
Top Artificial Intelligence Companies

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10000 companies for Artificial Intelligence

AI Time Journal's Logo

AI Time Journal

San Francisco, United States

1-10 Employees


We strive to seek improvement constantly: in ourselves, our processes, and our products and we aim to share these improvements with our community. We publish articles, podcast interviews, and ebooks with insights from industry leaders and experts, and use cases of exponential technologies across multiple fields, including finance, healthcare, and education. Discover AI and automation software and tools that help you reach your goals faster.

Core business

Runway - AI Time Journal - Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Work and Business

... - AI Time Journal - Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Work and ...

Intelligent Information System's Logo

Intelligent Information System

Coventry, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are committed to providing clean, in-depth datasets. After testing, we deliver the results to our client and a certification of the process. Our goal is to provide clients with high-quality analytics. Anup Pandey is an oxford graduate and brings over 19 years of experience in IT industries and the service Industry. Our Team has experts from across the domain. Our experts closely work with businesses to understand their requirements and deliver customised solutions ranging from automation, use of Artificial Intelligence, computer vision and research, and the development of the new methodology.

Core business

Power of Artificial Intelligence

... Empowering your business with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence ...

ThoughtAI's Logo


Harrisburg, United States

11-50 Employees


Thought AI was founded with the vision of how we interact with an intelligent connected world by making all digital information "smart." Our approach changes how we interact with digital systems for a more valuable and helpful customer experience. Thought AI’s innovations are supported by strong intellectual property creating self-aware software agents as the basis for our novel solutions. These innovations provide helpful services with little to no development, oversight, or maintenance. Make data-driven decisions, deliver modern and integrated data applications for your organization and your customers, and create new revenue streams based on data to help drive your business forward.


Thought AI Adaptive Artificial Intelligence

... Thought AI Adaptive Artificial Intelligence ...

Thinq.Ai's Logo


Hoofddorp, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Thinq.Ai is a technology company specializing in applying AI in the (IP) network domain. Our goal is to improve online security for connected households. Mourad has always nurtured a deep-seated passion for innovation, consistently transforming concepts into groundbreaking products and services.

Core business

Thinq.Ai: Applying Artificial Intelligence

... Thinq.Ai - Applying Artificial Intelligence ...

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory's Logo

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Palo Alto, United States

51-100 Employees


The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) has been a center of excellence for Artificial Intelligence research, teaching, theory, and practice since its founding in 1963. Our video highlighting 60 Years of Artificial Intelligence history at Stanford won the Science and Technology category at the 52nd Northern California Area Emmy Awards. Congratulations to everyone involved in SAIL and Stanford Video! The SAIL AI at Stanford 1962-2022 video is a Gold Telly Winner in the Non-Broadcast – Documentary: Short Form (Under 40 Minutes) category, and a Silver Telly Winner in the Non-Broadcast – Educational Institution category. See over eight hours of video from Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory researchers speaking on April 13, 2023.

Core business

About – Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

... Welcome to the Stanford Artificial Intelligence ...



Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

11-50 Employees


Core business

Artificial Intelligence made in Germany

... PSIORI | Artificial Intelligence made in ...

Combined Intelligence | MCC UK's Logo

Combined Intelligence | MCC UK

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Learn more about our vision, our history, our team and our approach. Not only can we provide insight and inspiration, we are innovators and problem solvers prepared to get our hands dirty to ensure client success. We deliver advice and solutions working closely with our clients, combining their and our intelligence to deliver the best outcomes. We provide AI consultancy services, helping our clients realise the full potential of Artificial Intelligence and related intelligent technologies. At Combined Intelligence we believe in intelligent technologies and how they can be smartly combined with people, processes and systems to truly transform customer experience, to optimise business efficiency, to provide real actionable insight and deliver sustainable competitive advantage. We believe we have created a specialist capability, supported by our values, approach and team, that enables our clients to successfully realise the full potential of intelligent technologies. We initially focus on gaining a good understanding of each client’s unique underlying business needs, objectives, priorities, challenges, values and people. Combined Intelligence Ltd was formed in 2019 with a mission to help organisations successfully apply intelligent technologies to innovate and transform.


Artificial Intelligence

... technologies. Our artificial intelligence journey, describes how ...

Infosyte Malaysia's Logo

Infosyte Malaysia

Subang Jaya, Malaysia

11-50 Employees


InfoSyte has been in the IT industry for over 13 years and we are only getting started. Having provided our services and expertise globally, we’ve proven ourselves in the IT sphere as both problem solvers as well as idea leader. Here at InfoSyte, we believe that to continuously improve ourselves is what will drive us forward and set up apart within the IT industry. We are one of the only two (HALP) Huawei Authorized Learning Partner in Malaysia and have worked closely with Huawei for years to ensure that our training and projects are done to the highest quality with great results. We are also one of the Linux Authorized Education Partner and align ourselves closely with the standards and requirements that have been set to ensure every class we conduct is always the same and does not differ in quality and experience. Infosyte is a true IT Training & Education Provider within the Learning and Development Community. Who We AreCompany HistoryWord from CEOTestimonialsAwards & RecognitionsCareers With Us. We are Professional IT Training & Education Expert.


