Audiomotion Studios Logo

Audiomotion Studios

Audio Motion

Who is Audiomotion Studios?

We are an award-winning motion capture studio specialising in full performance capture and production services for the film, TV and video game industries. We provide clients with a substantial 21m x 14m volume equipped with Vicon's cutting edge technology and world-leading optical system; providing the cleanest and most optimum data for our clients. We are now based at Rebellion Film Studios, Didcot, providing additional access to a collection of stages and filming spaces resulting in over 40,000sqft of shooting space. We are celebrating over 25 years in the industry and have a wealth of experience in the development and application of mocap and VR. We are proud to work with a team of extremely talented animators and the most cutting edge technology to provide you with an outstanding final product. Established in 1997, we have worked on a wide range of projects from AAA video games, 1st and 2nd unit film productions, VR, AR, commercials, music videos, broadcast TV and smartphone apps. We offer expert consultancy and shoot management from concept to development and actualisation. The development of our own AMLive app provides our client’s with a unique viewing platform and selection application, designed to track and log shots as they are captured.

This company is:

Service provider

South Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1997

Products & services of Audiomotion Studios

Product Audiomotion image



Our Services | On Set & Location | Full Performance Casting Specialists | Virtual Production | AM Live | Sports | Studio Hire | Tech & Equipment | Facilities & Production Service

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Motion Capture
Performance Capture
Talent Sourcing
Post Production
TV & Commercials


Media and Entertainment

Contact of Audiomotion Studios

City: South Oxfordshire

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Audiomotion Studios

The company Audiomotion Studios is located in South Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Audiomotion Studios has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Audiomotion Studios was founded in 1997

The company Audiomotion Studios has it's main focus in the industries of Media and Entertainment

Competitors of Audiomotion Studios

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