Carbon Storage
Carbon Storage

Top Carbon Storage Companies

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444 companies for Carbon Storage

Virgil Dynamics's Logo

Cachan, France

1-10 Employees


Virgil Dynamics is a deeptech startup founded in 2021 to bring advanced automation technologies for the drilling industry. Fuelled by first principle physics and data-driven machine learning techniques, our soft sensors provide realtime estimates of critical downhole parameters to ensure safer, cheaper and deeper drilling operations.



Core business
Image for Geothermal Oil & Gas Hydrogen Carbon Storage

Geothermal Oil & Gas Hydrogen Carbon Storage

... Geothermal Oil & Gas Hydrogen Carbon Storage ...

ESG Natural Resources's Logo

Montreal, Canada

1-10 Employees


We provide industrial emitters and direct carbon capture companies with turnkey solutions for durably storing their captured CO2. Quality: We are committed to delivering robust, effective, and long-term solutions that bring meaningful value to our stakeholders. We are leaders in engineered mineral carbonation and are developing the carbon accounting methodologies needed for generating trusted carbon credits with the largest standard bodies globally. We provide industrial emitters or direct-air-capture companies with turnkey solutions for permanent, verifiable storage of their captured CO2. Exterra Carbon Solutions is a groundbreaking negative emissions technology company that pioneers engineered mineral carbonation as a method of CO2 storage. We offer scalable and cost-effective solutions for durable carbon storage, as well as the production of valuable minerals needed to support the clean energy transition. David is a Professional Civil Engineer (nonpracticing) with on-site experience in all phases of large-scale mine development. Tarek is a Professional Engineer with nearly 15 years of experience in engineering, project execution and commissioning of complex mining projects.



Core business
Image for Exterra


... A unique solution to large-scale, durable carbon storage ...

Starbit Digital's Logo

City of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Hello, we're Starbit - the universally digital agency. We are a small but firmly established team, using advanced project management tools to ensure everyone and everything is kept closely together across all of our work. Starbit took the leap and became all official. Starbit moved from the cosy attic to a proper office in Midlothian. Starbit's branding evolved to reflect an increasing focus on digital. Starbit found a new home slap bang in the middle of the capital’s vibrant creative heartland and made lots of new friends. Carine, Starbit’s Technical Director, joined the team in this pivotal year and helped kick-start some transformational new development processes. Starbit hosted an evening bday bash to kick off a month long exhibition of work in the gallery space at the Creative Exchange.



Image for Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage - LAUNCH | Portfolio of Starbit, Digital Agency, Edinburgh

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage - LAUNCH | Portfolio of Starbit, Digital Agency, Edinburgh

... Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage - LAUNCH | Portfolio of Starbit, Digital Agency, ...

Derby Partners's Logo

Denver, United States

1-10 Employees


We are committed to capturing, transporting, and storing CO2 safely, securely, and cost-effectively. Our approach is to build, own, and operate bespoke CCS projects tailored to specific emitters. Production of low-carbon (blue) hydrogen with CCS and application of appropriate technology to produce low-carbon hydrogen create additional investment opportunities, diversification of risk, and substantial upside for Derby. Derby Carbon is the investment platform for carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon credits, and other emerging investments related to decarbonization.



Core business
Image for DERBY PARTNERS - Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon and Hydrogen

DERBY PARTNERS - Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon and Hydrogen

... Derby Partners is a company pursuing carbon capture and storage CCS, hydrogen production, and related decarbonization investments using proven technologies. ...

Silvania Resources Inc.'s Logo

Delray Beach, United States

1-10 Employees


We care about the environment and partner with companies who are dedicated to sustainability. Established in 1991 and managed by two generations of Thilens, our marketing expertise and intimate knowledge of the woodpulp, paper, paperboard, packaging and related industries spans fifty-nine years. We offer reliable and continuous performance, while always adapting to changing market conditions. Our advanced communications and order processing capabilities allow us to deliver orders rapidly and efficiently. We operate under two divisions; Pulp Sales: Bleached and unbleached softwood kraft, bleached eucalyptus kraft, bleached sulphite, CTMP, fluff, specialties and secondary fibers.