HCIA-Artificial Intelligence (AI)

... completion of this HCIA-Artificial Intelligence (AI) program, the ...

Optimall Solutions's Logo

Optimall Solutions


1-10 Employees


Core business


... Artificial intelligence - deep learning, machine learning, data ...

Dutch Finance & Management Services's Logo

Dutch Finance & Management Services

Schiphol-Rijk, Netherlands

1-10 Employees


Our team seamlessly integrates interim leadership solutions with cutting-edge financial technology, offering a holistic approach that addresses both immediate challenges and long-term objectives. Through precise and personalized strategies, we deliver measurable results that exceed expectations. As a trusted partner, we navigate the complex landscapes of change, innovation, and technological evolution to propel your business forward. We specialize in catalysing organizational growth through the strategic integration of Interim Management and FinTech solutions. With a dedicated focus on providing unparalleled expertise, we empower businesses to navigate transitional phases seamlessly. Our specialized AI solutions provided by business partners are tailored to optimize processes, automate tasks, and harness the power of data analytics, enabling your organization to make informed decisions in real-time. Ultimately, aim to earn sustainable growth and profitability, delivering value to stakeholders and customers alike.

Core business


... Natural Capital and Artificial Intelligence ...

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Products and services for Artificial Intelligence

A selection of suitable products and services provided by verified companies according to your search.

Product: KI Telefon Bot


KI Telefon Bot

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Product: KI E-Mail Bot


KI E-Mail Bot

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Product: KI Mitarbeiter-Assistent


KI Mitarbeiter-Assistent

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Product: KI Rechnungsbot


KI Rechnungsbot

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Use cases around Artificial Intelligence

A selection of suitable use cases for products or services provided by verified companies according to your search.

UseCase: Get Started With CurateIt

Use case

Get Started With CurateIt

Software industries, Marketing agencies, Internet marketing

Spoken like ‘Curate it’ is derived from the word curation meaning to filter or organize things. Another aspect of it also from root of the word curious. We believe all of us are multi-faceted beings with different interests & passions and Curateit is a platform for those crazy ones. It's a place where users can share all aspects, whether you’re a creative, artist, influencer or entrepreneur, a student or a teacher, a hobbyist or a professional.

Insights about the Artificial Intelligence results above

Some interesting numbers and facts about your company results for Artificial Intelligence

Country with most fitting companiesUnited States
Amount of fitting manufacturers10000
Amount of suitable service providers8990
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company2008
Youngest suiting company2022

Geographic distribution of results





Things to know about Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, and self-correction. Specifically, learning involves acquiring information and the rules for using the information. Reasoning consists of using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions. Finally, self-correction pertains to improving over time. AI is foundational in various fields, serving as the backbone for innovations such as autonomous vehicles, where it processes information from the vehicle's sensors to make decisions in real-time, and in healthcare, where it analyzes data from patient records to predict disease progression and suggest treatments. The impact of AI is profound, as it not only automates manual tasks but also enhances human capabilities, leading to increased efficiency and the discovery of new possibilities within research and development. Its role extends beyond operational efficiency, influencing the way data is analyzed and interpreted, and thus, driving strategic decisions in businesses and scientific research. Through its capacity to process and analyze vast amounts of data far beyond human capability, AI has emerged as a pivotal tool in advancing knowledge, improving quality of life, and solving complex problems across various sectors.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. Efficiency and Speed
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can process and analyze vast amounts of data much faster than human beings. This capability allows for quicker decision-making and problem-solving, making AI invaluable in environments where time is critical.

2. Error Reduction
AI significantly reduces the likelihood of errors that are common in tasks performed by humans. By relying on algorithms and predefined workflows, AI ensures a higher level of accuracy in operations, particularly in fields requiring precision like medicine and engineering.

3. 24/7 Availability
Unlike humans, AI systems do not require breaks or rest, enabling them to operate continuously without fatigue. This round-the-clock availability enhances productivity and ensures that services, such as customer support or surveillance, are always active.

4. Handling Repetitive Tasks
AI excels at automating monotonous and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs. This not only boosts efficiency but also improves job satisfaction by reducing tedium.

How to select right Artificial Intelligence supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Expertise and Experience in AI
Ensure the supplier has a strong background in AI, with a portfolio of successful projects that demonstrate their capability in the field.

