Ddd Group, LLC Logo

Ddd Group, LLC

Gabriel Fuentes - DDD Group

Who is Ddd Group, LLC?

We are committed to adding value, measurable results and peace of mind to your project. We provide Integrated Building Solutions grounded on Innovative Methods and Technologies that add value and guarantee the long-term success of your investment. We are grateful when we find a general contractor that can understand the timing issues and standards we adhere to in our industry. We are confident that DDD can deliver a high-quality construction project at a good price. At DDD Group, LLC, we are committed as a general contractor firm to designing, building and maintaining high quality, sustainable and cost-effective projects that help our clients and all their shareholders achieve long-term goals and improve the quality of life of the people and communities we serve together. DDD structures are designed and built in a collaborative team environment using the latest generation technology and innovative management techniques like Design-Build, BIM, and VDC to improve productivity, reduce costs and provide clients with the best possible experience. Our 360° approach to services is supported by our custom model of Integrated Project Delivery , which nurtures a culture of continuous improvement and guarantees solutions built to fit your budget. At DDD we build projects in a collaborative team environment, using innovative tools and technologies designed to improve productivity, reduce costs, and give clients the best project possible.

This company is:

Educational institution
Service provider

Guaynabo, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1995

Products & services of Ddd Group, LLC

Product Construction | General Contractors in Puerto Rico - DDD Group image


Construction | General Contractors in Puerto Rico - DDD Group

Our Design-Build firm brings design and construction together, helping clients in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean overcome time challenges.

Product General Contractors in Puerto Rico | Sustainable Building - DDD Group image


General Contractors in Puerto Rico | Sustainable Building - DDD Group

Our team is focused on building strong, lasting client partnerships, which sets us apart as one of the top general contractors in Puerto Rico

Product Design-Build | From Concept to Completion - DDD Group image


Design-Build | From Concept to Completion - DDD Group

Through Design-Build, DDD can provide the success that clients look for: a project schedule with an improved delivery time and cost savings.

View all products


Office Administrative Services
Nonresidential Building Construction
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services
Construction management
Commercial and office building, new construction
School building construction
Institutional building construction
Hospital construction Building construction consultant



Use Cases of Ddd Group, LLC


Cuidad Lumen - Phase I - DDD Group

CUIDAD LUMEN I | Project Overview | Let’s Discuss Your Project | PROJECT AT A GLANCE | Location | Architect | Project Type | Market | Project Size | Service | Sustainability: DDD provided LEED Consulting Services in order to design and deliver the first LEED-Certified Low Income Tax Credit Multifamily Housing project on the island under the local “Permiso Verde” Sustainable Project Certification | Delivered on time and on budget even with substantial delays caused by Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 Hurricane whose devastation affected the island’s material supply chain halfway through construction. Building under construction withstood Category 5 Hurricane winds without any damages | Sustainability: Energy efficient systems and energy star appliances, low water consumption plumbing fixtures, recycled content materials, installation of low-energy glazing, cool roofs, LED light fixtures, occupancy sensors, bike racks, and solar panels | Related Projects

Contact of Ddd Group, LLC

City: Guaynabo

State: Puerto Rico

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ddd Group, LLC

The company Ddd Group, LLC is located in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Ddd Group, LLC has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Ddd Group, LLC was founded in 1995

The company Ddd Group, LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Ddd Group, LLC seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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