Core business
Image for Silvania Resources, Inc | Your Source for Pulp, Paper and Paperboard

Silvania Resources, Inc | Your Source for Pulp, Paper and Paperboard

... Working forests are good for the environment, providing clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and carbon storage. ...

Nautilus Carbon Services's Logo

Trondheim, Norway

1-10 Employees


Committed - We are service minded and always strive to make a positive difference for our customers. We are an experienced team with broad subsurface and CCS expertise, working closely with our strategic partners to secure high quality products for our clients. Vision - Advancing the value creation of the CCS industry and become a leading supplier of storage site assessments to CCS stakeholders. Mission - Providing storage site assessments for the energy transition. Nautilus Carbon Services is a privately-owned pure carbon storage company founded in 2021 serving the CCS industry with storage site assessments combining our strong subsurface CCS expertise with our comprehensive subsurface database, COToolkit. Through decades the database has been built systematically with detailed studies and analysis. It is a well established tool for subsurface studies and fast-track storage site portfolio analysis. Nautilus Carbon Services has driven large joint industry CCS projects, leading multidisciplinary teams for a large group of companies as well as for single operators.



Image for Services — Nautilus Carbon Services

Services — Nautilus Carbon Services

... Carbon Storage License Cycle ...

Carbon Rho LLC's Logo

Dallas, United States

11-50 Employees

Carbon Rho was founded by environmental professionals and industry leaders in oil and gas to create a smarter Carbon Credit program that not only offsets but restores.



Core business
Image for Mitigating climate change through the recovery and storage of carbon dioxide - Carbon Rho

Mitigating climate change through the recovery and storage of carbon dioxide - Carbon Rho

... MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE through the recovery and storage of carbon ...

Lapis Energy's Logo

Dallas, United States

11-50 Employees


At Enerflex, we are proud to bring our four decades of capture expertise to our partnership with the Lapis team contributing to the successful delivery of their strategy.". We provide single-point responsibility from industry partner to sink. Experts specialized in providing custom solutions for the capture, storage, transportation and sequestration of CO2 from industry partners. The Lapis team is comprised of leading industry experts with multiple decades of relevant technical, commercial and project experience with the biggest companies in the world. We combine the rigor of traditional capital project delivery with the innovation and entrepreneurial thinking necessary to create industrial-scale low-carbon solutions. Lapis is the partner of choice for energy-intensive industries seeking to achieve their carbon goals through the delivery of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. Founded in 2016 and based in Dallas, Texas, Cresta’s team has a robust operational history, with decades of combined development, engineering, commercial, trading, legal and financial experience in the infrastructure industry, and its founding partners have worked together as a team since 2007. The Partner of Choice for energy-intensive industries seeking to achieve their carbon goals through delivery of carbon capture and sequestration projects.



Core business
Image for Full-Service CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Developer & Operator

Full-Service CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Developer & Operator

... Full-Service CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Developer & ...

Living Carbon's Logo


We are motivated by the urgency of the climate crisis. We are already seeing the effects of our climate crisis - water scarcity, catastrophic fires, once-in-a-century storms every year. We are working on ways in which our technology and ecological systems can work together to support a balance of give and take. We are running out of time to implement solutions for climate change and synthetic biology is the most promising scalable solution. We are proud to be supported by a number of remarkable institutions and venture capital investors. We believe the challenge of climate instability is the biggest opportunity for global mobilization we have ever seen. Now is the launch window for large-scale carbon removal solutions. We operate every day from a purpose-driven mindset which is necessary to reverse the current warming trajectory.



Core business
Image for Plants Enhanced for Carbon Capture and Storage

Plants Enhanced for Carbon Capture and Storage

... Discovering new pathways and traits for more permanent carbon storage ...

