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Use Case

Edit Math Formulas


Use Case

Edit Math Formulas


MathEditor is convenient, accessible, mobile-friendly, and fast software product. It understands the meaning of what the user entered. When we don’t know what a certain formula means, we can do nothing with it. We can’t compute its derivative or integral. We can’t solve the math problem automatically. We can’t even check if a formula, entered by a student, is the correct answer for a given math problem. Understanding the semantics gives our editor all these capabilities. EXAMPLE We have developed a small product for calculus self-testing, which generates random math problems and can check the correctness of their solution. It also can show the correct solution if a student is having difficulties. Software products of this type can't be created without understanding formula semantics.



Education, Edtech, University, College, Math Tutors

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UseCase: Edit Math Formulas

Use Case

Edit Math Formulas

Education, Edtech, University, College, Math Tutors

MathEditor is convenient, accessible, mobile-friendly, and fast software product. It understands the meaning of what the user entered. When we don’t know what a certain formula means, we can do nothing with it. We can’t compute its derivative or integral. We can’t solve the math problem automatically. We can’t even check if a formula, entered by a student, is the correct answer for a given math problem. Understanding the semantics gives our editor all these capabilities. EXAMPLE We have developed a small product for calculus self-testing, which generates random math problems and can check the correctness of their solution. It also can show the correct solution if a student is having difficulties. Software products of this type can't be created without understanding formula semantics.