Data Mining
Data Mining

Top Data Mining Companies

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1384 companies for Data Mining

Data Mining Center's Logo

Bandung, Indonesia

11-50 Employees


Study group adalah kegiatan belajar seputar materi dasar Data Mining dan pengaplikasiannya menggunakan tools terkait. Research group adalah kegiatan belajar seputar materi Data Mining yang lebih kompleks, Big Data, diskusi perkembangan Data Mining, dan riset dalam bentuk paper. Competition adalah kegiatan pembinaan untuk mengikuti event kompetisi Data Mining baik kompetisi nasional maupun internasional.



Core business
Image for Data Mining Center Laboratory

Data Mining Center Laboratory

... Data Engineering) Fakultas Informatika. Laboratorium DMC merupakan laboratorium yang fokus pada riset tentang Data Mining dan juga membantu mahasiswa yang berminat dalam bidang Data Mining dengan mengadakan Study Group, serta mengikuti berbagai kompetisi nasional maupun internasional. ...

Go From There LLC's Logo

Appleton, United States

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to help companies take a step back from the obstacles they are facing, identify all the options that they have, decide upon the best route and Go From There.



Image for Data Mining and Analysis

Data Mining and Analysis

... Data Mining and Analysis – Go From There, LLC. ...

Core Dealer Services Inc.'s Logo

Old Toronto, Canada

11-50 Employees


No two dealerships operate the same way, so why should dealership software? Products should be designed to fit each dealership’s individual management style and processes… not define them. Envision’s intuitive design ensures your team can learn and take advantage of the product’s features with little to no onboarding. After all, training is only as valuable as the usability. No two dealerships operate the same way, so why should your software solutions? Customer retention is the name of the game.



Core business
Image for Data Mining

Data Mining

... Data Mining ...

Medical IT Solutions AG's Logo

Hünenberg, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


Sie haben Interesse an unserem Praxis Informations System für medizinische Einrichtungen? Dann vereinbaren Sie ein Beratungsgespräch. Sie haben Interesse an unseren IT Dienstlesitungen für medizinische Einrichtungen? Dann vereinbaren Sie ein Beratungsgespräch. Die Medical IT Solutions AG bietet Ihren Kunden Dienstleistungen im Bereich Praxis as a Service, Support / Monitoring, Data Mining und Entwicklung an. Haben Sie eine Frage oder benötigen Sie Hilfe? Zögern Sie nicht unser Team zu kontaktieren!



Image for Data Mining

Data Mining

... Data Mining ...


Troy, United States

11-50 Employees


SECNOLOGY offers the only unique graphical parser in the world ! Our customers are using SECNOLOGY to address numerous and various needs such as :. SECNOLOGY helps organizations of all sizes solve operational issues quickly. The core of the SECNOLOGY architecture, SECmanage performs numerous operations on events on the fly, on demand, or scheduled. We focused also on making SECNOLOGY very EASY, very CUSTOMIZABLE, and very FLEXIBLE. Its Grid Computing Architecture provides power and scalability by processing data on as many managers as needed, simultaneously and without limitation. SECweb is a Web Portal allowing authorized users to access their personal SECNOLOGY environment using a web browser.



Image for Big Data Mining

Big Data Mining


First Layer GmbH's Logo

Zurich, Switzerland

1-10 Employees

In order to gain information from text, we use state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence, mainly Deep Learning Algorithms.



Core business
Image for Software Development - Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data.

Software Development - Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data.

... Software Development - Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data. ...

Euvance's Logo

Boulder, United States

1-10 Employees


Euvance's API with its simple and easy syntax allows developers to build great apps with ease. Our database of clean and standardized data helps you be more productive with your time that is otherwise spent on redundant tasks of removing rows or reformatting data types.



Core business
Image for Data mining made easy

Data mining made easy

... Data mining made ...

Bumi Data Mining Sdn Bhd's Logo

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1-10 Employees


Bumi Data Mining is your trusted partner to leverage technology to drive growth and achieve your goals. With BDM’s end-to-end solutions and focus on delivering value to clients, BDM helps organizations stay ahead of the competition in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. In addition to technology solutions, Bumi Data Mining’s ecosystem also includes a team of experts who can provide businesses with the guidance and support they need to navigate the complex landscape of Industry 4.0. Thank you for your interest in our services.