Canadian Discovery Ltd's Logo

1-10 Employees


CDL’s extensive subsurface knowledge and GIS capabilities support Clean Technologies including Carbon Sequestration and Storage (CCUS), Critical Minerals, Geothermal Energy and Water Disposal and Sourcing Solutions. We are using this foundation to strategically deliver CCUS site identification, Critical Mineral and Deep Geothermal assessments to clients world-wide. CDL has been trusted by over 300 organizations world-wide from finance firms to major operators. CDL believes that these initiatives are critical to ensuring a diverse and responsible future in Clean Technology, and we recognize the importance of building a sustainable future. CDL's deep understanding of depositional environments and fluid interactions in the subsurface has been our core competency for over 35 years and we are using this foundation to strategically deliver CCUS site identification, Deep Geothermal and Critical Mineral assessments to clients world-wide. As world leaders in reservoir- to basin-scale evaluation, we specialize in assessing subsurface properties, pressure, fluid flow, fluid chemistry and geomechanics. Our deep understanding of depositional environments and fluid-rock interactions in the subsurface has been CDL’s core competency for 35 years. As a company whose products and services are built on data, CDL has invested heavily in proprietary algorithms and workflows while leveraging the discerning human eye.



Core business
Image for Carbon Storage Introduction

Carbon Storage Introduction

... Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) are important tools to help Canada and the rest of the world meet net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 as set out by the 2015 Paris Agreement. Western Canada is well placed to play a ...

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Facts about those Carbon Storage Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Carbon Storage

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers249
Amount of suitable service providers255
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1986
Youngest suiting company2021

Things to know about Carbon Storage

What is Carbon Storage?

Carbon storage, often referred to as carbon sequestration, is a process through which atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is captured and stored to mitigate or defer global warming and avoid extreme weather changes. This technique can involve the natural absorption of CO2 by forests, oceans, and soil, or through artificial means such as the injection of CO2 into underground geological formations. The role of carbon storage is pivotal in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a primary driver of climate change. By securing CO2 in various reservoirs, either through biological or technological methods, it effectively removes significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. This not only helps in stabilizing global temperatures but also contributes to the health of ecosystems and biodiversity by maintaining the carbon balance. In industries, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are increasingly being implemented as a crucial component of strategies to reduce carbon footprints and achieve sustainability goals. The effectiveness and efficiency of carbon storage techniques are subjects of ongoing research, aiming to enhance their capacity to support global climate targets. As such, carbon storage represents a critical element in the broader climate change mitigation arsenal, offering a pathway to decarbonize the atmosphere while allowing for the continued use of fossil fuels in a more environmentally responsible manner.

Advantages of Carbon Storage

1. Reduction in Greenhouse Gases
Carbon storage significantly mitigates the impact of climate change by capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial sources before they reach the atmosphere. This process directly reduces the concentration of greenhouse gases, slowing global warming and contributing to a healthier planet.

2. Enhanced Oil Recovery
By injecting stored CO2 into declining oil fields, carbon storage can improve the extraction efficiency of oil, a process known as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). This not only extends the life of oil reservoirs but also ensures a more sustainable approach to utilizing fossil fuel resources, by offsetting the carbon footprint associated with additional drilling and exploration activities.

3. Long-Term Stability
Geological formations offer a secure and stable environment for the long-term storage of CO2. These natural reservoirs, such as depleted oil and gas fields or deep saline aquifers, have the capacity to hold large volumes of CO2 for thousands of years, significantly reducing the risk of leakage and ensuring a lasting solution to carbon emissions.

4. Economic Benefits
The development and implementation of carbon storage technologies create new job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in related industries. Additionally, by providing a viable means of reducing carbon emissions, companies can comply with environmental regulations more cost-effectively, avoiding hefty fines and potential market restrictions.

How to select right Carbon Storage supplier?

While evaluating the different suppliers make sure to check the following criteria:

1. Technology Expertise
Ensure the supplier has proven experience in advanced carbon capture and storage technologies. This expertise is crucial for effective and efficient carbon storage solutions.

