Smart Shelf
Smart Shelf

Top Smart Shelf Companies

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116 companies for Smart Shelf


United Kingdom

11-50 Employees




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Image for OnDis Smart System | Smart shelf | OnDis Solutions

OnDis Smart System | Smart shelf | OnDis Solutions

... OnDis Smart System | Smart shelf | OnDis ...

Smart Retail Systems's Logo

New York, United States

1-10 Employees

A thin and flexible mat that simply sits on existing retail shelving and provides real time product movement, live inventory and more. A retail peg that provides real time product movement, live inventory, asset protection features, ESL pricing and more.





... Smart Shelf: Unlock the power of live inventory with Smart Retail ...


Melville, United States

11-50 Employees


Our mission is to transpose what DIAM is developing in the visual merchandising / point of sale retail environment in a more dynamic and digitally impactful way. To remain at the forefront of the beauty industry, we developed CONEX, a short for “connected experience”.CONEX develop creative and innovative retail experiences that create a link between the brand and their consumer and allow the development of strategies that will drive the business forward. With our simplified digital product ecosystem, we have developed a unique scalable way for brands to communicate and precisely target their messages on a local or global basis. CONEX, a member of the DIAM International Group, is a company dedicated to the development of digital solutions for the high-end retail market. We want to provide our clients with a new way of connecting with their customers. Our hardware team engineer and built production ready solution dedicated for the smart retail industry. Down to the component level up to the finalized product, our team features various technology expertise.



Image for Conex Digital LLC The Future of Merchandising

Conex Digital LLC The Future of Merchandising

... Conex Smart Shelf ...

ThingOS GmbH's Logo

Stuttgart, Germany

11-50 Employees


ThingOS ist eine hochinnovative Edge-Technologie-Plattform, die den Zugriff auf beliebige smarte Geräte, Sensoren und Aktoren vereint und damit eine bisher unerreichte Interoperabilität schafft. ThingOS verbindet die Erfassungsinfrastruktur (Pick-By-Light, NFC-Tags und -Sensoren, Displays und Sprachinteraktionen) mit der IoT-Cloud-Infrastruktur von HP Enterprises, um die Kommissioniervorgänge in Echtzeit auszuwerten. ThingOS evaluiert Bluetooth® Low Energy Mesh Sensor-/Aktuator-Knoten, Firmware, mobile Apps und Hub-Integration, was die Interoperabilität mit anderen Kommunikationstechnologien ermöglicht. ThingOS verbindet den Würfel mit dem Slack-Konto des Mitarbeiters, einer Glühbirne und einem Display für visuelles Feedback. Wir bieten B2B-Kunden in den Bereichen Industrie 4.0, Smart Home und Smart Retail eine einsatzbereite Edge-Connectivity- und Application-Execution-Plattform, Connect Hub-Geräte, eine plattformübergreifende Entwicklungsumgebung (XDE), Client-Apps für Android und iOS, Firmware für alle aktuellen Wireless-MCUs, eine Cloud-basierte Rollout-Infrastruktur und Cloud- oder Private-Cloud-basierte App-Stores für die Bereitstellung von Smart-Space-Anwendungen. Intuitive Bedienung, einfache, verständliche Programmierung und herstellerübergreifende Kompatibilität machen ThingOS User Interface Apps einzigartig im Smart Home Bereich.



Core business
Image for ThingOS


... Logistik: Smart Shelf - Vollständig vernetzt in Edge & ...

