
Top Gamification Companies

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2292 companies for Gamification

GameLayer's Logo


Helsinki, Finland

1-10 Employees


These are used to define the best concept to deliver a successful and engaging user experience while adding concrete business value. We then implement this design using our gamification platform and provide technical support during the integration phase with your digital service(s). Together we co-create a roadmap of content | gamification feature updates and GameLayer takes ownership of actively managing those updates to ensure the service delivers maximum engagement to your users and business value to you. All functionality is provided via the API which leaves you in full control of the UI and the UX for the optimal branded experience. We also offer extended SLAs for companies that require that extra coverage. Drop us a note and we will provide you with details of the different SLA options including pricing.


Gamification Mechanics

... to your site. Start leveraging the best gamification practices today. ...

Carbun8's Logo


Gurugram District, India

11-50 Employees


As a New age Digital transformation venture, Carbun8 leverages its core capabilities in Technology, Consumer Analytics & Automation, and enables enterprises take real-time, consumer focused decisions to reinvent products, operations and business models.



... Gamification, On Demand Services, Content Distribution & ...

Wayfarer Points's Logo

Wayfarer Points

Chicago, United States

11-50 Employees


Designing and developing class leading products for some of the worlds biggest brands (P&G, Philips, Wal-Mart) for over 19 years. Spent the last 25 years developing and innovating products and services across a wide variety of industries. Highlights include: helping to revolutionize the golf footwear industry, creating game-changing consumer products, holding regional roles for Microsoft’s retail business, China Country Manager for Belkin, developed Corning glass screen protectors for Belkin/Apple and Walmart. A customer engagement platform & solutions provider, leveraging technology, psychology, gamification, and personalization.

Core business

Wayfarer Points Gamification

... The Gamification Platform for Loyalty ...



Larnaca, Cyprus

11-50 Employees


Core business

Global gamification

... Global gamification ...

Enterprise Gamification Consulting Group's Logo

Enterprise Gamification Consulting Group


1-10 Employees



Enterprise Gamification Consulting Group - Platform

... Enterprise Gamification Consulting Group - ...

Arkham Studio - Agence de Gamification's Logo

Arkham Studio - Agence de Gamification

Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, France

11-50 Employees


Créer une expérience innovante pour sensibiliser et fédérer les équipes. CECI EST UN GENERATEUR DE CHIFFRES ALEATOIRES QUI FONT BIEN.

Core business

Agence de gamification

... Studio est une agence de gamification spécialisée dans les nouvelles ...



Madrid, Spain

11-50 Employees




... Gamification ...

Adact's Logo



1-10 Employees


Adact is the world’s leading software that allows you to create fully customizable interactive experiences. Thus, Adact is not a one-time thing but a tool for your whole marketing lifecycle. Adact’s tool not only has a user-friendly interface but also many customizable features, which enable us to create personalized and engaging campaigns for our target audience. Adact’s customer support team was also exceptional as they were always available to provide us with prompt and helpful support whenever we needed it. Coca-Cola has long been known for its innovative marketing campaigns. We’ve said that gamification marketing is the unicorn of modern marketing and as time goes on, it really seems like it. Witness the results as the Bubble Shooter game engaged festival-goers and left a lasting impact on the event’s success. The brand stays in the consumer’s consciousness for a longer time, leading the consumer to consciously prefer the given brand in a buying situation.

Core business

Create, build and manage Gamification Marketing Campaigns

... Best Gamification Software to create Campaigns for Marketing, Employee ...

Red Koi Box SRL's Logo

Red Koi Box SRL


1-10 Employees


Core business

RedKoiBox - Gamification, Adver games, Serious games, VR/AR

... di sviluppo videogiochi, gamification, VR e AR. Tramite l’uso dei più ...

Social Wiiv's Logo

Social Wiiv

Johannesburg, South Africa

1-10 Employees


With the Social Wiiv Platform, organizations can align and motivate their workforce. Connect your people, manage disruption, transform communication and build your culture in a fun and easy way that everyone will love. Fully customisable and scalable to suit any type of business or online requirement. Digital leaderboards highlight top performers and give others something to strive for. Badges give a sense of recognition, award badges for certification achievements based on their performance and completion of tasks.

Core business

Gamification Engagement Platform

... Social Wiiv – Integrated Social Gamification Solutions | ...

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Insights about the Gamification results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Gamification

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers1856
Amount of suitable service providers1747
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2011
Youngest suiting company2020

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Gamification

What is Gamification?

Gamification involves the strategic application of game design elements and principles in non-game contexts to enhance user engagement, motivation, and participation. This approach harnesses the intrinsic enjoyment and challenge found in games, applying them to various fields such as education, marketing, health, and workplace productivity. By embedding elements like point scoring, competition, and rules of play into activities, gamification taps into the human psychological propensity for gaming to solve problems, learn, and interact. In educational settings, for instance, it can transform learning into an interactive and rewarding experience, thereby improving student engagement and retention rates. In the corporate world, gamification strategies are employed to motivate employees, fostering a more dynamic and collaborative work environment. Additionally, in marketing, gamification techniques are utilized to increase customer interaction and loyalty by making brand interactions more entertaining and rewarding. The impact of gamification is profound, offering innovative ways to motivate actions, educate, and connect with audiences across various sectors. By leveraging the motivational dynamics of game mechanics, it encourages desired behaviors, making it a powerful tool in transforming the way interactions and processes are conceived and executed within its applied contexts.

