Use Case
Gram Stain Kit
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Gram Stain Kit
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Use Case
Gram Stain Kit
Healthcare, Medical, Biotechnology, Antibodies
Gram Stain Kit - The Gram Stain Kit is intended for the demonstration and differentiation of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Gram Positive Bacteria: Blue Gram Negative Bacteria: Red Other Tissue: Yellow Nuclei: Red Scytek Laboratories Inc- #1 diagnostic reagents: Special Stains, Antibodies, Microbiology ScyTek Biotech Life Sciences manufactures diagnostic reagents, Special Stains, Antibodies, Hematology, Immunohistochemistry, buffers, Microbiology, Hematoxlyn, Gram Stain kit, Methylene Blue Solution, Giemsa Stain kit etc