ThingOS's Logo

Stuttgart, Germany

1-10 Employees

ThingOS ist eine hochinnovative Edge-Technologie-Plattform, die den Zugriff auf beliebige smarte Geräte, Sensoren und Aktoren vereint und damit eine bisher unerreichte Interoperabilität schafft. ThingOS verbindet die Erfassungsinfrastruktur (Pick-By-Light, NFC-Tags und -Sensoren, Displays und Sprachinteraktionen) mit der IoT-Cloud-Infrastruktur von HP Enterprises, um die Kommissioniervorgänge in Echtzeit auszuwerten. ThingOS evaluiert Bluetooth® Low Energy Mesh Sensor-/Aktuator-Knoten, Firmware, mobile Apps und Hub-Integration, was die Interoperabilität mit anderen Kommunikationstechnologien ermöglicht. ThingOS verbindet den Würfel mit dem Slack-Konto des Mitarbeiters, einer Glühbirne und einem Display für visuelles Feedback. Wir bieten B2B-Kunden in den Bereichen Industrie 4.0, Smart Home und Smart Retail eine einsatzbereite Edge-Connectivity- und Application-Execution-Plattform, Connect Hub-Geräte, eine plattformübergreifende Entwicklungsumgebung (XDE), Client-Apps für Android und iOS, Firmware für alle aktuellen Wireless-MCUs, eine Cloud-basierte Rollout-Infrastruktur und Cloud- oder Private-Cloud-basierte App-Stores für die Bereitstellung von Smart-Space-Anwendungen. Intuitive Bedienung, einfache, verständliche Programmierung und herstellerübergreifende Kompatibilität machen ThingOS User Interface Apps einzigartig im Smart Home Bereich.



Core business
Image for ThingOS


... Logistik: Smart Shelf - Vollständig vernetzt in Edge & ...

Smart Design's Logo

Irvine, United States

11-50 Employees


Continued evolution of our products to meet the needs of today’s consumers. For over half a century Pro-Mart has been making people's lives more convenient by offering smarter home storage and organizational solutions. Our drive is to further our leadership in the marketplace providing our products to retailers worldwide for the years to come. Our commitment to innovation enables Pro-Mart Industries to maintain its leadership and continue to provide creative home organization products to consumers to enhance their lives. Keeping with the promise that the quality and value of our product will not be compromised. We care about humanity and work passionately to design innovative products. Pro-Mart partnered up with Target to launch an exclusive line of alternative storage products made of natural fibers.



Image for Adhesive Metallic Shelf Liner | Smart Design® Shelf Liner

Adhesive Metallic Shelf Liner | Smart Design® Shelf Liner

... Shop Top Picks: Adhesive Metallic Shelf Liner | Smart Design® from only $8.99 Smart Design Shelf LinersShelf Liners cushion and protect your surfaces and home goods from everyday wear and tear. ...

nextLAP Inc. - The Shop-floor AI Company's Logo

Mountain View, United States

1-10 Employees


Thanks to an interdisciplinary team we are strong in innovation and delivery with a long-standing process and IT expertise in logistics and production, a true “do it” culture, and analytical but flexible processes. It brings together engineering & execution for Manufacturing & Logistics.



Core business
Image for next level in Logistics And Production

next level in Logistics And Production

... Smart Shelf ...



1-10 Employees


We provide the insights necessary to make strategic business decisions. We provide customized quantitative in-store research using our unique technology to gather data from the location where shoppers make their purchasing decisions. Since 2016 when Perfect Data was founded, we specialize in business solutions which drive customer revenue growth, operating cost optimization and consumers satisfaction improvement via intelligent components of store equipment. Our strategic goal is to offer customers a complementary solution that allows them to build a "future store" just today. We always understand requirements of retail chains and their expectations toward suppliers and their products which are displayed and sold at the point of sale. Experience in building and managing agile software teams responsible for delivering of technology solutions. Smart Shelf is the ultimate solution for brand owners and retail chains, delivering real-time data straight from the heart of their operations - the store shelf. Our technology provides unparalleled insights for optimizing service costs and maximizing consumer satisfaction.



Core business
Image for Smart Shelf®

Smart Shelf®

... SMART SHELF® ...

