Thanks to Axino, you have more money in the cash register at the end of the month. Axino takes this work off their hands, freeing them from this tedious task and keeping them more motivated and productive. With Axino, you can set your cooling devices so that they consume less electricity. Axino measures the core temperature of your food automatically. Unpack the Axino sensor, place it in the cooler, and start the app. To use Axino, you don’t need to be a technician or a computer scientist. Axino informs you immediately if your food is too hot or too cold. Increase visibilty on product health from once a day to real-time (well almost).
Solothurn, Switzerland
Founded in 2016
11-50 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Ownership structure
Privately Held
1 Headquarter
Number of products
9 Products
Specialised areas
Communication services, Data processing and preparation , Computer Vision, Computer related maintenance services, Computer Systems Design and Related Services, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services, Artificial Intelligence, Software, Other Telecommunications, Telephone communication, except radio, Telegraph and other communications
Axino offers a wide range of products and services
IoT-Lösung hilft Lebensmitteleinzelhändlern, die Temperatur verderblicher Waren aus der Ferne zu überwachen - Axino Solutions AG
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Semtechs LoRa®-Technologie in Axinos intelligente Kältelösungen integriert - Axino Solutions AG
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Axino Welcomes New Chief Product Officer - Axino Solutions AG
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Technologiefonds - Axino Solutions AG
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Swiss Technology Fund - Axino Solutions AG
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Semtech’s LoRa® Technology Integrated into Axino’s Smart Refrigeration Solutions - Axino Solutions AG
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IoT solution helps grocery retailers remotely monitor temperature of perishables - Axino Solutions AG
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Axino Retail Solutions Technische Daten Video - Axino Solutions AG
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of Axino
Use case
Customer Success Story - Bechtle - Axino Solutions AG
Bechtle is largest IT Company in Germany and has a strong market share within the retail and healthcare industry. Recently, to expand on their IT offering, Bechtle has opened an Internet of Things (IoT) branch, which aims to further the connection of IT to a complete full-spectrum service offering. Stefan Schweiger, Head of IoT & […]
Axino operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Axino
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Axino
Where is Axino located?
The company headquarter of Axino is located in Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Axino approximately have?
As of the latest available information Axino has around 11-50 employees worldwide.
When was Axino founded?
Axino was founded in 2016
In which industries does Axino mainly work?
The company Axino has it's main focus in the industries of Retail
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Axino
Austin, United States
11-50 Employees
Axzon's sensors are used to wirelessly monitor temperatures and moisture levels without the need for external power making them ideal solutions in multiple applications. Axzon's flexible Peel”N”Stick sensors are wireless battery-free sensors that are designed to measure temperature andmoisture in many applications and environments. Axzon's rugged hard sensors are passive, wireless temperature sensors that aredesigned to for industrial typeapplications and require on-metal mounting and the sensor maybe operated in a hostile environment. Axzon's flexible or rugged hard sensors not suitable for your application? Axzons technical guide introduces Axzons wireless passive RFID sensors, powered by its Magnus® S3 IC technology, and describes working principles and applications. These flexible sensors provide a low costs solution for monitoring the environment or producttemperatures and can easily be attached to almost any surface. This guide provides an introduction to the basic specifications of temperature, moisture, pressure, and proximity sensors.
Axino Solutions
Aachen, Germany
101-250 Employees
Unsere Mitarbeiter Dirk Huppertz und Sascha Uhlein begleiten und unterstützen nun auch unsere Auszubildenden im dualen Studium auf ihrem Weg zum Mathematisch-technischen Softwareentwickler/in (MATSE). Wir schätzen uns glücklich, auf ein versiertes Ausbilder-Team in unserem Unternehmen zurückgreifen zu können, das nicht nur mit Know-how und Engagement überzeugt – sondern immer auch einen Blick für den Menschen hat. Axino Solutions gab die Unterzeichnung eines Partnervertrags mit dem französischen Softwareunternehmen Berger-Levrault bekannt, einem weltweit führenden Spezialist für CMMS / EAM-Lösungen. Damit baut der Enterprise Asset Management Bereich der Axino Solutions ihr Lösungsportfolio für die Industrie 4.0, insbesondere für kleiner und mittelständische Unternehmen, weiter aus. ...weiterlesen. Mit dem Zusammenschluss stärkt S&T die fachlichen Kapazitäten und profitiert von den hoch qualifizierten Technikern und Informatikern der Axino, die zusätzliche Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Telekommunikation, Enterprise Service und Asset Management mitbringen. Die Kunden der Axino genießen weiterhin eine exzellente Qualität und zukünftig auch ein erweitertes Leistungsportfolio der S&T-Gruppe. ...weiterlesen.
Geneva, Switzerland
1-10 Employees
Axal leads the way in sustainable solutions, integrating technology with environmental responsibility across various industries. Join Axal on a journey to a future where tech innovation and eco-consciousness unite. Every member of the Axal team is empowered to make conscientious decisions that align with our commitment to environmental stewardship and ethical conduct. Axal innovatively merges IT and sustainability, directing cool and hot air from IT operations to sustain agriculture and warm workspaces. Our unique model, emphasizing local solutions and environmental stewardship, positions Axal at the forefront of harmonizing technology with nature, fostering a sustainable and resilient future. We offer customized solutions across various industries, focusing on high performance and environmental responsibility. Adopting localized information systems, agriculture, and energy solutions drastically reduces transportation costs, minimizes CO2 emissions, and curtails losses during transit. By skillfully reusing server-generated heat, we protect crops in winter and facilitate the production of dried goods in summer, creating a continuous, symbiotic cycle between IT and agriculture.
Axiom Cloud
Oakland, United States
11-50 Employees
Effective, software-enabled refrigeration management has become crucial to remain competitive. Axiom’s apps are helping us make significant progress on reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions while also saving money.”.
Karlsruhe, Germany
1-10 Employees
Das wäre so ohne axinio sicher nicht möglich gewesen“. Seitdem wir axinio nutzen, macht die Verwaltung endlich Spaß. Axinio ist für uns alle heute nicht mehr wegzudenken. Da axinio eine online basierte Software ist, benötigst Du im Grunde nur eine aktive Internetverbindung und einen möglichst aktuellen Browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge). Überzeuge Dich selbst wie viel Arbeit Dir axinio abnehmen kann! Egal ob per E-Mail, Telefon oder Videosession: wir sind für Dich da. Selbst bei vielen Standorten verliert man mit axinio nicht den Überblick. Meine Lieblingsseite ist das Änderungsprotokoll: Produktpflege und -entwicklung wird hier GROSS geschrieben!
Kochi, India
1-10 Employees
Axinoz is a team of skilled professionals specializing in Facebook and Instagram advertising and Digital Marketing. We specialize in creating and implementing strategies that help you get more traffic, leads, and sales from your online presence. Innovative digital marketing solutions that deliver measurable results and help your business grow.