2. Customization Flexibility
The supplier should offer customizable AI solutions that can be tailored to fit your specific business needs and objectives.

3. Data Security and Privacy
Confirm the supplier adheres to high standards of data security and privacy, protecting your sensitive information effectively.

4. Scalability
Choose a supplier that can scale their solutions as your business grows, ensuring their AI services can adapt to your evolving needs.

5. Support and Maintenance
Look for suppliers that provide robust support and maintenance services, ensuring smooth operation and quick resolution of any issues.

6. Technology Stack
The supplier should use the latest AI technologies and frameworks, demonstrating their commitment to staying at the forefront of AI innovations.

7. Cost-Effectiveness
Evaluate the supplier’s pricing model to ensure it offers good value for money, aligning with your budget and the expected return on investment.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various sectors, offering innovative solutions to longstanding challenges. In manufacturing, AI-driven predictive maintenance helps companies anticipate machinery failures before they occur, significantly reducing downtime and operational costs. This technology analyzes historical and real-time data to forecast equipment malfunctions, enabling proactive maintenance and smoother production processes. In the realm of customer service, AI-powered chatbots have become indispensable. These virtual assistants provide round-the-clock support, handling inquiries and resolving issues swiftly. By leveraging natural language processing, chatbots can understand and respond to customer queries in a human-like manner, improving customer satisfaction and freeing human agents to tackle more complex problems. In the healthcare sector, AI is transforming patient care through advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast datasets, including medical records and imaging, to identify patterns and anomalies that may elude human experts. This capability facilitates earlier detection of diseases and tailors treatments to individual patient needs, enhancing outcomes and efficiency. Finally, in the financial industry, AI is employed for fraud detection and risk management. By analyzing transaction patterns and behaviors, AI systems can identify potential fraud in real-time, significantly mitigating financial losses. Additionally, AI-driven risk assessment models help financial institutions make more informed lending decisions, balancing profitability with risk exposure.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad and multifaceted field, making its overall Technology Readiness Level (TRL) challenging to pinpoint precisely; however, it can be broadly classified between TRL 4 (technology validated in the lab) and TRL 9 (actual system proven through successful mission operations), depending on the specific application and AI subfield. For instance, machine learning algorithms utilized in predictive analytics and customer service chatbots have achieved TRL 9, being fully integrated and operational in various industries. Conversely, more nascent AI technologies like general AI, which aims to replicate human cognitive abilities, linger around TRL 4 or 5, as they have been validated in lab environments but lack broad real-world application or integration. This disparity stems from technical challenges, including the complexity of developing AI systems that can understand, learn, and react to the world with the same depth and nuance as a human. Additionally, ethical considerations and the need for extensive datasets for training AI systems without bias further complicate the advancement of certain AI technologies to higher TRLs. Thus, the current TRL of AI is a reflection of both its diverse applications and the varying degrees of technical and ethical hurdles faced in its development and deployment.

What is the Technology Forecast of Artificial Intelligence?

In the Short-Term, artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to see significant improvements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms. These advancements will enable AI systems to understand and interpret human language with greater accuracy, facilitating more intuitive interactions between humans and machines. Additionally, we'll witness AI being more seamlessly integrated into everyday devices and applications, enhancing user experiences through personalized recommendations and predictive functionalities. The Mid-Term phase of AI development is likely to be marked by the emergence of autonomous systems capable of performing complex tasks with minimal human intervention. This period will see the rise of self-driving vehicles becoming more mainstream, alongside drones and robots performing a variety of services, from delivery to maintenance. AI in healthcare will also advance, with systems able to diagnose conditions from imaging scans with accuracy surpassing human experts. Furthermore, AI's role in cybersecurity will evolve, using sophisticated algorithms to detect and neutralize threats more efficiently than ever before. Looking into the Long-Term, we anticipate the convergence of AI with other cutting-edge technologies like quantum computing, leading to exponential increases in computational power and capabilities. This era will likely introduce AI systems with the ability to learn and adapt without human data input, paving the way for innovations in AI creativity and problem-solving. These advancements may also raise ethical and societal questions as AI begins to challenge the boundaries of what it means to be intelligent, potentially reshaping our understanding of intelligence itself.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Artificial Intelligence Companies

Some interesting questions that has been asked about the results you have just received for Artificial Intelligence

Based on our calculations related technologies to Artificial Intelligence are Big Data, E-Health, Retail Tech, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, E-Commerce

Start-Ups who are working in Artificial Intelligence are Ai Solutions, Human Inspired AI Research - HumInspAIRe

The most represented industries which are working in Artificial Intelligence are IT, Software and Services, Other, Marketing Services, Consulting, Finance and Insurance

ensun uses an advanced search and ranking system capable of sifting through millions of companies and hundreds of millions of products and services to identify suitable matches. This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

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