Wind Energy
Wind Energy

Top Wind Energy Companies

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1906 companies for Wind Energy

enviConnect's Logo

Stuttgart, Germany

1-10 Employees


The idea for enviConnect came when we were all working together at the Chair of Wind Energy at the University of Stuttgart. The enviConnect EXIST Team now operates as a separate business, called enerlace. TGU enviConnect TTI GmbH Nobelstrasse 15 70569 Stuttgart Germany. Special expertise in the fields of wind measurement, lidar and wind resource assessment on land and offshore. Management and participation in national research projects, special expertise in in-situ and lidar measurements and data analysis. We believe that the energy revolution will need everyone's contribution, and that everyone should get the chance to contribute. We believe everyone should have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. We believe that human settlements should be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.



Core business
Image for enviconnect | Digitalising wind energy

enviconnect | Digitalising wind energy

... Save an hour a day using our apps for wind energy professionals. Simplify your lidar fleet management, speed up lidar data analysis, and plan more effective wind measurement campaigns. ...

Key Wind Energy GmbH's Logo

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees

Das umfasst schon den (weltweiten) Transport eines Rotorblattes vom Produktionsstandort bis zur Baustelle der WEA sowie den langjährigen Betrieb unter härtesten Einsatz- und Umweltbedingungen. Die komplexe Konstruktion, die Herausforderungen an die Produktionsqualität und die Unsicherheiten beim Transport und den Betrieb bei individuellen Standortbedingungen führen zu hohen Sicherheitszuschlägen im Design und damit zu erhöhten Material- und Produktionskosten. Zu unseren Dienstleistungen gehören Seminare, individuelle Schulungen und internationale Workshops für Brancheneinsteiger und Experten sowie die technische Beratung hinsichtlich Windenergieanlagen und Windparks.



Core business
Image for Key Wind Energy GmbH - Home

Key Wind Energy GmbH - Home

... Key Wind Energy GmbH - ...

Eolic Wall's Logo

Lima Metropolitan Area, Peru

1-10 Employees


We created an unconventional and highly efficient wind energy system based on aerodynamic structures called Eolic Cells, which double wind speed to get more power from the same wind resource and work with a magnetic levitation rotor. Because we care! There is no time for second thoughts, just as there is not a second Planet to call our home. We believe that every home, business and community should have access to inexpensive renewable energy. We aim to democratize wind energy for all.



Core business
Image for We are the next generation of wind energy systems.

We are the next generation of wind energy systems.

... We are the next generation of wind energy systems. ...


Machynlleth, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

We are a small company based in Mid-Wales driven by a passionate belief that wind energy works. We are a renewable energy company based in Mid-Wales. We know that our wind turbines tackle climate change through reducing carbon emissions, but also generate revenue for community groups and landowners. We know that wind energy works and are committed to bringing clean, green energy to Britain at affordable prices. Secondwind offers a wide range of services from design, feasibility, technical and financial planning, to installation and maintenance. All turbines come with a guarantee and built-in maintenance costs.



Image for Services – Second Wind Energy

Services – Second Wind Energy

... Services – Second Wind Energy ...

Time Marine Inc.'s Logo

Conroe, United States

11-50 Employees


Our innovative firm has applied over 25 years of expertise to an extensive range of land, air, and ocean-going cargo transportation projects. To date, we have completed over 2,700+ projects, continuing our company mission to effectively satisfy client project requirements.



Image for Wind Energy Transport Analysis | Time Marine

Wind Energy Transport Analysis | Time Marine

... Wind Energy Transport Analysis Requirements TIME Marine was commissioned to assist with the design and analysis of a stow plan concept created to reduce the number of cargo voyages. Solution TIME Marine completed the following scope of work: Ship seaway motions study Structural analysis of ...

Triconti ECC Renewables Corporation's Logo

Makati, Philippines

11-50 Employees


The Triconti ECC Renewables Corporation (Triconti) is a Swiss-German-Filipino Joint Venture, dedicated to providing clean power and energy resiliency to the Philippines. Triconti is a member of Corporate Energies, a European renewable energy group that offers the whole range of expertise to fulfill customer needs for planning, financing, construction, operation or optimization of clean energy power plants. In the Philippines, Triconti focuses on Wind Energy. Triconti plays an active role shaping the future of clean and sustainable Energy in the Philippines. Triconti is currently delivering project development and technical consulting services to multiple wind projects in the Philippines, both onshore and offshore. Triconti offers Project Development and Technical Consulting for all project phases from greenfield development to commissioning. Triconti takes pride in having assembled an exceptional team of experts with different backgrounds from Engineering to Law. Triconti offers a wide range of technical services:.



Core business
Image for Triconti ECC Wind Energy Philippines

Triconti ECC Wind Energy Philippines

... Project Development & Technical Consulting for Wind Energy in the Philippines. Harnessing the Wind's Power Through Swiss Foresight, German Engineering and Filipino Ingenuity for a Greener ...

