C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) Logo

C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)

C&B Display Packaging Inc. | Point of Purchase Displays

Who is C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)?

Everything we manufacture is rigorously designed and tested to perform and meet specific weight and performance requirements. C&B Display Packaging was founded in 1984 by the Cooper and Brown families. With over 37 years of experience as a manufacturer of corrugated boxes, point-of-purchase displays, and retail-ready packaging we have experienced accelerated both organically and through mergers & Acquisitions. Our unique and one-of-a-kind displays and product packaging solutions sell more product. We’ve been exceeding expectations in design, delivery, and manufacturing for over 37 years. We’ve been exceeding expectations in design, delivery, and manufacturing for over 30 years. We offer a range of patented, easy fold solutions that can go directly onto the shelf, freezer, bunker, or selling floor and cut your repacking time by as much as 75%. Custom to your product requirements and specifications – if you can dream it, we can make it!

This company is:

Service provider

Mississauga, Canada

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1984

Products & services of C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)

Product Services - C&B Display Packaging Inc. image


Services - C&B Display Packaging Inc.

We specialize in consumer-focused point of purchase displays, retail packaging and industrial packaging. We have delivered outstanding quality for leading clients across North America for over thirty years.

Product Dump Bins - C&B Display Packaging Inc. image


Dump Bins - C&B Display Packaging Inc.

Dump Bin is generally a printed bin typically filled with loose product in the retail space or a trash bun for special evens.

Product Floor Display - C&B Display Packaging Inc. image


Floor Display - C&B Display Packaging Inc.

A point-of-sale display (POS display) or Floor Display is a specialized form of sales promotion that is found near the checkout counter (the "point of sale"). They are intended to draw customers attention to the product or promote special offers. These displays are also useful in outlets with limited floor space.

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structural design
graphic design
merchandising displays
service excellence
temporary displays
permanent displays
printed boxes
in-house manufacturing & design
Packaging & Containers



Contact of C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)

City: Mississauga

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)

The company C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) is located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) was founded in 1984

The company C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) has it's main focus in the industries of Packaging

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd) seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of C&B Display Packaging Inc. (Division of Royal Containers Ltd)

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