GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT Logo

GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

Who is GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT?

Syntheway was founded in August 2004 by Daniel Laiseca and has been developing professional virtual instruments and audio effects plug-ins for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS operating systems, offering 38 products that includes: VST, VST3 and Audio Units formats as well as KONTAKT and EXS24 sample libraries for computer-based music production environments. The name Syntheway is a portmanteau of the words 'synthesizer' and 'way', as a path or method to create music through its software. Syntheway brings this groundbreaking technology to the musician, in the form of a software instrument or sample library, combining advanced sampling engine based on real instruments multi-sampled and synthesizing techniques to create natural, synthetic and hybrid sounds. Designing for usability: Syntheway VST, VST3 and Audio Units user interfaces are designed to be easy to use, easy to learn, easy to remember, and helpful to users. Syntheway is a Software Industry Professionals Member and OISV Charter Member (Organization of Independent Software Vendors). Syntheway has upgraded most of its catalog for macOS with native Apple Silicon support in a major update version, with a reduced upgrade price. Syntheway releases Alphatron Oscillion, a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer VST VST3 Audio Unit Plugins for Windows and Mac. Syntheway releases Phasewaver, a phase distortion synthesizer in VST, VST3 and Audio Unit 64 bit Plugin format for Windows and Mac.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2004


Sound Effects Design
VST3 Effects Plugins
Audio Units Instruments Plugins
Virtual Musical Instruments
VST Instruments Plugins
Audio Units Effects Plugins
EXS24 Sample Libraries
VST Plugins
Software Synthesis
Audio Units Plugins
VST3 Instruments Plugins
Sound Design
Software Sampling
VST Effects Plugins
KONTAKT Sample Libraries
Computer Software
VST3 Plugins


Information Technology

Contact of GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

City: Buenos Aires

State: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Country: Argentina

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

The company GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT is located in Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT was founded in 2004

The company GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology

Competitors of GuitarTempus Virtual Acoustic Semi Acoustic and Electric Guitars VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT



United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Digital Sound Factory Logo

Digital Sound Factory

United States

11-50 Employees


Synthax Audio (UK) Ltd Logo

Synthax Audio (UK) Ltd

United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


EastWest Sounds Logo

EastWest Sounds

United States

51-100 Employees


Spectrasonics Logo


United States

11-50 Employees


Wave Arts Logo

Wave Arts

United States

1-10 Employees


Synthesis Technology Logo

Synthesis Technology




11-50 Employees


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