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Smart Building

Top Smart Building Companies

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2928 companies for Smart Building

Smart Building Focus Limited's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Here at Smart Building Focus we use our years of experience of dealing with Smart Building Technologies to slow the vortex down and focus on the design elements that work for you with features that are relevant to your needs with the correct level of integration.



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... Smart Building Technology Companies | Smart Building Focus Limited | ...

Interra Smart Building Solutions's Logo

Sheffield, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Interra Smart Building Solutions is a UK-based company that proudly supplies a range of state-of-the-art automation systems to the residential, hotel, commercial and public industries.



Image for Interra Smart Building Solutions Interra Servers Interra Home Automation

Interra Smart Building Solutions Interra Servers Interra Home Automation

... Interra Smart Building Solutions supplies a range of smart state-of-the-art automation systems to the residential, hotel, commercial and public industries. Interra Smart Building Solutions ...

FeelPlace's Logo

Tampere, Finland

11-50 Employees


FeelPlace Smart Building Solutions safeguards buildings by monitoring the building and delivering the data in an efficient and easily utilizable format. FeelPlace Wireless IoT sensors monitor the building and produce valuable Indoor Air Quality and other IoT and building related data. FeelPlace IoT data can be used as input for Artificial Intelligence based Solutions and and for new, automated and Smart Building Management Systems (BMS). Portable FeelPlace IAQ Case provides simple and mobile tools for monitoring of indoor air quality. FeelPlace3D is a world leading BIM model based Digital Twin of a building. The visually impressive FeelPlace3D model works with a web browser and can be used to gather and show IoT data such as energy efficiency. FeelPlace can be applied to a wide variety of targets starting from single spaces and expanding to buildings and building complexes. FeelPlace consists of wireless sensor devices, that monitor the building and communicate the collected data via gateways that forward the data to FeelPlace cloud service.



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Image for FeelPlace Smart Building Solutions

FeelPlace Smart Building Solutions

... FeelPlace smart building solutions consists of IoT sensors, scalable indoor air quality monitoring system and state-of-art 3d data visualization ...

nuspace GmbH's Logo

Rödental, Germany

1-10 Employees


Die nuspace GmbH ist ein spezialisierter Anbieter in den Bereichen Smart Building und IoT. Darauf aufbauend bieten wir spezielle Anwendungen für konkrete Anwendungsfälle (z. Gebäudesicherheit ist ein elementarer Bestandteil von Smart Building Systemen. So entsteht mit einem Knopfdruck die richtige Beleuchtungsatmosphäre – egal ob für konzentriertes Arbeiten oder das Abendessen mit Freunden.



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Image for Smart Building

Smart Building

... Smart Building Lö ...

Juberi Group's Logo

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Juberi is a technology group encompassing Crossite Associates , SecureArm and CETSAT. Juberi is changing the way buildings are delivered. Juberi’s IT network architecture design is the most secure and scalable among all others because of its threat-ware ability, its converged capability and federated management. Allowing Juberi to put forward and discuss best practice for converged Information Technology and Operational Technology LAN architectures as part of the Juberi Smart Building Certification process. Our vision is to revolutionise the way IT (Information Technology) OT (Operational Technology) Community Technologies (Digital Work Place) are procured, secured, implemented and maintained. The Juberi SMART Edge SD-WAN solution plays a vital role in addressing the cybersecurity challenges associated with smart buildings. At Juberi, we are committed to staying one step. We’re changing the way smart buildings are delivered.



Image for Smart Building Consultancy

Smart Building Consultancy

... Smart Building Consultancy Our smart building consultants are at the forefront of digital innovation and at the forefront of knowing how best to protect it. About Us Get In Touch Delivering safer, data driven buildings In the digitally connected world we live in, we must respond to ...

Smart Building Group Inc's Logo

Naples, United States

1-10 Employees

We are true industry insiders and are committed to building high performance teams for our clients by bringing you proven top talent from your direct competitors. We are uniquely positioned to help our clients exceed their goals efficiently and effectively. We are experts at recruiting top talent within the Building Automation Market. The Smart Building Group is a Strategic Recruitment & Management Consulting firm with a singular focus in the Smart Building Technology & Energy Management Industry throughout the United States.



