Gima Beheer B.V. Logo

Gima Beheer B.V.

About us - Vacumetal

Who is Gima Beheer B.V.?

We are one of the leading producers of UV Metallizing and UV Lacquering applications on various of materials such as plastic and glass. We deliver, we never give up, we love what we do, and we do it with a smile… We are Vacumetal! This is what it is all about at Vacumetal for more than 50 years. That makes us proud of who we are, and what we do. Thanks to our fully automated production process, the most advanced technologies and the great skills of our people, we can meet the highest requirements and quality standards of our clients. Being one of the leading producers , a specialist in the field of metallization and lacquering of products for the cosmetic and spirits industries. By supplying excellent product quality , competing commercial propositions and a sound environmental policy , we exceed the expectation of our clients. To achieve this we follow a strategy including permanent improvement of our production processes with the use of the best available technologies.

This company is:


Oosterhout, Netherlands

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 1996

Products & services of Gima Beheer B.V.

Product Technologies - Vacumetal image


Technologies - Vacumetal

Metallizing | Lacquering | Colors | Sampling | Quality | Vacumetal disposes of 4 fully automated UV in-line metallization production lines. | Our inline lacquering facility is equipped with all coating and lacquering solutions: metallic, high gloss, semi mat, and protective coatings. | Matching the right color is essential. | Vacumetal has their own sampling line | Securing and supplying the requested quality is of essential significance.

Product Technologies - Vacumetal image


Technologies - Vacumetal

MÉTALLISATION | LAQUAGE | COULEUR | ECHANTILLONS | QUALITÉ | Vacumetal dispose de 4 lignes de production de métallisation UV en-ligne totalement automatisées. | Nos lignes de laquage sont équipées de toutes les technologies possibles pour proposer de maintes solutions : métallique, haute brillance, semi mat ainsi que des laques de protection. | Pouvoir présenter la bonne teinte est essentiel. | Vacumetal dispose de sa propre ligne d’échantillonnage. | Sécuriser et fournir la qualité requise sont d’une importance essentielle.

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Holding companies
Holding companies,
Management of Companies and Enterprises



Use Cases of Gima Beheer B.V.


Les références - Vacumetal

Les références | UV Metalizing & UV Lacquering

Contact of Gima Beheer B.V.

City: Oosterhout

State: North Brabant

Country: Netherlands

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Gima Beheer B.V.

The company Gima Beheer B.V. is located in Oosterhout, North Brabant, Netherlands. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Gima Beheer B.V. has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Gima Beheer B.V. was founded in 1996

The company Gima Beheer B.V. has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Gima Beheer B.V. seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Gima Beheer B.V.

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