Corporate Energies's Logo

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees

The team of qualified experts has more than 30 years of experience and accompanies the processes of planning, financing, realization, and operation of renewable energy projects always in the interest and to the satisfaction of our customers. Corporate Energies offers the whole range of expertise to fulfill customer’s needs for planning, financing, construction or optimization of clean energy power plants. We offer the whole range of expertise in terms of planning, financing, construction and optimization of renewable energy installations. The team of qualified experts has more than 30 years of experience and accompanies the processes of planning, financing, realisation and operation of renewable energy projects always in the interest and to the satisfaction of CE´s customers. Corporate Energies is the suitable partner providing connected visions and a perfect project fit leading to a success. We offer to property owners worldwide the possibility to check their land for suitability for RE projects and, if possible, to make it usable for e.g. Already in the project development phase, we offer electricity supply companies (Utilities) the opportunity to secure electricity quantities from RE plants developed by us. We offer interested investors the opportunity to invest in such projects at various stages of project.



Image for Offshore wind energy projects

Offshore wind energy projects

... Co-development agreement with Iberdrola S.A. for five offshore wind energy projects in the Philippines with up to 3.5 GW total capacity  ...

Schwarz Consulting's Logo

Osnabrück, Germany

1-10 Employees




Core business
Image for Consulting für Wind Energy

Consulting für Wind Energy

... BSC - Consulting für Wind Energy ...

Clean Skies Technologies's Logo

Tempe, United States

11-50 Employees

Our mission is to make homeowners’ lives better by reducing their energy bills, decreasing reliance on fossil fuels, and by providing the best customer experience possible. We are here to help the planet but also you! Our goal is to make a positive impact on many individuals for a brighter, more energy efficient future. Our mission is to assist homeowners in minimizing their reliance on conventional grid electricity, resulting in reduced utility expenses, all while contributing positively to the environment. We are fully equipped to help you with roof measurements for solar panel installation. Clean Skies Technologies is a US company in the solar power division. At Clean Skies Technologies, it’s our mission to match homeowners with the perfect energy solution. Our company welcomes you to enjoy the benefits solar can provide to you!



Image for Project Planing - Clean Skies Technology

Project Planing - Clean Skies Technology

... How Wind Energy is Created IRecco Group is among the world’s leading renewable energy solutions provider that is revolutionising and redefining the way sustainable energy sources are harnessed across the world. Present in 18 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Americas, ...

Greenswitch Capital's Logo

Liverpool, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We are investing heavily in the latest renewable energy technology to ensure a sustainable future for everyone, with multiple gigawatts in our current pipeline. We are a leading expert at developing, building, funding and operating renewable energy projects. We are always looking for new sites and new opportunities. We are proud custodians of the land and will return to it's original condition at the end of the term. At Green Switch Capital we are a renewable energy business that continues to make a difference – helping the UK to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and laying the foundations for an independent energy market that isn’t reliant on other countries for power. We also have an Independent Connection Provider within our group of companies who can plan and undertake grid and high-voltage design and engineering works. We believe solar, wind & battery storage facilities will change the world. As well as being experts on renewable energy, we know exactly what it takes to get renewable energy projects off the ground and understanding the perspective of local councils and residents.



Image for Wind energy

Wind energy

... Wind energy | Green Switch ...

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Facts about those Wind Energy Results

Some interesting numbers and facts about the results you have just received for Wind Energy

Country with most fitting companiesUnited Kingdom
Amount of fitting manufacturers964
Amount of suitable service providers1118
Average amount of employees1-10
Oldest suiting company1991
Youngest suiting company2020

Things to know about Wind Energy

What is Wind Energy?

Wind energy refers to the process of converting the kinetic energy generated by the movement of air currents into electrical power. This transformation is accomplished through the use of wind turbines, which capture the wind's force using blades that rotate a shaft connected to a generator, thereby producing electricity. A renewable and inexhaustible resource, wind energy stands as a cornerstone in the global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, mitigating reliance on fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its role in the energy sector is pivotal, as it contributes significantly to the diversification of energy sources, enhances energy security, and supports economic development in regions harnessing this resource. Furthermore, wind energy projects can be deployed rapidly compared to traditional power plants, offering a scalable and flexible solution to meet increasing energy demands. The environmental benefits, coupled with technological advancements and declining costs, have propelled wind energy to the forefront of renewable energy technologies, making it a key player in efforts to combat climate change and transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

Advantages of Wind Energy

1. Renewability and Abundance
Wind energy is a clean, renewable power source, inexhaustible by human use. Unlike fossil fuels, it won't run out, making it a sustainable choice for long-term energy production. This abundance ensures a steady and reliable supply of electricity in areas with consistent wind patterns.

