CO2 Lock Corporation Logo

CO2 Lock Corporation

CO2LOCK Corp – Using the earth’s minerals to remove carbon from the atmosphere — permanently.

Who is CO2 Lock Corporation?

At CO2 Lock, we are using science to accelerate and optimize what already happens in nature: mineralizing carbon in certain rocks. We are in business to make it happen again. Our goal is pilot-plant trials in the field in 2024. We are scaling up prudently in the near-term: from one kilogram of CO2 for initial lab work, to hundreds then thousands of kilograms planned next year as we prove out process, to a potential 100,000 kg/year of CO2 at our planned large-scale demonstration project. We are pleased to announce the completion of a suite of test work focused on permanently storing carbon dioxide in brucite and brucite-rich serpentinized peridotite (“BRSP”) rock. We know planting trees is a leading method of pulling carbon from the air. Our team and approach are science-based and laser focused on our mission: to think beyond the mine site and solve problems at global scale. At the same time, we are acquiring land tenures in key international jurisdictions to show the global potential of our climate solution.

This company is:

Service provider

Vancouver, Canada

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2021

Products & services of CO2 Lock Corporation

Product CO2 Lock Announces Appointment of Chief Technical Officer; Acceptance into Prestigious Climate Technology Accelerator Program | CO2LOCK Corp image


CO2 Lock Announces Appointment of Chief Technical Officer; Acceptance into Prestigious Climate Technology Accelerator Program | CO2LOCK Corp

CO2 Lock Announces Appointment of Chief Technical Officer; Acceptance into Prestigious Climate Technology Accelerator Program | Recent Posts

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Environmental Services


Environment, Disposal and Recycling

Use Cases of CO2 Lock Corporation


CO2 Lock Corp. Successfully Completes Significant Phase of Carbon Capture Kinetic Testing for Ultra-mafic CCS Project | CO2LOCK Corp

CO2 Lock Corp. Successfully Completes Significant Phase of Carbon Capture Kinetic Testing for Ultra-mafic CCS Project | Recent Posts

Contact of CO2 Lock Corporation

City: Vancouver

State: British Columbia

Country: Canada

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CO2 Lock Corporation

The company CO2 Lock Corporation is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information CO2 Lock Corporation has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

CO2 Lock Corporation was founded in 2021

The company CO2 Lock Corporation has it's main focus in the industries of Environment, Disposal and Recycling

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CO2 Lock Corporation seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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