Advantages of Gamification

1. Enhanced Engagement
Gamification strategies are designed to make learning or completing tasks more engaging. By integrating elements like points, levels, and badges, users are often more motivated to participate and stay focused. This heightened engagement leads to a deeper investment in the content or activity, making the gamification approach more effective than traditional methods.

2. Improved Retention
The interactive nature of gamification helps in significantly improving information retention. Through repetitive actions and the application of knowledge in game-like scenarios, users are more likely to remember the information. This is because interactive learning stimulates cognitive processes differently than passive reading or listening, making the retention of information more effective.

3. Instant Feedback
One of the key benefits of gamification is the provision of instant feedback. Users can immediately see the results of their actions, understand what they did right or wrong, and learn how to improve. This immediate feedback mechanism is often lacking in traditional learning or task completion methods, where feedback can be delayed and less personalized.

4. Increased Motivation
Gamification introduces a competitive element, either with oneself or others, which can significantly boost motivation. By setting clear goals and rewarding achievements, users are encouraged to push their limits and strive for excellence. This competitive edge makes gamification a more motivating experience than conventional approaches, where incentives may be less clearly defined or absent.

How to select right Gamification supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Experience and Expertise in Gamification
Look for suppliers with a proven track record in developing and implementing gamification strategies. Their portfolio should demonstrate experience in your industry or similar fields.

2. Customization Capabilities
Ensure the supplier can tailor gamification elements to fit your specific needs and objectives. Customization is key to engaging your unique audience effectively.

3. Technology and Integration
The supplier should offer advanced technology solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. This integration is crucial for a smooth implementation process.

4. User Experience Design
Check for a strong focus on user experience (UX) design. A good gamification supplier knows how to create engaging and intuitive user interfaces.

5. Analytics and Reporting Tools
Access to analytics is essential for measuring the success of your gamification efforts. Choose a supplier that provides detailed reporting tools for tracking engagement and performance metrics.

6. Security and Privacy Compliance
Verify that the supplier adheres to industry-standard security practices and complies with relevant privacy regulations. This is crucial for protecting your data and that of your users.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Gamification?

Gamification has been effectively employed in the sales and marketing sector to boost employee engagement and performance. By introducing elements such as points, leaderboards, and rewards for achieving sales targets or completing specific tasks, companies have seen a notable increase in productivity and motivation among their sales teams. This approach leverages the competitive spirit, making the achievement of sales goals more engaging and rewarding. In the realm of employee training and development, gamification introduces an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. By incorporating game-like elements into training modules, businesses can enhance knowledge retention and participation. This method proves particularly effective in complex industries, where understanding detailed processes and regulations is crucial. Employees are more likely to engage with the material and apply what they've learned in their roles. Customer engagement and loyalty programs also benefit significantly from gamification. By rewarding customers for actions such as making purchases, leaving reviews, or referring new clients, companies can encourage ongoing engagement and build a loyal customer base. This strategy not only improves customer retention rates but also turns customers into brand advocates, driving organic growth. Through these use cases, gamification emerges as a versatile tool across different B2B contexts, driving engagement, performance, and loyalty by making business processes more interactive and rewarding.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Gamification

Gamification, an innovative approach that applies game-design elements in non-gaming contexts to enhance user engagement and outcomes, currently stands at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), approximately between 8 and 9. This classification is attributed to its widespread adoption and demonstrated effectiveness across various sectors, including education, healthcare, and business. The technical foundation of gamification is robust, leveraging mature digital technologies such as mobile applications, web platforms, and sophisticated analytics to create immersive experiences. The algorithms used in gamification strategies are well-developed, enabling personalized experiences that adapt to user behaviors and preferences. Furthermore, the integration capabilities of gamification systems have evolved, allowing seamless incorporation into existing digital infrastructures. This high TRL signifies that gamification is not only technically viable but also consistently delivers the intended benefits, such as improved user engagement and behavior change. The broad acceptance and implementation of gamification strategies across multiple industries underscore its efficacy and the reliability of its underlying technologies. Its position at the high end of the TRL spectrum reflects both the maturity of the technology itself and its proven track record in achieving desired outcomes in real-world applications.

What is the Technology Forecast of Gamification?

In the short-term, gamification is poised to deepen its integration within educational platforms and corporate training programs. Immediate advancements are expected to focus on enhancing user engagement through personalized learning paths, real-time feedback mechanisms, and interactive challenge elements. These features aim to boost motivation and retention rates, leveraging data analytics to tailor experiences to individual learning styles and performance. Looking into the mid-term horizon, gamification technologies are anticipated to evolve with the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This progression will enable more immersive experiences, bridging the gap between digital and physical worlds. In sectors such as healthcare, marketing, and retail, AR and VR gamification will offer unprecedented interactive and experiential opportunities, driving deeper customer engagement and facilitating innovative training and rehabilitation programs. In the long-term, the advent of AI-driven gamification is expected to revolutionize the way personalization and adaptability are implemented in gamified systems. AI algorithms will predict user behaviors and preferences, dynamically adjusting game elements for optimized engagement and learning outcomes. Moreover, blockchain technology could introduce new models of reward systems and digital asset ownership, fostering a more secure and transparent ecosystem for gamifiers and participants alike. These advancements promise to elevate gamification's role in education, work, and social interaction to new heights.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Gamification Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Gamification

Based on our calculations related technologies to Gamification are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Gamification are Boss Key Consulting

The most represented industries which are working in Gamification are IT, Software and Services, Education, Marketing Services, Gaming, Other

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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