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Helping Buildings Think's Logo

United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We are strategists, advisors, designers, consultants and technologists dedicated to creating a better world in which to live and work. Here at HBT Digital Advisory, we have delivered over 3000 smart building projects worldwide.Property investment organizations, developers, operators, occupiers and owners stand to gain significant advantages by engaging us as the smart building consultant. We define, design and deliver projects for our clients, all around the world. We bring specialized expertise in leveraging cutting-edge technologies to optimize building operations, enhance tenant experiences, and drive sustainable practices. Furthermore, we can provide valuable insights into implementing smart solutions that improve tenant satisfaction, increase property value, and differentiate buildings in a competitive market. By fostering a nuanced comprehension of the existing landscape and harnessing the power of innovative digital solutions, we empower our clients to make informed decisions that maximize the potential of their assets in today's dynamic market. We take great pride in our role as the architects of some of the world's most exceptional and intelligent buildings, crafted specifically for property developers, owners, and investment organizations.



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Image for Smart Buildings and Cities

Smart Buildings and Cities

... Smart Buildings. Smart Cities. Digital ...

Krellian's Logo

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Krellian believes in human-centered design, putting people and their needs at the centre of everything we do. Krellian believes in environmental sustainability, in technology which is built to last and has a positive impact on our natural environment. Krellian believes in open source and open standards.



Core business
Image for Smart Buildings

Smart Buildings

... Optimise space utilisation and reduce energy consumption with smart building technology. ...

Innovative & Smart Buildings's Logo

Clichy, France

11-50 Employees


Passionné par la technologie, I-SB s’est spécialisé dans l’intégration de solutions connectées pour la maison individuelle, les bureaux, les espaces communs de copropriété, et le monde. Nous sommes également membres d’Enerplan (Syndicat d’acteurs d’énergies renouvelables). Installé en Ile-de-France, I-SB c’est aujourd’hui 30 professionnels : compagnons, ingénieurs, techniciens, administratifs pour construire avec vous des projets immobiliers. Construire ensemble demain autrement est un challenge captivant qui se décline, selon nous, de plusieurs façons que nous nous appliquons à mettre en oeuvre au quotidien : innovations technologiques, méthodologie, rapports humains, responsabilités…. C’est le bon sens de se fournir auprès d’acteurs locaux (français et européens), de réduire les emballages, d’utiliser des matériaux biosourcés, recyclés ou reconditionnés ! Garantie de la qualité et de la pérennité de nos ouvrages : nous sommes qualifiés Quali PV et assurés chez AXA. La maturité de notre entreprise nous permet d’explorer de nouveaux chemins : entreprise à missions, entreprise régénérative…Nous participons également à de nombreux projets innovants et plus écologiquement responsables : construction bois, construction hors site… Conscients des risques associés aux nouvelles technologies et notamment à l’IOT, nous sommes également particulièrement attentifs aux différents enjeux éthiques et sociétaux concernant la protection des données et le respect de la vie privée.



Core business
Image for Innovative & smart buildings

Innovative & smart buildings

... ISB - Innovative & Smart Buildings ...

MedLog Consult's Logo

Werl, Germany

1-10 Employees



Image for Smart Building

Smart Building

... Smart Building — MedLog Consult ...

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Facts about those Smart Building Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Smart Building

Country with most fitting companiesGermany
Amount of fitting manufacturers1809
Amount of suitable service providers1700
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2004
Youngest suiting company2020

Things to know about Smart Building

What is Smart Building?

A Smart Building refers to a structure that leverages advanced automation and integration systems to monitor and control a wide range of building operations, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, security, and other systems. This intelligent infrastructure is designed to gather data from sensors and devices throughout the building, utilizing this information to optimize operations, enhance occupant comfort, improve energy efficiency, and reduce environmental impact. The cornerstone of smart buildings is the Internet of Things (IoT), which allows for seamless communication between devices and systems, enabling real-time adjustments that respond to changing conditions and usage patterns. By analyzing data on energy usage, occupancy trends, and environmental conditions, smart buildings can adapt to optimize both performance and sustainability. This adaptability not only contributes to significant cost savings on utilities and maintenance but also plays a pivotal role in creating healthier, more productive environments for occupants. In the broader context of urban development and sustainability, smart buildings are integral to the evolution of smart cities, representing a shift towards more resilient, efficient, and adaptive urban spaces. Their impact extends beyond individual buildings, contributing to the goals of energy conservation, carbon footprint reduction, and enhanced quality of urban life, marking a significant advancement in how buildings are designed, operated, and experienced.

Advantages of Smart Building

1. Energy Efficiency
Smart buildings utilize advanced technologies like IoT sensors and AI to monitor and control the use of resources such as electricity and water. This capability not only reduces wastage but also significantly lowers operational costs, making them more economically sustainable compared to traditional buildings.

2. Enhanced Security
With integrated security systems, smart buildings offer superior safety features. Technologies such as biometric scanners and surveillance cameras ensure a secure environment for occupants by providing real-time monitoring and immediate response to potential threats.

