Space Habitat
Space Habitat

Top Space Habitat Companies

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21 companies for Space Habitat

Stellar Amenities's Logo

Los Angeles, United States

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to expedite the evolution from a single-planet species to a multi-planetary civilization, ensuring a seamless transition. Anastasia and Louis, bound by a history of resilience, are committed to crafting systems that empower humans to flourish in the harsh realm of space. For Space Habitat Providers / Commercial LEO Destinations.



Core business
Image for Stellar Amenities

Stellar Amenities

... Stellar Amenities is a space architecture startup dedicated to enhancing space habitat environments, with an emphasis on crew productivity and safety. In stealth mode. ...

AstroSpArch's Logo

Cologne, Germany

1-10 Employees


Our mission is to ensure astronauts (career, tourists and any professionals spending significant time in space) can perform their duties at the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats, providing a truly interdisciplinary service to our clients and developing architectural space radiation shielding to ensure safe space exploration by humans with possible auxiliary activities.Astro Space Architecture is here to help with systems engineering questions keeping human factors in mind, to design space habitats and to fill the gap between disciplines. We are dedicated to resolve any issue using our collective knowledge which we continue to widen on a regular basis. Our mission is to ensure astronauts (career, tourists and any professionals spending significant time in space) can perform their duties at the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats, providing a truly interdisciplinary service to our clients and developing architectural space radiation shieldings (patents pending) to ensure safe space exploration by humans with possible auxiliary activities. This made industry leading organisations, like NASA and Axiom Space acknowledge the need of architects (human factors system engineers) within their team to serve the engineers.Apart from the need for habitability perspective, Astro SpArch has been developing several architectural radiation shieldings for deep space to ensure the safe exploration outside of our atmosphere’s protective environment. We consider honesty as the key to a business. Also, different educational, cultural and disciplinary backgrounds provide unconventional solutions.



Core business
Image for Home - Astro SpArch

Home - Astro SpArch

... spending significant time in space) can perform their duties at the highest level by assisting/supporting with the design of space habitats, providing a truly interdisciplinary service to our clients and developing architectural space radiation shieldings (patents pending) to ensure ...

Clark Lloyd International - India's Logo

Hyderabad, India

11-50 Employees


We are a practice with the membership of AIIA and IIID in INDIA. Design is the most powerful tool a product can have. Clark Lloyd Architects is a multi-skilled design, planning and regeneration consultancy working for a client base spanning the built environment. Established in 2007 by Pavan Suryadevara in India (Hyderabad) with Head office in London. Built environment challenges take many forms – Urban Expansion, Master planning, new or converted buildings for specialist client sectors creating the new locally accountable economies the climate change era needs. As Designers, Architects and Planners we are used to engaging with the performance and conceptual brief of a project. Producing projects and solutions, which can be delivered, through understood delivery mechanisms– understanding viability, risk management, progressive value growth, politics, competition, and pride. Our project teams are structured to apply well-integrated built environment skill sets to each stage of their projects.



Core business
Image for unique space for habitat and summer rest

unique space for habitat and summer rest

... space for habitat and summer ...

The Mysterious Art Multimedia Inc.'s Logo

Montreal, Canada


At Kristal!, we believe in teaching children through the art of play. All of our educational, easy and fun to use quality products are “Made in Canada”. Restore this ancient 3-D puzzle and assemble your fragmented fossil into a 10″ museum-quality reproduction.



Image for Space Age™ Ant Habitat (Medium)

Space Age™ Ant Habitat (Medium)

... Space Age™ Ant Habitat (Medium) – Kristal! ...

Teague's Logo

Seattle, United States

251-500 Employees


In 1926, Walter Dorwin Teague pioneered the design profession, combining art and industry with a modest ambition: to reinvent the world. For nearly a century, Teague design and innovation has shaped the world we live in and the culture we experience every day. Teague produced dozens of iconic designs for P&G including the powerful Pringles trade dress. Teague partnered with NASA to design the crew quarters for Space Station Freedom. The quality of work Teague produces, combined with the perfect blend of grounded research and visionary design, and the professional packaging and delivery of the resulting work is everything we need in a design partner. Together with you, we create new products and experiences from emerging technologies and human aspirations for a better world. What they have in common is the audacity to shape the future. Improve mission performance and gain a competitive brand advantage through human-centered design and engineering for space.



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Image for Teague Featured Concept | Space Habitat

Teague Featured Concept | Space Habitat

... Teague Featured Concept | Space Habitat ...

Inmo Habitat One Real Estate Services's Logo

Castalla, Spain

1-10 Employees

We are committed to the development and renaissance of Habitat One, as we have been for Many years. We are here to help you go over the complete list of requirements to buy a house in Spain. We are here to help you find the perfect home for you. Our single office is locally owned and operated in the heart of Castalla. We hold many open houses, provide professional pictured brochures, and include your property in the Multiple Media Services and on the Internet. Our agents are knowledgeable, professional and dedicated to everyone’s satisfaction! We’ll show you the sales history and provide helpful advice. We can list your property and offer an expert house evaluation with one of our agents.



