Access Patrol Services Logo

Access Patrol Services

Security Guard Services in Arizona & California

Who is Access Patrol Services?

Our goal is to provide security guard personnel who are the perfect match for each security assignment. We provide a wide array of onsite security services with every officer and supervisor highly qualified and competently trained. The plan provides an analysis of your current security measures, our recommendations for security guard duties and their placement, electronic surveillance (if necessary), hours of service and recommendations for interaction with your staff and the public. Our state-of-the-art accountability technology ensures exceptional reliability, enhanced performance and quality customer satisfaction. APS is uniquely positioned to offer customized security services that meet the specific needs of any business, facility or event. They act as the company’s eyes and ears if something seems amiss. Access Patrol Services provides reliable, professional and experienced licensed security guards for events throughout California and Arizona. You can trust Access Patrol Services to provide expert, experienced personnel to deliver high quality security services that address your specific security concerns.

This company is:

Service provider

Simi Valley, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1995

Products & services of Access Patrol Services

Product Security guard company Los Angeles | security guard services Los Angeles image


Security guard company Los Angeles | security guard services Los Angeles

To get the most from security guard services in Los Angeles , we suggest that a detailed security plan be created so guards

Product Video Surveillance Monitoring - Access Patrol Service image


Video Surveillance Monitoring - Access Patrol Service

A physical security presence combined with a 24-hour video monitoring system is often the right combination for a successful security program. Access Patrol Services provides 24-hour monitoring of security camera feeds so criminal conduct can be spotted in real time and on-site security and police can be alerted immediately.

Product Security Evaluation To Keep Your Property Secure image


Security Evaluation To Keep Your Property Secure

Every location has its own set of unique security requirements. At Access Control Security, it’s our job to evaluate those requirements, offer suggestions and devise a security plan that will do the job.

View all products


security guards
retail store security
school security
event security
home security
church security
apartment/condo security
Gated community security
manufacturing security
construction site security
commercial office building security
workplace security
hospital security
hotel security
warehouse security
medical facility security
house of worship security
parking enforcement
security camera monitoring
Security & Investigations



Contact of Access Patrol Services

City: Simi Valley

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Access Patrol Services

The company Access Patrol Services is located in Simi Valley, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Access Patrol Services has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Access Patrol Services was founded in 1995

The company Access Patrol Services has it's main focus in the industries of Defense

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Access Patrol Services seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Access Patrol Services

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