2. Regulatory Compliance
Verify that the supplier strictly adheres to local and international environmental regulations. Compliance ensures legal operations and minimizes the risk of penalties.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
Assess the cost implications of their carbon storage solutions. Opt for suppliers who offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality and effectiveness of the storage technology.

4. Sustainability and Safety
Examine the supplier’s commitment to sustainability and their safety record. It’s essential to choose a supplier whose operations do not pose a risk to the environment or public health.

5. Scalability
Determine the supplier’s capability to scale operations to meet your needs. Scalability is key to accommodating future growth or increased demand for carbon storage.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Carbon Storage?

Carbon storage technology plays a pivotal role in the energy sector by enabling power plants to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Through capturing CO2 emissions before they are released into the atmosphere and securely storing them underground, these facilities can continue to generate power while adhering to environmental regulations. This process not only aids in combating climate change but also aligns with global sustainability goals, making it a valuable option for energy companies looking to future-proof their operations. In the manufacturing industry, carbon storage offers an innovative solution to manage emissions from production processes. Manufacturers across sectors such as cement, steel, and chemicals can integrate carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to minimize their carbon dioxide output. This application is crucial, considering the high levels of emissions generated by these industries, and represents a step toward greener manufacturing practices. The oil and gas sector utilizes carbon storage to enhance oil recovery methods while reducing environmental impact. By injecting captured CO2 into oil fields, companies can increase the pressure in the reservoir, thereby improving oil recovery rates. This dual benefit of boosting production efficiency and mitigating climate change effects makes carbon storage a strategic investment for the oil and gas industry.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Carbon Storage

Carbon storage, a pivotal technology in the fight against climate change, is predominantly situated at TRL 6-7, indicating that the technology has demonstrated efficacy in a relevant environment and is on the cusp of system prototype demonstration in an operational environment. This positioning is primarily due to significant advancements in capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide, either by injecting it into geological formations or using it in mineralization processes. However, several technical challenges persist that prevent carbon storage from achieving higher TRLs. Key among these is the need for comprehensive monitoring and verification systems to ensure the long-term stability and security of stored CO2, addressing concerns about potential leaks that could undermine the technology's climate benefits. Additionally, the scalability of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies remains a critical hurdle. While pilot projects have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of CCS, scaling these solutions to meet global emissions reduction targets necessitates further innovation in capture efficiency and cost reduction. These technical obstacles underscore the importance of continued research and development efforts to refine carbon storage techniques, enhance their economic viability, and ensure their environmental integrity, paving the way for broader deployment in the global effort to mitigate climate change.

What is the Technology Forecast of Carbon Storage?

In the Short-Term, advancements in carbon storage technology are expected to focus on enhancing the efficiency and capacity of existing carbon capture and storage (CCS) mechanisms. Researchers are working on developing more efficient materials for capturing CO2 and improving the integration of CCS technologies in power plants and industrial settings. This phase is likely to see an increase in pilot projects and small-scale implementations aimed at proving the viability of new materials and processes. The Mid-Term phase will likely witness the scaling up of successful short-term innovations, alongside the integration of carbon storage with renewable energy sources. Innovations in this period are anticipated to include the development of more cost-effective and scalable carbon capture technologies, as well as the exploration of novel storage methods, such as mineralization. This stage is crucial for demonstrating the commercial viability of carbon storage solutions and for beginning to make a significant impact on carbon emission reductions. Looking towards the Long-Term, carbon storage technology is expected to evolve into a key component of global strategies to combat climate change. This period might see the widespread adoption of direct air capture (DAC) technology, enabling the removal of CO2 directly from the atmosphere on a large scale. Additionally, advancements in storage capacities, including the exploration of deep-sea and space-based storage options, could provide innovative solutions to the challenges of long-term carbon management. The long-term success of carbon storage technologies will depend on continued innovation, supportive policies, and international cooperation.

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