Image for Solutions | Bumi Data Mining

Solutions | Bumi Data Mining

... Solutions | Bumi Data Mining ...

Quantum Business Consulting's Logo

Hendersonville, United States

1-10 Employees


Katapy's founders, Monika Spiller and Stuart Bishop, together have over 50 years of technology experience managing and delivering the technologies you use every day. Katapy is 100% owned and operated as a USA company, our servers are all hosted in our datacenters, managed by our team, and therefore assure no voice can be qwelled by the large cloud service providers our competitors often use. With Katapy, your voice is heard, your way, on your apps, with your brand, and therefore, ensures growth of your audience through quality and innovation. Katapy is an all-in-one platform that encompasses the entire workflow of media management, curation, monetization, delivery, and syndication. Katapy delivers the best possible media experience for your customers while making the process of getting your video content ready as easy as possible for you. With Katapy, you can offer your customers a similar experience to what the major apps offer, whether you want a look like Netflix, or a fully custom solution, we make it happen for you, coupled with an extensive end-to-end onboarding, curation, and delivery process, simplifing your digital distribution workflow, nothing could be easier than working with us. Katapy can be fully integrated with your existing media workflow, MAM, or custom archive system, offering both live and stored media workflows from camera/editor to consumer, on all screens. Katapy is unique in its ability to offer an all-inclusive media distribution solution to any company with an unparalleled quality of service that was not achievable before, without years of custom development and outrageous budget.



Image for Katapy - Services - Data mining/ - TOPEKA

Katapy - Services - Data mining/ - TOPEKA

... Katapy - Services - Data mining/ - ...

Ad Fury's Logo

Nes Ziona, Israel

11-50 Employees


AdFury is an advertising agency that specializes in mobile app marketing. With advanced algorithms and top-of-the-line data-mining tools - we will build a better audience for your app. Data-mining will generate better optimizations for better results. Advanced reporting and analytics tools help us visualize the data. Advertising in different media channels to find a better audience.



Core business
Image for Realtime Data-mining Solutions for mobile advertising

Realtime Data-mining Solutions for mobile advertising

... Realtime Data-mining Solutions for mobile ...

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Facts about those Data Mining Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Data Mining

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers811
Amount of suitable service providers927
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2005
Youngest suiting company2021

Things to know about Data Mining

What is Data Mining?

Data mining is the sophisticated computational process of discovering patterns, anomalies, and correlations within large sets of data to predict outcomes. Utilizing a blend of machine learning, statistical analysis, and database systems, it aims to extract valuable information from a dataset and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. Beyond mere data analysis, data mining involves the automated extraction of predictive information that is otherwise too complex to discern through traditional processing. The significance of data mining spans various sectors, including marketing, finance, healthcare, and research, offering a pivotal advantage in strategic decision-making. In marketing, for instance, data mining helps identify customer preferences and trends, enabling businesses to tailor their strategies for improved customer engagement and retention. In the healthcare sector, it aids in predicting disease outbreaks and improving patient care through the analysis of medical records. The impact of data mining in these fields is profound, as it not only enhances efficiency and effectiveness but also fosters innovation by uncovering hidden patterns and insights that can lead to new discoveries. As data volumes continue to expand exponentially, the role of data mining as a key tool in deriving value from vast information repositories becomes increasingly critical, underscoring its importance in driving informed decisions and strategic initiatives across industries.

Advantages of Data Mining

1. Enhanced Decision Making
Data mining empowers businesses with

data-driven insights
, significantly improving decision-making processes. By analyzing trends and patterns in large datasets, companies can predict future market trends, enabling them to make proactive, informed decisions.

2. Cost Efficiency
One of the standout benefits of data mining is its ability to cut costs. By identifying efficient ways to manage resources and pinpointing potential avenues for saving, businesses can significantly reduce expenses. This process also streamlines operations, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional data analysis methods.

3. Improved Customer Relationship Management
Data mining techniques allow for a deeper understanding of customer behaviors and preferences. This insight enables businesses to tailor their products and services to meet the specific needs of their clientele, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Competitive Advantage
In today’s data-driven world, being able to quickly and accurately analyze information can provide a significant competitive edge. Data mining offers this advantage by enabling businesses to identify market trends before their competitors, positioning them a step ahead in the marketplace.