Transpeye's Logo

Metropolitan Borough of Solihull, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We provide software solutions that analyse device data, connecting with cctv, using a modern cloud platform allowing risks to be revealed anytime, anywhere. Transpeye combines multiple data sources with integrated CCTV for video verification in our all-in-one cloud platform to highlight moments of risk or loss, for the ultimate Loss Prevention & Risk Management solution. Transpeye’s A-EYE™ technology enables a more efficient approach so the systems do all the hard work for you. With our Transpeye solution, you can highlight moments of risk or loss quickly and easily, whether malicious or compliance-based reducing losses and maximising profits. Transpeye is a combined SAAS (Software as a Solution) and VAAS (Video as a Solution) that allows one system to combine multiple internet of things (IoT) device data with CCTV for intelligence and video verification. Transpeye software systems are designed by Total Retail Loss experts for Retail Loss prevention and Risk leaders. Transpeye actually enhances existing equipment already invested in or about to be invested in and maximises the 1% of video footage required when you need it most. The team at Transpeye are experts in their field and provide an excellent service.



Image for Smart Shelf and Smart Device - Transpeye

Smart Shelf and Smart Device - Transpeye

... Smart Shelf and Smart Device - ...

Eturns, Inc.'s Logo

Irvine, United States

11-50 Employees


With eTurns it only takes me 5 minutes every two weeks -- it gives me data on usage, quantity on hand, min/max levels and much more. Even get integrated ordering with Amazon Business - eTurns is the first inventory app in the new Amazon Business App Center. Border States is thrilled to partner with eTurns for our VMI needs. The company provides great support that is personal while their product is the best we have seen in this space.".



Image for Amazon Dash Smart Shelf

Amazon Dash Smart Shelf

... Dash Smart Shelf Integrates with eTurns - ...

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Facts about those Smart Shelf Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Smart Shelf

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers85
Amount of suitable service providers41
Average amount of employees11-50
Oldest suiting company1970
Youngest suiting company2018

Things to know about Smart Shelf

What is Smart Shelf?

A Smart Shelf is an advanced storage system equipped with integrated technology, such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags and sensors, designed to automatically track inventory levels in real-time. This innovative shelving solution plays a pivotal role in the retail and warehouse management sectors by providing precise, up-to-the-minute data on stock availability, product placement, and consumer buying patterns. By leveraging IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity, smart shelves can communicate this valuable information directly to retailers' inventory management systems, enabling them to make informed decisions about restocking, product placement, and sales strategies. The impact of smart shelves extends beyond operational efficiency; they significantly enhance the customer shopping experience by ensuring product availability and enabling personalized in-store marketing initiatives based on shopper behavior and preferences. Furthermore, smart shelves contribute to reducing inventory shrinkage — losses due to theft, errors, or damage — by offering detailed insights into inventory movements. This technology exemplifies a transformative approach to traditional retail and inventory management practices, offering a seamless blend of physical and digital operations that drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

Advantages of Smart Shelf

1. Real-time Inventory Management
Smart shelves automatically monitor stock levels in real-time, reducing the likelihood of out-of-stock scenarios. This seamless inventory tracking ensures that products are always available for customers, enhancing their shopping experience.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience
By integrating digital labels and price tags, smart shelves offer customers up-to-date information about products, including prices, promotions, and detailed descriptions. This transparency and accessibility significantly improve the shopping journey, making it more informative and convenient.

3. Operational Efficiency
The automation of inventory and pricing updates on smart shelves reduces the need for manual labor, allowing staff to focus on customer service and other value-added activities. This efficiency not only cuts down on operational costs but also streamlines store management processes.

4. Data-Driven Insights
Smart shelves collect valuable data on customer preferences and product performance. This information enables retailers to make informed decisions about product placement, promotions, and stock levels, ultimately leading to optimized store layouts and increased sales.

How to select right Smart Shelf supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Compatibility With Existing Systems
Ensure the smart shelf technology is compatible with current retail management systems to streamline operations and data analysis.

2. Scalability
Choose a supplier that offers scalable solutions to accommodate future business growth and the potential expansion of smart shelf installations.

3. Real-Time Inventory Tracking
The supplier's technology should offer real-time inventory tracking capabilities for accurate stock management and replenishment.

