ACI Workwear Logo

ACI Workwear

ACI Workwear - Industrial and Safety Workwear Manufacturer

Who is ACI Workwear?

ACI Group was established in 2000 as an oil refinery unit. Our mission “Sustainability 2023” focuses on eliminating waste completely and offering a wide variety of products in the sustainable and organic cotton category. ACI Workwear is a family-owned business that bridges the gap of qualitative clothing needs for the industrial workforce with the finest and unparalleled bespoke services. Our exceptional experience and expertise in manufacturing quality industrial workwear have today made us a renowned supplier across the world. ACI Group is driven by the motto of its relentless commitment to timely delivery and the unwavering dedication to keeping its clientele satisfied with superlative services. In the year 2006, we formed a partnership with ConAgra Foods, a leader in the oil industry, and since then have become their primary supplier. Over the years, we have significantly expanded our production capacity, making innovation and sustainability our top priorities. Today, we have earned a reputation for providing quality materials and designing products that are both durable and comfortable to wear.

This company is:



251-500 Employees

Founding year: 2010

Products & services of ACI Workwear

Product General Workwear Manufacturer & Supplier - ACI Workwear image


General Workwear Manufacturer & Supplier - ACI Workwear

Our Extensive range of Workwear options is designed to meet the diverse needs of a wide range of Industries, from Construction & Engineering to Hospitality.

Product Cold Protective / Freezer Clothing Manufacturer & Supplier image


Cold Protective / Freezer Clothing Manufacturer & Supplier

Our clothing range made of high-quality fabrics and materials provides excellent insulation against Cold & ensures Maximum Protection & Comfort for workers.

Product High Visibility Clothing Manufacturer & Supplier - ACI image


High Visibility Clothing Manufacturer & Supplier - ACI

Our High-Visibility Clothing provides an added layer of Safety and Protection and is perfect to meet the diverse needs of numerous Industries.

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Safety Wear
Corporate Uniform
Flame Retardant
High Visibility Clothing
Safety Jackets
Lab Coat
Corporate Uniform
Hospital Uniform
Boiler Suit
Fire Retardant Clothing
Automobile Clothing
Workwear Garments
Multi Shield Workwear



Contact of ACI Workwear

City: -

State: Uttar Pradesh

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about ACI Workwear

The company ACI Workwear is located in Uttar Pradesh, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information ACI Workwear has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

ACI Workwear was founded in 2010

The company ACI Workwear has it's main focus in the industries of Textile

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company ACI Workwear seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of ACI Workwear

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