Enlivened Choices LLC Logo

Enlivened Choices LLC

Enlivened Choices LLC - Family Entertainment, Healthy Habits

Who is Enlivened Choices LLC?

We are dedicated to creating fun, engaging, kid-friendly games and entertainment that invite players to offer their own perspectives on how they "See, Feel, Think, and Imagine" their personal experiences and relate to the possibilities of the world around them. We provide timeless and universal product themes and scenarios that allow players of all ages to practice communication skills and life skills. We are committed to creating games and entertainment products that are designed to inspire and guide children. We are relying on those of us who love and influence children to use our products to encourage children to be positive, respectful, responsible, productive members of society. Enlivened Choices, LLC is a next level business that successfully merges old-school and new-school games and entertainment concepts and formats. Stay up to date on our latest products and offerings!

Urbana, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2021

Products & services of Enlivened Choices LLC

Product Got A Habit? Habits Happen! image


Got A Habit? Habits Happen!

?Got A Habit? Habits Happen! is a family-friendly game that provides players with an opportunity to have constructive conversations about habits. At any point in the game players can feel free to listen and talk about the GOOD and BAD habits that concern them. The habits we develop as a child are mostly influenced by family members, friends, and organizations like schools, churches, clubs, sports teams, the performing arts, and other socialization experiences. Some habits are acquired because they are knowingly or unknowingly taught, practiced, and reinforced. Good Habits help provide a solid foundation for helping create respectful, responsible individuals. Bad Habits contribute to less favorable situational outcomes for individuals and society. This memory match card game is designed to create an awareness of some Good Habits and Bad Habits that have the potential to impact the lives of children in a significant way when they are on full display! Suitable for Ages 8+

Product Got A Habit? Habits Happen! Junior Edition image


Got A Habit? Habits Happen! Junior Edition

The junior version of our popular game! Adapted for a younger audience, this memory matching card game is exciting, engaging, and impactful! ?Got A Habit? Habits Happen! is a family-friendly game that provides players with an opportunity to have constructive conversations about habits.  At any point in the game players can feel free to listen and talk about the GOOD and BAD habits that concern them. The habits we develop as a child are mostly influenced by family members, friends, and organizations like schools, churches, clubs, sports teams, the performing arts, and other socialization experiences. Some habits are acquired because they are knowingly or unknowingly taught, practiced, and reinforced. Good Habits help provide a solid foundation for helping create respectful, responsible individuals. Bad Habits contribute to less favorable situational outcomes for individuals and society. This memory match card game is designed to create an awareness of some Good Habits and Bad Habits that have the potential to impact the lives of children in a significant way when they are on full display! Suitable for Ages 4+

Product All Products image


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Gift Card

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Card Game
Social and emotional development
Positive Reinforcement
Education Management



Contact of Enlivened Choices LLC

City: Urbana

State: Illinois

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Enlivened Choices LLC

The company Enlivened Choices LLC is located in Urbana, Illinois, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Enlivened Choices LLC has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Enlivened Choices LLC was founded in 2021

The company Enlivened Choices LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Education

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Enlivened Choices LLC seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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