codes is authorized with exclusive rights to distribute and provide certified training and support for ANSYS Engineering Simulation Solutions in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa through offices in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bulgaria. Fluid Codes supports design and simulation engineers with ANSYS CAE solutions offering powerful solver technologies for finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), electromagnetics (EMI, EMC), semiconductors, embedded software, design optimization (Advanced CAD) and multiphysics. Fluid Codes offers powerful modeling solutions in combination with truly customer-oriented support services. Founded in 1997, Fluid Codes is an Ansys Elite Channel Partner serving the needs of the engineering community in the Middle East & Africa. For product modeling solutions with unparalleled scalability and a comprehensive multiphysics, Fluid Codes provides Ansys engineering simulation and 3D design software for design and simulation professionals across the Middle East and Africa.

Core business

Designing an Earth-Imaging Satellite Mission

... Designing an Earth-Imaging Satellite ...

DA-Design Oy's Logo

DA-Design Oy

Forssa, Finland

11-50 Employees


Meidän tehtävämme on ratkaista ongelmia ja kasvattaa osaamistamme kiihtyvän muutoksen kärjessä. Palvelumme täyttävät paitsi teollisuuden myös puolustus- ja avaruusteknologian tiukimmat laatu- ja turvallisuuskriteerit. Meidän tehtävänämme on varmistaa, että asiakkaamme voivat tuottaa toimivia ja kestäviä ratkaisuja – luotettavaa säädataa, sujuvaa kulkemista ja asiointia palvelevaa informaatioteknologiaa, häiriöttömiä verkkoyhteyksiä, luonnonvaroja säästäviä energiaratkaisuja ja vakautta edistäviä puolustusratkaisuja. Päämääränämme on olla vaativien teknologiatuotteiden uudistuva, kehittyvä ja innovatiivinen osaaja - merenpohjasta avaruuteen. Tehtävänämme on yhdessä asiakkaan kanssa löytää ne ratkaisut, jotka aidosti tukevat heidän liiketoimintaansa. Vastaamme elektroniikkaratkaisuissa tuotekehityksestä ja suunnittelusta testaukseen, valmistukseen ja tuotteen elinkaaren hallintaan.




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Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Satellite Imaging

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1397
Amount of suitable service providers1271
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1982
Youngest suiting company2021

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Satellite Imaging

What is Satellite Imaging?

Satellite imaging is a technology-enabled process that involves capturing photographs or images of the Earth (or other planets) from satellites orbiting in space. This method uses a variety of sensors to gather data across a broad spectrum of electromagnetic waves, including visible light, infrared, and microwave, thereby enabling the collection of detailed information about the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and oceans beyond the capabilities of standard photography. These images serve multiple purposes, ranging from meteorology, where they are crucial for weather forecasting and monitoring climate change, to military applications, providing essential reconnaissance and strategic planning data. Additionally, in the field of environmental science, satellite imaging plays a pivotal role in monitoring deforestation, urban sprawl, and the health of ecosystems, as well as in disaster management by offering critical information for emergency response and recovery efforts following natural disasters. The technology also supports agriculture through precision farming techniques, helping to optimize crop yields and manage resources more efficiently. The advent and evolution of satellite imaging have thus marked a significant impact across various sectors, enabling enhanced decision-making through improved visibility and understanding of global and local geographical phenomena. Its continuous advancement promises to further revolutionize how humans interact with and understand their planet, making it an indispensable tool in the modern world's technological and scientific arsenal.

Advantages of Satellite Imaging

1. Global Coverage and Accessibility
: Satellite imaging provides comprehensive global coverage, allowing for the observation and analysis of remote areas which are otherwise inaccessible. This is crucial for monitoring environmental changes, natural disasters, and infrastructure development in areas lacking ground-based observation capabilities.

2. Time-Efficient and Cost-Effective
: Compared to traditional aerial surveys or ground-based observations, satellite imaging can cover vast areas in a single pass, making it significantly more time-efficient. This efficiency, combined with the decreasing cost of satellite data, offers a cost-effective solution for large-scale mapping and monitoring projects.

3. Consistent and Repeatable Data Collection
: Satellites can capture images of the Earth's surface repeatedly and consistently over time. This allows for the monitoring of changes and trends, such as deforestation, urban expansion, and the effects of climate change, providing valuable data for long-term environmental and urban planning.

4. High-Resolution Options and Multispectral Capabilities
: Modern satellite imaging technologies offer high-resolution images, which are essential for detailed analysis. Additionally, the ability to capture data across various spectral bands enables the detection of features and changes that are not visible to the naked eye, such as chlorophyll levels in vegetation or pollution in water bodies.

How to select right Satellite Imaging supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Resolution Capabilities
Consider the spatial resolution of the imagery. High-resolution images are crucial for detailed analysis and applications requiring fine details.

2. Image Acquisition Frequency
Evaluate how often the supplier can provide updated images. Higher frequency is beneficial for monitoring changes over time.

