Allied Automation Logo

Allied Automation

Who is Allied Automation?

We are dedicated to the development, design and Precision Engineering of custom automated equipment for many of the world’s leading Medical Device and Life Science companies. We are a customer-focused company, offering immediate telephone/online support and on-site support within 24 hours. We are known for providing robust automated solutions, no matter the complexity of the project.Many of the world’s leading Medical Device & Life Science companies trust us to deliver innovative solutions.We can assist the development of your product at an early stage, optimising production times, and minimising costs.We have now developed a dedicated Clean Assembly and Test area for machines which will be located in a cleanroom environment. Founded in 1998, Allied Automation, now Greatech Integration (Ireland) Limited, was built on a foundation of expertise in high Precision Engineering, and we now partner with many of the world’s most progressive manufacturing companies. Our objective is to provide innovative solutions to our customers, from initial consultation all the way through to expert delivery and commissioning of high precision engineering solutions. We help our customers to become successful through leading edge efficient production techniques. To make this possible, we invest time and expertise in developing a clear understanding of their requirements. We have to date successfully delivered over 500 Precision Engineering projects, making us one of the strongest and most experienced Automation solution providers in Ireland, with clients in Ireland & the UK, mainland Europe, USA and the Middle East.

Dublin, Ireland

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1998


Medical Device
Mechanical Engineering
Project Management
Industrial Automation



Contact of Allied Automation

City: Dublin

State: Leinster

Country: Ireland

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Allied Automation

The company Allied Automation is located in Dublin, Leinster, Ireland. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Allied Automation has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Allied Automation was founded in 1998

The company Allied Automation has it's main focus in the industries of Automation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Allied Automation seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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