Healthcare Data Institute Logo

Healthcare Data Institute

Healthcare Data Institute - International Think Tank dedicated to Big Data in the health sector

Who is Healthcare Data Institute?

The Healthcare Data Institute is a Think Tank, a collaborative structure, dedicated to the transformation of the healthcare system through the scientific and economic use of health data for the benefit of healthcare system stakeholders, patients, and citizens. Accelerate the implementation of "data governance" and "data strategy" by helping healthcare institutions to optimize their service's offer through the use of data, by supporting the development of data management tools to meet the demand for care in the territories and by integrating actors who have a legitimate economic interest (Pharma, MedTech, Insurance). Develop uses of health data by being an educator on new tools and new technologies designed for healthcare professionals, patients, and territories. Contribute to making health data a factor of economic competitiveness by bringing to light strong stakeholders able to influence global and European market. The Healthcare Data Institute is an association constituted in accordance with the French law of 1901 concerning non-profit organizations.

Paris, France

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2015

Products & services of Healthcare Data Institute

Product The production of healthcare data: ensuring that the system starts and ends with the patient - Healthcare Data Institute image


The production of healthcare data: ensuring that the system starts and ends with the patient - Healthcare Data Institute

The first case studies for educational purposes date from 1600 BC, described on an Egyptian papyrus (Al-Awqati 2006), and documents describing patients can

Product Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank européen dédié au Big Data Santé, lance son « Data Innovation Program » - Healthcare Data Institute image


Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank européen dédié au Big Data Santé, lance son « Data Innovation Program » - Healthcare Data Institute

Paris, le 4/10/2018, Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank français et européen dédié au Big Data santé, lance son premier appel à manifestation

Product Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank européen dédié au Big Data Santé, lance le Run#3 de son « Data Innovation Program » - Healthcare Data Institute image


Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank européen dédié au Big Data Santé, lance le Run#3 de son « Data Innovation Program » - Healthcare Data Institute

Paris, le 01/07/2020, Le Healthcare Data Institute, premier think-tank français et européen dédié au Big Data santé, lance son troisième appel à manifestat

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big data
think tank
data mining
machine learning
Health Data
Artificial Intelligence
Health, Wellness & Fitness



Contact of Healthcare Data Institute

City: Paris

State: Ile-de-France

Country: France

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Healthcare Data Institute

The company Healthcare Data Institute is located in Paris, Ile-de-France, France. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Healthcare Data Institute has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Healthcare Data Institute was founded in 2015

The company Healthcare Data Institute has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare

Competitors of Healthcare Data Institute

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United States

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