Apollo Consulting Group Logo

Apollo Consulting Group

About Us - Apollo Consulting Group

Who is Apollo Consulting Group?

This means that we deliver what we promise even if it takes more hours than we anticipated and only charge you up to the cap. Provide highly experienced business consultants (20+ years) for a very reasonable fee, and deliver client benefits that are a large multiple of engagement costs. Provide a completely outsourced capability to your customers or supplement your resources on large projects. Streamline your operations to lower costs, improve customer service and reduce product and service delivery times by optimizing your workflows, processes, procedures, estimating and scheduling. Whether your challenges are improving profitability, driving down costs, delivering products and services in a timely manner, gaining operational efficiencies, improving customer service, or supporting a growth strategy, Apollo can help. Founded in 2008, Apollo has an excellent track record of delivering results. The Apollo Consulting Group provides services to independent firms in a range of industries including Services Companies, Retailers, Entertainment Companies, Restaurants, Construction Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Healthcare Companies, Financial Services Companies and non profits of all descriptions. We offer a fee cap guarantee on all of our work.

This company is:

Service provider

Newport, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2008

Products & services of Apollo Consulting Group

Product Business planning, profitability, marketing plans and turnarounds image


Business planning, profitability, marketing plans and turnarounds

Business planning strategy to improve cash flow and profitability of small to mid-sized companies.Situational consulting services or assistance with complete marketing plans for business turnarounds.

Product Solutions - Apollo Consulting Group image


Solutions - Apollo Consulting Group

The solution to many challenges is found in growing sales or revenues, finding efficiencies and driving down costs, sharpening a business strategy, developing processes and procedures to ensure consistent results or in optimizing pricing to drive customer behavior and maximize profits.  Apollo offers six broad...

Product Product Feature Optimization (Conjoint) - Apollo Consulting Group image


Product Feature Optimization (Conjoint) - Apollo Consulting Group

Do you want to find out what your customers really want to buy and how much they are willing to pay? Product feature optimization is the process where the best combination of product or service features and price is determined that will drive sales, market...

View all products


Profitability Improvement
Strategy Development and Execution
Product and Service Pricing Optimization
Project Management
Information Technology Consulting
Operational Efficiency Improvement
Cannabis Business Consulting
Marketing Analytics
Management Consulting



Use Cases of Apollo Consulting Group


Projects Behind Schedule - Apollo Consulting Group

Does your company have any important projects that are behind schedule? Project delays can be caused by ineffective project planning and management, a lack of organizational focus, as well as many technical or other project specific issues. Apollo can identify the unique combination of issues...

Contact of Apollo Consulting Group

City: Newport

State: Rhode Island

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Apollo Consulting Group

The company Apollo Consulting Group is located in Newport, Rhode Island, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Apollo Consulting Group has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Apollo Consulting Group was founded in 2008

The company Apollo Consulting Group has it's main focus in the industries of Consulting

Competitors of Apollo Consulting Group

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