Use Case
Coating solutions for reverse vending machines
Coating solutions for reverse vending machines is a Use Case of:
Mirror Coatings
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Johannes Steup
Head of Sales
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Use Case
Optical Coatings for Automotive Applications
Optical coatings with thin-film technology are used in Head-up-Displays in order to display driving data on the windshield. At Bte Born, we coat optical components so that they reduce reflections, prevent double images, and enhance thermal resistance, improving visibility and usability for drivers. With over 25 years of experience in this field, Bte Born provides reliable solutions tailored to HUD applications.
Use Case
Lenses for Automotive Head-Lights
The headlights of cars consist of different components. These often include lenses made of plastic or glass. Lenses for automotive head lights are improved by optical coatings. At Bte Born, we offer the appropriate coatings for lenses. The lenses are provided with anti-reflective coatings to increase both contrast and edge sharpness.
Use Case
Coating solutions for reverse vending machines
Recycling, Reverse vending, Packaging Solutions
Deposit return machines use sensors to scan the returned empties and read the barcode. With Bte Boen vapour deposition technology, we coat components of the recognition unit, which is made of glass. The machines use the sensors to detect the single-use deposit logo and the printed barcode. The weight, shape and colour of the bottle are also determined. It is particularly important to minimise reflection and avoid distracting reflections. This is the only way the recognition system can work quickly.
Bte Bedampfungstechnik GmbH offers a wide range of products and services.