3. Spectral Range
Check the range of wavelengths the satellites can capture. Different applications may require specific spectral bands.

4. Coverage and Global Reach
Assess the geographic coverage and the supplier's ability to capture images globally or in your area of interest.

5. Data Processing and Analysis Tools
Determine if the supplier offers advanced data processing and analysis tools to help you extract meaningful insights from the imagery.

6. Latency
Review the time taken from image capture to delivery. Lower latency is critical for time-sensitive applications.

7. Cost
Consider the pricing model and ensure it aligns with your budget and the value it brings to your project.

8. Customer Support and Service
Evaluate the supplier's reputation for customer service, including support for technical issues and educational resources.

9. Compliance and Licensing
Ensure the supplier complies with relevant laws and regulations, and check the licensing terms for image usage.

10. Scalability
Consider whether the supplier's infrastructure and services can scale with your project's needs over time.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Satellite Imaging?

Satellite imaging has become a cornerstone in modern business operations across multiple industries, offering a unique vantage point from space to gather critical data. In agriculture, satellite imaging is utilized for precision farming, enabling farmers and agribusinesses to monitor crop health, assess drought conditions, and optimize water usage. This technology facilitates informed decision-making, leading to increased crop yields and reduced resource waste. The construction and real estate sectors leverage satellite imagery for site selection, planning, and monitoring construction progress. This allows for better project management, risk assessment, and compliance with environmental regulations, ensuring that developments are sustainable and well-integrated into their surroundings. Environmental monitoring is another significant application, where organizations use satellite data to track changes in ecosystems, deforestation rates, and the impact of natural disasters. This information is vital for conservation efforts, policy making, and disaster response strategies, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect natural habitats. In the energy sector, particularly oil, gas, and renewables, companies rely on satellite images for exploration activities, infrastructure monitoring, and managing assets spread across vast, often remote areas. This aids in identifying potential resources, ensuring the safety of operations, and optimizing the distribution networks. Lastly, the maritime industry benefits from satellite imaging for navigation, monitoring sea traffic, and detecting illegal fishing activities. This ensures safer and more efficient maritime operations, protecting marine ecosystems and supporting sustainable fishing practices. These use cases highlight how satellite imaging is a versatile tool across various B2B sectors, driving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Satellite Imaging

Satellite imaging technology has achieved a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9, indicating that it is at the stage of actual system "flight proven" through successful mission operations. This high TRL is attributed to several technical advancements and extensive validation processes over decades. Satellite imaging has undergone rigorous development, from conceptual designs to technology demonstrations in relevant environments, and finally to real-world application. The technology's maturity is evidenced by its widespread use in various fields such as meteorology, earth observation, defense, and commercial applications like Google Earth. Key technical reasons for this level of readiness include the advancement in high-resolution imaging sensors, reliable data transmission systems, sophisticated onboard processing capabilities, and the development of robust ground support systems for data analysis and distribution. Furthermore, the miniaturization of satellite components has allowed for the deployment of satellite constellations, significantly improving coverage, revisit times, and data redundancy. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning for image analysis has further enhanced the utility and accessibility of satellite imaging data, solidifying its position at TRL 9. These technical milestones underscore the comprehensive validation of satellite imaging systems through successful missions, affirming their operational capability and reliability in a variety of conditions and applications.

What is the Technology Forecast of Satellite Imaging?

In the Short-Term phase, satellite imaging is set to experience significant enhancements in resolution and data processing speeds. Advances in sensor technology will allow satellites to capture images at higher resolutions than currently possible, making it easier to monitor environmental changes, urban development, and agricultural productivity. Improvements in onboard processing capabilities and ground-based computational methods will enable faster analysis and dissemination of satellite data, facilitating real-time applications such as disaster response and national security. Mid-Term developments will focus on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms with satellite imaging systems. This integration will automate the detection and monitoring of changes over large areas, such as deforestation, urban expansion, and the effects of climate change. The ability to predict events based on historical satellite data will also improve, aiding in planning and decision-making processes across various sectors. Additionally, we will see the advent of more sophisticated microsatellites, capable of targeted imaging missions, reducing costs, and increasing accessibility to high-quality satellite data. In the Long-Term, the emergence of satellite imaging constellations equipped with advanced propulsion systems will revolutionize real-time global monitoring. These constellations will be capable of providing continuous coverage of every point on Earth, dramatically increasing the timeliness and relevance of satellite data. Breakthroughs in quantum computing and communications technologies will further enhance the resolution and processing speeds, enabling detailed monitoring of environmental and geopolitical changes at unprecedented scales. The democratization of space will also see a surge, with more entities capable of deploying and accessing their own satellite imaging capabilities, fostering a new era of innovation and exploration in the final frontier.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Satellite Imaging Companies

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Start-Ups who are working in Satellite Imaging are Oculeye

The most represented industries which are working in Satellite Imaging are IT, Software and Services, Other, Telecommunications, Aviation and Aerospace, Defense

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