Export Packers Logo

Export Packers

About - Export Packers

Who is Export Packers?

We are proud to share our commitment to effecting positive environmental and social change as part of the role we play in the global food industry. Seafood Division was established Expack (US) was established Eggnition was founded Courprie Fenton was founded. International Trade Division was established Launch of Family Delight™. We are proud to share our commitment to effecting positive environmental and social change as part of the role we play in the global food industry. Headquartered in Brampton, just outside of Toronto, Canada, we operate five key business segments: International Trading, Domestic Food Service, Retail, Asian and Fresh Seafood. To utilize industry-leading expertise and provide our partners in the global food ecosystem with access to the most diverse assortment of food products and markets. To SERVE as trusted partners within the food industry by leveraging our relationships and extensive product and market knowledge. To DELIVER resilient, transparent and efficient global supply chain capabilities.

Brampton, Canada

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 1938

Products & services of Export Packers

Product Foodservice - Export Packers image


Foodservice - Export Packers

Foodservice Our Foodservice Division markets both domestic and imported products across Canada to foodservice distributors, chains and independent operators. With a focus on seafood we offer the broadest, highest quality assortment in the marketplace. We market both private label and branded products. Foodservice Capabilities Our Foodservice team delivers sales and support to Canada’s foodservice distributor [...]Read More... from Foodservice

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Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers
Food & Beverages
International Trade
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods
Packaged frozen goods
Food and Beverage
Meats, fresh Juices
Wholesale Trade


Food and Beverage

Contact of Export Packers

City: Brampton

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Export Packers

The company Export Packers is located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Export Packers has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Export Packers was founded in 1938

The company Export Packers has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Export Packers seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Export Packers

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