How to select right Data Mining supplier?

1. Expertise in Specific Domains
Ensure the supplier has proven expertise in your industry or field, as data mining techniques can vary significantly across different domains.

2. Data Security Measures
Evaluate their data protection and privacy policies to ensure the security of sensitive data.

3. Advanced Analytical Tools and Technologies
Confirm they utilize the latest technologies and tools for data mining to provide accurate and efficient results.

4. Scalability and Flexibility
The supplier should offer solutions that can scale with your business needs and be flexible in adapting to changing requirements.

5. Customer Support and Maintenance
Check for robust customer support and maintenance services to help you navigate any issues that arise during the data mining process.

6. Proven Track Record
Look for suppliers with a strong portfolio of successful projects, which can indicate their ability to deliver quality results.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Data Mining?

Data mining has become a cornerstone in unveiling valuable insights across various industries, aiding businesses in making data-driven decisions. In the retail sector, companies leverage data mining to understand customer purchasing patterns. By analyzing transaction data, businesses can identify trends and anticipate future purchases, enabling personalized marketing strategies and inventory optimization. The financial industry employs data mining for risk management and fraud detection. By examining transaction histories and customer behavior, financial institutions can predict potential risks and implement safeguards. This proactive approach not only protects against financial losses but also enhances customer trust and compliance with regulatory standards. In manufacturing, data mining is instrumental in predictive maintenance. By analyzing operational data and machine performance, manufacturers can predict equipment failures before they occur. This predictive capability reduces downtime, extends machinery life, and optimizes maintenance schedules, leading to significant cost savings and increased production efficiency. Healthcare organizations utilize data mining to improve patient care and outcomes. Through the analysis of patient records and treatment histories, healthcare providers can identify effective treatment plans and predict health trends. This use of data mining supports personalized medicine, enhances diagnostic accuracy, and streamlines operational efficiency, ultimately contributing to better healthcare services. Each of these use cases demonstrates the transformative power of data mining in driving innovation, efficiency, and strategic decision-making across diverse B2B landscapes.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Data Mining

Data mining, a crucial component of modern analytics, has advanced to a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), typically positioned at TRL 9. This classification indicates that data mining technologies are fully mature and have been successfully implemented across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and retail. The ascent to this level is primarily due to the extensive development and validation of algorithms and models that underpin data mining processes. These technical advancements have enabled the extraction of meaningful patterns and insights from vast datasets with high accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has significantly enhanced the capabilities of data mining tools, allowing for predictive analytics and automated decision-making. The widespread adoption and proven effectiveness in real-world applications underscore the reliability and maturity of data mining technologies. The technical foundation, characterized by robust algorithms, scalability, and integration with other technologies, has solidified its status at the pinnacle of the TRL scale, reflecting its readiness for widespread deployment and its potential to drive innovation across sectors.

What is the Technology Forecast of Data Mining?

In the Short-Term, advancements in data mining are expected to focus on enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of existing algorithms. With the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, data mining processes will become more automated, reducing the need for manual oversight and significantly speeding up data analysis. This phase will also see the development of more user-friendly data mining tools, making the technology accessible to a broader range of users, including those without a deep technical background. The Mid-Term phase is poised to witness the emergence of predictive analytics as a dominant force in data mining. This advancement will enable businesses to not only interpret vast datasets but also to forecast future trends with a high degree of precision. The integration of big data technologies will facilitate the handling of increasingly large and complex datasets, thereby enhancing the scope and depth of insights derived from data mining activities. Privacy-preserving data mining techniques will also become more sophisticated, addressing growing concerns over data security and user privacy. In the Long-Term, the frontier of data mining is expected to expand significantly with the advent of quantum computing. This breakthrough will revolutionize data processing capabilities, allowing for the analysis of data at speeds previously unimaginable. Moreover, the application of data mining will extend beyond traditional fields, influencing areas such as personalized medicine, environmental sustainability, and smart cities. These developments will not only enhance decision-making processes but also have a profound impact on society as a whole, driving innovation and efficiency across multiple sectors.

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