Image for Entertaining space – Inmo Habitat One

Entertaining space – Inmo Habitat One

... Entertaining space – Inmo Habitat ...

Creative Habitat Coworking + Childcare's Logo

West Des Moines, United States

1-10 Employees


It is our goal to strengthen family unity by uniting families and providing affordable childcare and coworking resources under the same roof. Our services aim to provide community support, economic vitality, and personal and professional growth for families. Did we mention we provide engaging play and childcare for your kids while you enjoy some much needed focused time to work on you? We are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment for families to work, play, and grow in business and life. Creative Habitat was founded on the belief strong families are the heart of a strong community. We aim to restore work/life balance and offer community support for women seeking business development and quality childcare resources as they are growing their businesses and families. We partner with local spaces in the community to offer our programming and services while supporting the local economy. Here at Creative Habitat, we believe developing regular quiet time and space to tap into one’s creativity in business and life is a true gift and blessing for women and their families.



Image for Space Reservation - Creative Habitat

Space Reservation - Creative Habitat

... Space Reservation - Creative Habitat ...

Habitats's Logo

Copenhagen, Denmark

1-10 Employees


I Habitats skaber vi plads til naturen i samspil med mennesket. I Habitats har vi over 12 års erfaring med landskabs-, vandskabs- og by-design, og er med jer gennem hele projektets forløb. Vi har over 12 års erfaring med naturbaseret rådgivning indenfor formgivning, udvikling, planlægning og formidling samt integrering af biodiversitet i forretningsstrategier og -ambitioner. Vi hjælper til at tænke biodiversitet ind i forretningsmodellen som et samfundsansvar, en konkurrenceparameter og en løftestang for vækst, så vi sammen skaber værdi for både naturen og virksomhedens konkurrenceevne og medarbejdere. Vi har udviklet et effektivt screeningsværktøj, der giver indsigt i potentialet på jeres egne arealer. Vi har samlet 10 virkemidler fra Bygherreforeningen og Habitats inspirationskatalog, som byudviklere og bygherrer bør overveje at få med, når de starter et nyt projekt op. Biodiversitetskrisen er et samfundsanliggende, der skal tackles på alle niveauer af samfundet.



Core business
Image for Habitats | Creating space for nature

Habitats | Creating space for nature

... Habitats | Creating space for ...

Adriana Hoyos Design Studio's Logo

Quito, Ecuador

11-50 Employees


Inspired by nature, with a particular focus on the Amazon rainforest and its rich forms and diversity.This magnificent natural environment served as a significant reference point for the creation of the ship's design concept.



Image for Adriana Hoyos Design Studio

Adriana Hoyos Design Studio

... Our goal is to create functional spaces where circulation, space use and the habitat link the user’s experience with their everyday environments. It is for this reason that in designing architecture we always begin by outlining the distribution of spaces and end with the design of the ...

Wild Ones Front Range Chapter's Logo

United States

1-10 Employees


We are one of the most geographically spread out regions! If your goal is to create a sustainable biodiverse habitat, we suggest incorporating at least 70% native species into your landscape. We are an entirely volunteer-run chapter of Wild Ones National. Each native plant that you add provides a landing place, food source, and/or a nesting site for local wildlife.



Core business
Image for Welcome to Wild Ones Front Range Chapter - Wild Ones Front Range Chapter

Welcome to Wild Ones Front Range Chapter - Wild Ones Front Range Chapter

... Curious to learn more about transforming some of your space into a garden habitat with Colorado native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees? Check out our resources & native gardening toolkit, register for an upcoming event, and/or subscribe to our newsletter. ...

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Facts about those Space Habitat Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Space Habitat

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers7
Amount of suitable service providers11
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1926
Youngest suiting company2023

Things to know about Space Habitat

What is Space Habitat?

A space habitat, also known as a space station or space colony, represents an engineered structure designed to support human life in the harsh environment of outer space for extended periods. These habitats are equipped with life-support systems to provide air, water, and food, and to manage waste, thereby creating a livable environment that mimics conditions on Earth. Space habitats are critical in the field of astronautics and space exploration, serving as platforms for scientific research, technological development, and as potential stepping stones for human colonization of other planets. They enable astronauts to study the effects of long-term space travel on the human body, including muscle atrophy and bone density loss, thereby informing the development of countermeasures. Moreover, space habitats play a pivotal role in testing life-support and habitat technologies that will be essential for future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. By providing a controlled environment for experiments that cannot be conducted on Earth, these structures contribute significantly to our understanding of space and the potential for human habitation beyond our planet. The development and continuous improvement of space habitats underscore humanity's commitment to exploring and potentially expanding our presence in the universe.

Advantages of Space Habitat

1. Enhanced Research Opportunities
Space habitats provide a unique environment for scientific research, particularly in fields such as astrophysics, biology, and materials science. The microgravity conditions allow for experiments that are not possible on Earth, leading to breakthroughs in medicine and technology that can benefit humanity as a whole.

2. Sustainability and Resource Utilization
Living in space habitats encourages the efficient use of resources through closed-loop systems that recycle water and air, showcasing sustainable living practices. Moreover, these habitats allow for the exploitation of extraterrestrial resources, such as mining asteroids for precious metals, reducing the strain on Earth's natural resources.