4. Data Security
Verify the supplier's commitment to data security, ensuring customer and inventory data are protected against unauthorized access.

5. Technical Support and Service
Evaluate the supplier's customer service and technical support offerings to guarantee prompt assistance when needed.

6. Cost-Effectiveness
Consider the total cost of ownership, including installation, maintenance, and potential operational savings, to ensure the solution is cost-effective.

7. User Experience
The smart shelf solution should be user-friendly, both for store employees managing inventory and for customers interacting with the technology.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Smart Shelf?

In the retail industry, Smart Shelf technology revolutionizes inventory management by providing real-time tracking of stock levels. This capability allows businesses to automatically reorder products when they run low, ensuring shelves are always stocked and reducing the risk of lost sales due to out-of-stock items. The technology also aids in identifying trends in product popularity, enabling more informed decisions on inventory selection. Manufacturing sectors benefit from Smart Shelf by enhancing the efficiency of supply chain operations. By accurately monitoring component levels, manufacturers can avoid production delays caused by shortages of essential materials. This real-time visibility into inventory also facilitates a leaner inventory management approach, reducing costs associated with overstocking and storage. In the pharmaceutical industry, Smart Shelf technology ensures the safety and reliability of medication storage. By monitoring conditions such as temperature and humidity, pharmacies can maintain the efficacy of medications, improving patient safety. Additionally, the technology assists in regulatory compliance by providing accurate logs of storage conditions, crucial for audits. Lastly, in the food and beverage sector, Smart Shelf helps in maintaining the freshness of perishable goods. By monitoring expiration dates and environmental conditions, businesses can reduce waste and enhance food safety. This application is particularly beneficial for companies focusing on sustainability and quality control.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Smart Shelf

Smart Shelf technology, a pivotal innovation in the retail and inventory management sectors, currently sits at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 7 to 8. This classification signifies that the technology has been fully developed, tested in a simulated environment, and is now undergoing real-world trials to fine-tune its performance. The technical reasons anchoring Smart Shelf technology at this advanced TRL primarily revolve around its integration of IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags, and sophisticated data analytics algorithms. These components work in unison to monitor stock levels, detect potential theft, and provide valuable insights into consumer behavior and inventory needs. The move towards TRL 7 to 8 is underscored by successful pilot projects in retail environments, demonstrating not only the feasibility of Smart Shelves but also their effectiveness in enhancing inventory accuracy, reducing labor costs, and improving customer satisfaction. However, the path to full commercial deployment (TRL 9) requires overcoming challenges such as scalability, interoperability with existing retail systems, and ensuring data privacy and security. The evolution of Smart Shelf technology to its current TRL underscores significant strides in IoT application and machine learning, positioning it as a transformative tool for the retail industry.

What is the Technology Forecast of Smart Shelf?

In the Short-Term, smart shelf technology is expected to integrate more advanced IoT sensors and RFID tags, improving inventory accuracy and reducing out-of-stock scenarios. These enhancements will allow retailers to receive real-time data on inventory levels, customer preferences, and product placements. The adoption of AI algorithms for predictive analytics will also begin, enabling more personalized shopping experiences based on consumer behavior patterns. In the Mid-Term, the focus will shift towards the integration of augmented reality (AR) and machine learning. AR will provide customers with interactive experiences directly from the shelf, such as visualizing products in their home or accessing detailed product information by simply pointing their smartphone cameras. Machine learning will further refine inventory management, optimizing stock levels dynamically based on predictive models of demand fluctuations, seasonal trends, and promotional activities. Looking into the Long-Term, smart shelves are poised to become fully autonomous, capable of ordering their own restocks and even negotiating with suppliers for better pricing or faster delivery based on AI-driven projections. Blockchain technology might also be integrated to enhance supply chain transparency and product authenticity. Additionally, environmental monitoring capabilities could be added to ensure product quality, especially for perishable goods, by constantly monitoring conditions like temperature and humidity.

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