2. Environmental Friendliness
One of the most significant advantages of wind energy is its low environmental impact. Wind turbines produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or pollutants, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment. This makes wind energy a key player in efforts to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

3. Cost-Effectiveness
After initial setup costs, wind energy becomes one of the most cost-effective sources of electricity. The operational and maintenance expenses for wind farms are relatively low compared to traditional power plants. Over time, the cost of wind energy has decreased, making it a competitively priced option for many regions.

4. Job Creation
The growth of the wind energy sector generates numerous jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of wind turbines. This industry provides employment opportunities in rural areas, contributing to economic development and community growth.

How to select right Wind Energy supplier?

1. Experience and Reputation
Consider the supplier's track record in the wind energy sector, including years of operation and past projects. A reputable supplier ensures reliability and quality.

2. Technology and Innovation
Evaluate the supplier's commitment to technology and innovation. The use of cutting-edge technology in turbines and other wind energy components can significantly enhance efficiency.

3. Cost-effectiveness
Analyze the cost structure of the supplier's offerings. While initial costs are important, also consider long-term operational and maintenance costs.

4. Environmental Compliance
Ensure the supplier adheres to environmental regulations and practices sustainable manufacturing. Environmental compliance is crucial for the social responsibility aspect of wind energy projects.

5. Customer Support and Service
Assess the supplier's customer service and support framework. Responsive and comprehensive support is vital for addressing any operational issues promptly.

6. Warranty and Maintenance Programs
Look into the warranty periods and maintenance programs offered. These are critical for minimizing downtime and ensuring the longevity of wind energy installations.

What are common B2B Use-Cases for Wind Energy?

Wind energy, a key player in the renewable energy sector, is revolutionizing how businesses across various industries operate. In the manufacturing industry, wind energy serves as a cost-effective and sustainable power source. Companies are integrating wind-powered solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and operational costs, especially in energy-intensive processes. This shift not only enhances their environmental stewardship but also offers a competitive edge in the green economy. The agricultural sector is another beneficiary of wind energy. Farms utilize wind turbines to power irrigation systems and other essential machinery. This utilization of clean energy aids in reducing reliance on traditional power sources, leading to significant savings and promoting sustainable farming practices. It's a strategic move towards energy independence for the agricultural industry. In the data center industry, where energy consumption is notably high, wind energy presents a viable solution for powering operations. Companies are investing in wind energy to ensure a reliable, renewable power supply that can keep up with the massive energy demands of data centers. This approach not only addresses environmental concerns but also contributes to operational efficiency and resilience against power-related disruptions. Each of these use cases underscores wind energy's versatility and its growing importance across diverse sectors. By harnessing wind power, businesses are not only contributing to a more sustainable future but are also reaping economic benefits, marking a win-win scenario in the B2B realm.

Current Technology Readiness Level (TLR) of Wind Energy

Wind energy is currently assessed at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL), specifically between levels 8 and 9, which indicates that the technology has been fully proven and is in actual use in operational environments. This advanced TRL is attributed to several technical factors that underscore the maturity and reliability of wind energy systems. Firstly, advancements in turbine design have significantly increased efficiency and power output, allowing for larger turbines capable of capturing more wind with each rotation. Additionally, improvements in materials science have led to more durable and lighter blades, enhancing the lifespan and performance of wind turbines. The integration of sophisticated control systems and sensors has also played a crucial role, enabling real-time adjustments to turbine operations for optimal efficiency and safety under varying wind conditions. Moreover, developments in grid integration technologies have facilitated the smoother incorporation of wind energy into existing power grids, addressing issues related to variability and storage. Collectively, these technical advancements have solidified wind energy's position at a high TRL, reflecting its status as a mature, reliable, and increasingly cost-effective renewable energy source that is being deployed at scale globally.

What is the Technology Forecast of Wind Energy?

In the Short-Term, the wind energy sector is poised to see significant enhancements in turbine efficiency and grid integration technologies. Innovations such as advanced blade materials and aerodynamic designs are expected to increase power generation capacity. Moreover, the integration of digital twins and AI for predictive maintenance will reduce downtime and operational costs, making wind energy more competitive. The Mid-Term phase will witness the emergence of offshore wind farms as mainstream energy sources, driven by advancements in floating turbine technologies and high-capacity energy storage solutions. These developments will enable the harnessing of stronger, more consistent wind currents at sea, dramatically expanding potential energy output. Additionally, improvements in battery technology will help address intermittency issues, ensuring a stable energy supply. Looking into the Long-Term, breakthroughs in material science are expected to pave the way for ultra-lightweight and more durable turbines, capable of operating in extreme conditions. Furthermore, the integration of wind energy with hydrogen production could revolutionize energy storage and transport, leading to a fully sustainable and flexible energy system. This era will likely see wind energy becoming a cornerstone of global energy supply, significantly contributing to carbon neutrality goals.

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