Edge Analytics Logo

Edge Analytics

Edge Analytics

Who is Edge Analytics?

Our products ensure that our client’s businesses witness long-term success through the value provided from our industry leading solutions, that turn big data into actionable insights. Edge Analytics is a risk analytics firm that is led by a team of experienced thought leaders and subject matter experts. Our combined and extensive domain experience is the backbone in our ability to help our clients’ turn big data, into decision-making information and actionable insights. This we have done and continue to do, by combining innovative thinking while using current technology to challenge the norm and solve everyday problems. Home grown insights, that deliver solutions that work for the local and greater African market. Over 21 years of combined experience in managing the end-to-end delivery of technology solutions within risk analytics across various industries. We ideate and implement fit for purpose risk solutions, that deliver consistent results while ensuring our clients’ success. We excel in converting complex concepts into innovative ideas that drive commercial and value-driven solutions for businesses.

Johannesburg, South Africa

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of Edge Analytics

Product Offering - Edge Analytics image


Offering - Edge Analytics

Risk Analytics redefined | Driving business evolution through smart risk analytics | Our Offering | Our Execution Model | Building trusting relationships that in turn increase the business value of our clients’ revenue. | Providing innovative data-driven solutions that support the delivery of our offerings. | Maturing our business capabilities to keep up with the ever-evolving industry and global risk standards. | Continuously refining our operating model and services to meet our clients’ working demands.

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Risk analytics
Risk management
Fraud and Financial crime
Consulting and Advisory
Professional services
Risk governance
Capital planning
Regulatory risk management
Product and service management
Information Technology & Services


IT, Software and Services

Contact of Edge Analytics

City: Johannesburg

State: Gauteng

Country: South Africa

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Edge Analytics

The company Edge Analytics is located in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Edge Analytics has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Edge Analytics was founded in 2020

The company Edge Analytics has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Edge Analytics seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Edge Analytics

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