Conveyor Engineering, Inc. Logo

Conveyor Engineering, Inc.

Designed Conveyor Systems | Supply Chain Solutions & Consulting

Who is Conveyor Engineering, Inc.?

Our mission is inspiring and always pushes me to look to find ways to deliver the best customer and employee experience in the industry.”. Designed Conveyor Systems (DCS) has 40 years of experience serving major clients in multiple industries by providing material handling, full-scale warehouse operations, and conveyor design solutions that are custom crafted for their needs. DCS was founded in 1982 and has grown to serve major clients in multiple industries by providing material handling solutions that are custom crafted for their needs. DCS independently sources parts based on manufacturers’ specification, considering price, lead time, compatibility, ease of installation, and availability. Our consulting team offers independent, unbiased evaluations and strategic recommendations for your operations. Matt Ferguson joined Designed Conveyor Systems in 2015 and has served as the President since 2018. Curt Kincaid serves as the Executive Vice President of Solutions and Growth for Designed Conveyor Systems and leads…. Meg Culler Smith serves as the Vice President of Engineering for Designed Conveyor Systems.

This company is:

Service provider

United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1982

Products & services of Conveyor Engineering, Inc.

Product Services - Designed Conveyor Systems image


Services - Designed Conveyor Systems

DCS has a team of customer support engineers dedicated solely to troubleshooting and issue resolution. Learn more.

Product VP of Solutions Interviewed at Modex 2020 - Designed Conveyor Systems image


VP of Solutions Interviewed at Modex 2020 - Designed Conveyor Systems

Check out Curt Kincaid’s Interview at Modex 2020. Industrial Sage interviewed our  VP of Solutions, Curt Kincaid, about our featured sorting solution at Modex 2020. Startup companies and companies that have really high peaks don’t want to spend a lot of money on sortation. DCS offers a solution that allows a them to enter into […]

Product The 4 Types of Material Handling Equipment - DCS image


The 4 Types of Material Handling Equipment - DCS

Material handling equipment helps a warehouse function by moving and storing goods. Learn about 4 main types of material handling equipment.

View all products


Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing
Conveyors and conveying equipment



Use Cases of Conveyor Engineering, Inc.


5 Tips to Keep Your Installation Project Running Smoothly in the COVID Era - DCS

Frequent communication among all parties is critical in the COVID era for minimizing the risk of disruptions and delays during equipment implementation.

Contact of Conveyor Engineering, Inc.

City: -

State: Tennessee

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Conveyor Engineering, Inc.

The company Conveyor Engineering, Inc. is located in Tennessee, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Conveyor Engineering, Inc. has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Conveyor Engineering, Inc. was founded in 1982

The company Conveyor Engineering, Inc. has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Conveyor Engineering, Inc. seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Conveyor Engineering, Inc.

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McCord Conveyor Systems LLC

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