3. Improved Occupant Comfort
Smart buildings are designed to adapt to the needs of their occupants, offering unparalleled comfort and convenience. Automated climate control and lighting systems adjust according to natural conditions and personal preferences, thus creating a more comfortable and productive living and working environment.

4. Optimized Maintenance
Through predictive maintenance, smart buildings can anticipate and address issues before they escalate. This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of the building's systems and equipment but also avoids the inconvenience and cost of emergency repairs.

How to select right Smart Building supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Integration Capabilities
Ensure the supplier offers solutions that can seamlessly integrate with existing building management systems and IoT devices for a unified operation.

2. Scalability
The technology should be scalable, allowing for future expansions or upgrades without significant disruptions or excessive costs.

3. Energy Efficiency
High priority on energy-saving features is crucial. Look for suppliers that provide smart solutions to optimize energy consumption and reduce operational costs.

4. Security Measures
Assess the cybersecurity measures and physical security capabilities of their solutions to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

5. Customization
The ability to customize solutions according to specific building requirements and tenant needs is essential for maximum efficiency and user satisfaction.

6. Support and Maintenance
Consider the level of technical support and maintenance services offered to ensure smooth and continuous operation.

7. Compliance and Standards
Verify that the supplier’s products comply with relevant industry standards and regulations to avoid legal and operational issues.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Smart Building?

Smart Buildings harness the power of IoT and automation to revolutionize how businesses operate, offering numerous B2B applications across various industries. In the commercial real estate sector, smart building technology enhances property management through predictive maintenance and energy optimization, leading to significant cost savings and increased tenant satisfaction. Facilities can proactively address issues before they escalate, ensuring a seamless operation and extended lifespan of critical systems. In the hospitality industry, smart buildings elevate the guest experience by providing personalized room settings, such as climate control and lighting, based on guest preferences and behavior. This customization not only improves comfort but also drives energy efficiency, as rooms can automatically adjust settings when unoccupied. Manufacturing plants benefit from smart building technology through improved safety and productivity. By monitoring environmental conditions and machinery in real time, these facilities can predict equipment failures and prevent workplace accidents, ensuring a safer and more efficient operation. Healthcare facilities employ smart buildings to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. Through real-time tracking of medical equipment and optimization of room conditions for patient comfort, hospitals can improve patient outcomes and streamline their operations, making healthcare delivery more effective. These use cases illustrate the versatile benefits of smart building technology, showcasing its potential to transform operations and improve efficiency across a spectrum of industries.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Smart Building

Smart buildings, which integrate advanced automation and IoT technologies to optimize operations, currently occupy a TRL between 7 and 8. This classification is based on the successful demonstration of these technologies in operational environments, such as commercial and residential buildings, where systems for energy management, security, and environmental control have been deployed and tested. The reason for this specific TRL positioning stems from the extensive integration of sensors, actuators, and interconnected systems that not only collect and analyze data but also autonomously adjust building operations to improve efficiency, comfort, and safety. Despite the high level of technology integration, challenges related to standardization, interoperability, and cybersecurity still exist, preventing smart buildings from reaching the ultimate TRL of 9. These technical barriers hinder seamless communication between different devices and systems within buildings, and raise concerns about data privacy and protection against cyber threats. As the industry continues to focus on overcoming these hurdles through innovation and regulation, the TRL of smart buildings is expected to advance, reflecting improvements in technology maturity and deployment readiness.

What is the Technology Forecast of Smart Building?

In the Short-Term, smart buildings will increasingly leverage IoT devices and AI to optimize energy consumption and improve security. The integration of these technologies allows for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, reducing costs and enhancing the efficiency of building management systems. Expect to see a rise in the use of smart sensors and meters that provide data for optimizing lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on occupancy and weather conditions. The Mid-Term phase will witness the proliferation of digital twins and advanced analytics, enabling a deeper understanding and simulation of smart building operations. This period will mark a significant shift towards sustainability, with technologies like photovoltaic glass and energy storage solutions becoming more common. Buildings will not only generate their own power but also contribute to the smart grid, adjusting energy usage in real-time based on grid demands and pricing. In the Long-Term, the focus will shift towards fully autonomous buildings capable of self-regulation, repair, and even construction. Innovations in materials science, such as self-healing concrete and adaptive materials, will play a crucial role. The integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies will provide immersive control and monitoring interfaces. Ultimately, smart buildings will evolve into living ecosystems, intelligently adapting to their inhabitants' needs while minimizing their environmental footprint.

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