Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group Logo

Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group

Custom Software Delivery and Development Partner | Forte Group

Who is Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group?

We are committed to the growth of our employees, teams, and clients. Make your vision a reality, evolve your digital product development, and help your teams focus on strategic goals. Bring your products to market at speed, aligning custom software development to your value creation thesis. Make your vision a reality with a full-stack development and full-stack custom software design and development partner. We’re a recognized global software partner with 20+ years of experience delivering outcome-based product and engineering solutions. We work closely with engineering leaders, product leaders, business leaders and founders to accelerate time to market, modernize legacy software, optimize technology operating expense and more. From that idea grew the understanding that industry-leading quality and talented people can build great software. We have 900+ technology experts in 10 locations worldwide to remove the common obstacles to getting from point A to point B.

This company is:

Service provider

Chicago, United States

251-500 Employees

Founding year: 2015

Products & services of Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group

Product What's the value of a product owner on an outsourced team? | Forte Group image


What's the value of a product owner on an outsourced team? | Forte Group

Forte Group is a full service outsourced Product Management and Product Marketing company. We help companies develop products and services that deliver real value to customers.

Product Forte Group Names Michael Makishima as its Chief Financial Officer | Forte Group image


Forte Group Names Michael Makishima as its Chief Financial Officer | Forte Group

Forte hires a CFO with over 20 years experience in accounting, financial management, and digital engineering services industry.

Product 7 Top Trends in Quality Assurance and Testing | Forte Group image


7 Top Trends in Quality Assurance and Testing | Forte Group

Here are seven top trends and technologies in QA that can help companies stay ahead of the competition by focusing on quality.

View all products


Agile Product Development & Delivery
Continuous Engineering (CI, CT, CD)
Computer Software


Information Technology

Contact of Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group

City: Chicago

State: Illinois

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group

The company Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group is located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group was founded in 2015

The company Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Agile Unicorn - acquired by Forté Group

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