3. Expansion of Human Civilization
Space habitats offer a viable solution for the expansion of human civilization beyond Earth, providing a safeguard against existential threats such as natural disasters or asteroid impacts. By establishing communities in space, humanity can ensure its survival and continue to thrive in new environments.

4. Technological Advancements
The development and maintenance of space habitats drive innovation in technology, including advancements in life support systems, space travel, and habitat construction techniques. These technologies not only have applications in space but can also be adapted to improve life on Earth.

How to select right Space Habitat supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technical Expertise and Experience
Ensure the supplier has a strong track record in space habitat design and construction, with a portfolio of successful projects.

2. Innovative Design Capabilities
Look for suppliers who offer innovative and adaptable habitat designs that can meet the unique challenges of space living.

3. Material Quality and Sustainability
The materials used must be of the highest quality, durability, and should preferably have sustainable sourcing to withstand the harsh conditions of space.

4. Life Support Systems
Verify that the supplier provides advanced life support systems, including air, water, and waste recycling technologies, that can support long-duration missions.

5. Customization and Scalability
The supplier should offer customizable solutions that can be scaled and adapted as missions evolve and expand.

6. Cost-Efficiency
While not compromising on quality and safety, the supplier should offer competitive pricing and cost-effective solutions for space habitats.

7. Regulatory Compliance and Safety Standards
Ensure the supplier adheres to international space safety standards and regulations, demonstrating a commitment to the safety and well-being of astronauts.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Space Habitat?

Space habitats, a cornerstone of modern aerospace engineering, have opened new frontiers for B2B applications across several industries. In the construction sector, companies are exploring the potential of utilizing space habitat technology for developing extraterrestrial infrastructure. This involves leveraging advanced materials and robotic construction methods tailored for the harsh environments of space, enabling the future expansion of human presence on other planets. The telecommunications industry also stands to benefit significantly from space habitats. By establishing these structures as relay stations in orbit, businesses can enhance global communication networks. This setup would ensure more stable and robust connectivity options, especially in remote areas where traditional infrastructure is challenging to deploy. Furthermore, in the realm of research and development, space habitats offer unparalleled environments for scientific studies. Pharmaceutical companies, for instance, can conduct experiments in microgravity conditions, potentially leading to breakthroughs in medicine and biotechnology. The unique environment of space habitats allows for research that is impossible or impractical on Earth, opening new avenues for innovation. Lastly, the tourism and hospitality sector sees space habitats as the next frontier for luxury travel experiences. Offering trips to space or stays in orbiting hotels presents a novel business venture, tapping into the growing interest in space tourism. This use case not only diversifies the industry's service offerings but also pioneers the integration of space technology into recreational experiences.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Space Habitat

Space habitats, envisioned as structures enabling humans to live and work in outer space, currently fall under Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 to 5. This assessment is based on the fact that components of space habitat technology have undergone rigorous validation in a lab environment (TRL 4), and some integrated technology demonstrations have been conducted in relevant environments (TRL 5). The reason for this specific TRL positioning stems from several technical challenges and considerations. Firstly, ensuring life support systems that can efficiently recycle air, water, and waste for extended periods remains a complex issue, with current solutions still requiring significant advancements for long-term space habitation. Secondly, the protection of inhabitants from cosmic radiation and micrometeoroid impacts necessitates further development and testing of shielding technologies. Additionally, the psychological and physiological effects of long-duration space habitation on humans are not yet fully understood, requiring more in-depth studies. Lastly, the modular construction and assembly of large structures in space, a crucial aspect of building space habitats, have only been partially demonstrated on a smaller scale, such as on the International Space Station. These technical barriers highlight why space habitat technology has not advanced beyond the mid-range of the TRL spectrum, indicating that substantial research and development efforts are still needed to realize the vision of sustainable human life in space.

What is the Technology Forecast of Space Habitat?

In the Short-Term, advancements in space habitat technology are set to focus on sustainable life support systems. Innovations in recycling air, water, and waste will become more efficient, allowing for longer stays in orbit. Modular design improvements will also enable habitats to be more easily expanded, accommodating growing crew sizes. These developments are crucial for upcoming lunar missions and the planned return to the Moon. The Mid-Term phase will witness significant strides in habitat self-sufficiency, with the introduction of advanced hydroponic and aeroponic systems for food production in space. Energy generation methods will see a shift towards more reliable solar power and potentially nuclear fusion, drastically reducing dependency on Earth-based supplies. Additionally, the development of stronger, lighter materials will allow for the construction of larger structures capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of space. Looking into the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards the creation of self-sustaining, biosphere-like habitats capable of supporting human life indefinitely. These habitats will mimic Earth's ecosystem, featuring artificial gravity, regulated climates, and biodiverse ecosystems. Technologies enabling the extraction and utilization of in-situ resources, such as water ice from the Moon or asteroids, will play a pivotal role. This phase represents a giant leap towards humanity’s goal of colonizing other planets, potentially paving the way for permanent settlements on Mars and beyond.

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